I’m not exactly sure where this recipe for Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets came from.  It has obviously been clipped from a magazine and sticky taped to a  piece of paper. But when?  And by whom?  It has been floating around in my collection of “Recipes to Cook” for as long as I can remember.

The recipe gives both imperial and metric measurements which would indicate it comes from some time after 1970 which is when Australia went metric but not too far after because people still understood imperial measures.  So it likely was not me who clipped it but whether it was my mum or my nana or a complete stranger I do not know!

Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets

Well, whoever clipped it so it could fall into my hands deserves a round of applause because I thought these were really delicious.  Emphasis on the” I” there.  The fussiest eater in the world was not convinced.  “What’s in these?  It is cream?  It’s not like the usual quiche you make.”

“I used cream cheese”

“It’s too much”

“Well…you did eat six of them….”

Both sides make a fair point here.  The Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets are richer than a normal quiche, primarily due to the cream cheese filling.  But you also don’t have to eat half a dozen of them in one sitting.

Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets2

I made these twice recently which is something I rarely do with recipes for the blog.  Usually, I make something, eat it, blog it and move on.   However, the first time I made the tartlets I used fresh asparagus.  I was going to post that version.  But it felt like cheating.  Of course a fresh asparagus and bacon tart was going to be amazing.  It’s asparagus!  And bacon!  And for those of us who like a little bit of rich – cream cheese!.  Would these taste as good using tinned asparagus?

Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets3

They weren’t quite as good as the fresh version but they were still really good.  And I am not being an asparagus snob here.  I grew up on tinned asparagus.  My nana’s asparagus rolls which only ever used tinned asparagus are one of my top ten things to eat ever!  The only reason I have not posted that recipe here is that I honestly think I could not do nana’s memory justice as my version would never live up to hers!

Anyway…that’s given me some food for thought…maybe I will post that recipe one day.  But as for the Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets?  They’re really good.  And if you find them too rich?  Stop at four, or two or one.

These also reheat up well and I thought they were also quite nice to eat cold.

They are also perfect fare for a socially distanced picnic in the park!

The Recipe

Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets5


Asparagus and Bacon Tartlets6

Have a wonderful week!