Tag: Sweets

Chocolate Coconut Truffles

I was in dire need of comfort food this week.  And not just any sort of comfort food – I was after the kind of comfort tthat only chocolate and condensed milk can give! It was definitely time to make Chocolate Coconut Truffles! 

Chocolate Coconut Truffles1

These little babies are a stalwart of the school fete or bake sale because they are not only delicious but have only four ingredients and are incredibly easy to make!  Now that’s a win – win – win!  It really is a marvel how anything with just four very simple ingredients can taste this good!  Mind you, they are a pretty good four ingredients. 

Chcocolate coconut truffles 2

The love of condensed milk runs deep in my family.  I have been known to eat it off a spoon directly out of the tin.  The biggest lover of condensed milk in my family was my grandfather.  When he passed his bar exam, his parents were, of course delighted and said that he could have anything he wanted as a present.  They were thinking trip abroad, motorbike or some other big-ticket item. Papa thought long and hard and then asked if he could have a can condensed milk all to himself. 

 Isn’t that just the sweetest (no pun intended) thing you have ever heard?  All that sugar didn’t hurt him either.  He went on to be a Supreme court Judge in Sri Lanka and in his spare time discovered a species of fish.  

Chocolate Coconut Truffles3


Sweet Treats For a Sh*tty Week

Why I was in need of chocolately, coconutty comfort food this week?   At the moment, we are allowed outside of our houses for one hour each day for exercise.  One measly hour.  So, during one of these hours, I was walking through the local park with the fussiest eater in the world and the dogs.  All of a sudden I felt the most terrible pain in my head. I was being attacked by a wasp!!!!  The worst thing, apart from the blinding pain, was that it got all tangled up in my hair so the FEITW couldn’t even get it away from me for AGES during which it just kept stinging me!!!

Then, on top of that I had an episode where I couldn’t breathe – might have been the mask I was wearing, might have been a panic attack, might have been a result of the sting as I have had allergic reactions to bee stings before.

All up, it was an incredibly painful and terrifying experience.  I had to go straight to the doctor and  I am still taking medication to bring the swelling down and have had raging headaches, bouts of sleeplessnes, and dizziness.  

Chocolate Coconut Truffles4

I told one of my friends this tale and after the requisite sympathy she said “There you are minding your own biz and something comes out of the blue and totally f*cks everything up. If that isn’t a perfect metaphor for this year, I don’t know what is.  It would only be better if it stung you in the arse”  I think she has a point.  

The point of both of these stories is that sometimes, the simple things are all we need to bring us joy. 

And wasps are arseholes.  


Here’s the recipe!


Chocolate Coconut Truffles

A tasty treat that is simple to make and delicious to eat!  Perfect for a bad day or an emergency bake sale!


  • Author: Taryn Nicole
  • Prep Time: 15 min
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 20 1x


  • 250g plain biscuits. I used Morning Coffee but any plain biscuit will do.
  • 395g can of condensed milk
  • 1 cup dessicated coconut
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • Extra coconut for rolling


  • Crush the biscuits into crumbs
  • Combine all ingredients except the additional coconut into a bowl and mix together.  
  • Roll mixture into walnut-sized balls. 
  • Roll balls in extra coconut.  
  • Place in fridge for half an hour to firm. 
  • Enjoy!


The mixture will not stick to your hands if they are damp when you are rolling the truffles into balls. 

Have a great week friends and bee safe!!!!  

PS.  This probably comes close to what I looked like in the park as I was being stung!


via Imgflip


Sighs of a Nun

Hello, people of the internet!  I hope you are all keeping safe and staying indoors!   And whilst you’re indoors,  why not make these little Spanish treats called Suspiros de Monja aka Sighs of a Nun.

I love food with kooky names so as soon as I saw these I knew they would someday make their way to here.  I know they are not chocolate but consider them my Easter treat to you!

Sighs of a Nun 1 (2)

When I heard the name, Sighs of a Nun, I assumed it would refer to sighs of ecstasy over how delicious these are.  Not so.  They are delicious but the sighs are definitely not what I thought they would be!

The literal translation is Nun’s Farts as the sound of a dollop of uncooked pastry hitting the hot oil makes a sound identical to a nun letting off!!!! 

I have noticed that my Sighs of a Nun are flatter than the ones I can see on the internet.  I think that is because I pan-fried mine instead of deep-frying them.  Either way,  they were delicious!  I was dubious about how much use the lemon would be in this but there was a distinct lemon flavour which I liked against the creamy interior and the crispy outside.  

Sighs of a Nun 2

One of the best things about them, in these COVID times, is that you only pantry staples to make them. And, eaten while still warm?  They are comfort food on crack!!!  Like warm, creamy, lemony doughnuts!  Albeit slightly flattened doughnuts in my case!  

There is a recipe for Sighs of a Nun in the Goodhousekeeping World Cookery book which is where I first found out about them.  They say Sighs of a Nun originate in Portugal and I have also seen recipes that say they came from France.  I ended up using this recipe from The Spruce Eats so we are going with Spain!  

Sighs of a Nun are fairly rich so just one or two will be enough…okay maybe three.  Four will be fine.  Hey, we’re at home.  Who cares how many you eat?  

Sighs of a Nun 3

 Signs Of a Nun?

BTW, if you ever try to Google this recipe, Google has a bad habit (😃) of thinking you want to know about the signs of a nun…

If you were inadvertently directed here because you are trying to decide if you want to be a Bride of Christ…I’m sorry.  I’ll try to keep the blasphemy and general debauchery down to a minimum.  Sorry about the fart talk above.  Given we are living in plague times, now more than ever I do not need the wrath of anyone’s God smiting me down.  

Having said that, potential novitiates block your ears.  

I can’t remember if I told this story at the time (it seems so long ago, for being less than a month!!!!),  But when we were in the Uber on the way home from seeing New Order my friend Claire and I got an absolute earful from the driver who was a total God botherer. He kept saying to us  “You people put your faith in science.  What is science doing to stop this disease?” 

Ummm….well…I don’t know EXACTLY.  But I’ll put my money on science coming through with a cure before any type of divine intervention!  And whilst we’re on that subject?   When that cure comes, I certainly hope all those anti-vaxxers are going to politely wait at the back of a social isolation distance correct line while the rest of us get the jab and can give each other a big old hug!!!!

Happy Easter everyone!!!