Tag: Reasons To Be Cheerful

Reasons To Be Cheerful Copy 003

Hello friends,  Welcome to March and 31 reasons to be cheerful!211744-MR-Narcissus-Mixed (2)


Week 1

Date How To Celebrate
March 1 – World Compliment Day

To celebrate:  Say something nice to someone you love or to a complete stranger!

March 2 1965 – The Sound of Music Debuts

To celebrate: Watch this classic film!  You could also eat some schnitzel as mentioned in the song “These are a few of my favourite things”.


March 3 – Soup it Forward Day

To celebrate: Make some Nourishing Soup and share it with family and friends.  


March 4 – National Pound Cake Day

To celebrate: My recent recipe for Marillenkuchen is a version of a pound cake.  Why not make one today? Marillenkuchen2

March 5 1963- The Hula Hoop was patented today

To celebrate: Why not give a hula hoop a go?  It’s a great way to exercise!

March 6 – National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day

To celebrate: Make my White Chocolate and Raspberry Tim Tam  Cheesecake!

White Chocolate and Raspberry Tim Tam Cheesecake5


 March 7 1999 – Stanley Kubrik dies   Celebrate the life of this iconic filmmaker by watching one of his classic films. My favourite is The Shining, but there are many others to choose from! 

Week 2

March 8 – International women’s day                  

Celebrate and support the amazing women in your life! 




 March 9 – National Meatball Day

To celebrate: Try my recipe for Molten Umami Meatball Sandwiches

Molten Meatball Sandwich
Molten Meatball Sandwich
 March 10 1997- Buffy the Vampire Slayer premieres. And it’s coming back!!!!!

To celebrate: Watch an episode or two of Buffy.  Also, RIP Michelle Trachtenberg. 

 March 11 – National Eat Your Noodles Day

 To celebrate: It may not be Thursday but that is no reason not to eat some Thursday Night Noodles!

Thursday Night Noodles With Duck2

March 12 – Alfred Hitchcock Day

To celebrate: Watch your favourite Hitchcock film.I am a big fan of Rear Window.  

March 13 – Chicken Soup Day

To celebrate: Make some Feel Good Libyan Chicken Soup.

 March 14 – National Pi/e Day

To celebrate: For a fun take on a traditional pie, why not make my Savoury Upside Down Pie?

Savoury Upside Down Pie 1

Week 3

March 15 – Ides of March – Julius Caesar assassinated                        

To celebrate:  Read up on Julius Caesar or watch the totally unrelated George Clooney / Ryan Gosling film. 

March 16 – National Artichoke Heart Day

To celebrate: Make my Frizzled Artichokes with Gribiche Sauce.

Frzzled Artichokes1

March 17 – St Patrick’s Day

Celebrate All Things Irish with an Emerald Presse

Emerald Presse2

March 18 1977 – The Clash release their first record “White Riot”

To celebrate:  We spoke about my love of The Clash last month.  This month we’re listening to White Riot


March 19 – National Poultry Day

To celebrate: Make my Festive Duck Salad

Festive Duck Salad


March 20 – World Whisky Day

To celebrate:  Try an Admiral Highball Admiral Highball 1


March 21 – National French Bread Day

 To celebrate: Make some brioche!


Week 4

March 22 1975 ‘Lady Marmalade‘ by LaBelle is #1 on the charts.

To celebrate: Play the song and make Jamie Oliver’s Lady Marmalade Salad.

March 23 – National chips and dip day

To celebrate: Make a Cheesy Egg Dunk!

Cheesy Egg Dunk 1

 March 24 – National Cocktail Day

To celebrate: Make a classic Champagne Cocktail!

Champagne Cocktail 3

 March 25  – National Pecan Day

To celebrate: Make Eva Marie Saint’s Christmas Adelaide Pecan Pie

Christmas Adelaide Pecan Pie2

March 26 – National Spinach Day

To celebrate: Make Dinah Shore’s Eggs with Spinach.

Eggs with Spinach2

March 27 – National Spanish Paella Day

To celebrate: Make a big pan of John Hillerman’s delicious Paella!


March 28 – National Something on a Stick Day                

To celebrate:  Make some tasty Balinese Satay Skewers!

Rest of March

March 29 – National Clam Day                             

To celebrate: Make a classic Spaghettini Alle Vongole

Spaghetti Alle Vongole

March 30 – Take A Walk in the Park Day

To celebrate: Take a walk in your local park.  Who knows what you might find!


March 31 – National Oysters on the Half Shell Day

To celebrate: End the month on a luxe note.  Make some Oysters with Caviar!

Oysters with Caviar3


Have a wonderful March!




Reasons To Be Cheerful 002

Hello Friends and welcome to our celebration of the little things!  Here are 28 Reasons to be cheerful in February 2025

February Celebrate

Week 1

Date How To Celebrate
February 1 – Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

To celebrate: Go on!  You know you want to!

Try a fruit-forward sorbet like my Rhubarb, Rose and Passionfruit Sorbet or go all out with some Millionaire’s ice cream!

February 2 – The first Groundhog Day (1887)

To celebrate: Watch Groundhog Day.  It’s such a good, fun film! 

February 3 – Carrot Cake Day

To celebrate, Bake a carrot cake. This post has two recipes: an original from Tina Turner and my updated version.



February 4 – National Sri Lanka Day

To celebrate: It’s a lot of work, but you can celebrate my cultural heritage today by making some traditional Sri Lankan Lamprais


February 5 – International Clash Day

To celebrateListen to my favourite band on repeat today! My favourite album is Sandanista, but you could also listen to the eponymous album, Combat Rock, Give Them Enough Rope, London Calling—or all of them!



February 6 – National Chopsticks Day


To celebrate: Enjoy your favourite Asian takeaway.  Alternatively, make David Suchet’s Chinese Lemon Chicken!



 February 7 – Ballet Day 

  Celebrate your love of Ballet with a Pavlova.  Did you know it was named in honour of the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova?

Week 2

 February 8 1885 – The Devil’s Footprints, hoof-like marks mysteriously appear for over 60km after a snowfall in southern Devon, England.           

To celebrate: Who wants to be trudging barefoot through the snow when you can ride a horse!  Celebrate this weird event with some Devils on Horseback.

February 9 – Potato Lovers Day

To celebrate: Who doesn’t love a spud?  So, let’s celebrate with Yotam Ottolenghi’s  Spinach and Gorgonzola Stuffed Jacket Potato. 
Spinach and Gorgonzola Stuffed Jacket Potatoes3

February 10 2006 – The last episode of Arrested Development airs on Fox.  🙁    

To celebrate: To mark this bittersweet occasion, enjoy a Breakfast Banana Cream, a nod to the iconic Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana Stand from this beloved show. Subsequently, I recommend a full Arrested Development rewatch. Who’s in?

 February 11 1977  – The heaviest lobster known was caught off Nova Scotia, weighing in at 44 lb 6 oz (20.14 kg)

 To celebrate: You won’t need a whopper of a lobster to make this delicious lobster cocktail!

Lobster Cocktail2

 February 12, 1939—Writer Judy Blume was born. I loved her books, especially “Are You There, God? It’s Me Margaret.”

To celebrate: Treat yourself to a delicious Late Blumer Cocktail.

February 13 1920- The League of Nations recognises in perpetuity Swiss neutrality

To celebrate this significant milestone in international peace, enjoy some Zurich Mushroom Tartlets!

Zurich Mushroom Tartlets1

February 14 – Valentine’s Day? Too mainstream.

Today, we celebrate the first gig of the legendary B52’s in (1977)! Wear a beehive, sip on a B52 cocktail, and dance to “Rock Lobster,” “Planet Claire,” or your favourite B52’s tune.


Week 3

 February 15 – In 1903, the first teddy bear went on sale.                                

To commemorate this momentous occasion, hug your childhood teddy bear or indulge in a Winnie-the-Pooh read-aloud

February 16 – Almond Day

To celebrate: Bake some almond cookies to celebrate this delicious nut!

Almond Cookies2

February 17 – Cabbage Day      In honor of this humble vegetable, prepare your favourite slaw or some cabbage rolls with merguez

Cabbage Rolls with Merguez

February 18 – Drink Wine Day

To celebrate: Say “Ole” to today with some Cheery Cherry Sangria


February 19 – In 1964, in response to Beatlemania, a massive shipment
of half a ton of Beatles wigs was flown from the UK to the US. This shipment was a testament to the sheer popularity of the band and the desire of American fans to emulate their iconic mop-top hairstyles

To celebrate, don your kookiest wig, bake a Beatles Cake, and sing along to your favourite Fab Four tunes. And let me know your favourite Beatles song!  Mine is “Here Comes The Sun”.

beatles cake5


February 20 – It’s Clean Out Your Bookshelves Day!   

This is a much-needed day! My goal is to donate any book that doesn’t fit on my shelves. Wish me luck!


February 21 – In 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published “The Communist Manifesto,” a foundational text of communism.

Whether we believe in the tenets of this book or not, let’s celebrate the day with a Red Signal.

Seamist 2

Week 4

February 22 – National Margarita Day / National Supermarket Employees Day / National Walk Your Dog Day


To celebrate this trifecta of holidays, take your dog for a walk to the supermarket, show extra appreciation to the employees, and gather the ingredients for a well-deserved margarita!

Cherry Beer Margaritas3

 February 23 – 1931.  RIP Dame Nellie Melba.  Not only was she a fantastic opera singer, but she also lent her name to Peach Melba and Melba Toast.  

To celebrate: Sing an aria.  Or enjoy a delicious Peach Melba

February 24 – Twin Peaks Day


To celebrate: Commemorate the arrival of Agent Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks by raising a glass of “Leland Palmer” and indulging in an episode or two of this cult classic.

Leland Palmer1


 On February 25 1923 – Happy Birthday Harper Lee!


To celebrate this literary icon, savour a Tequila Mockingbird.

I’ll also be remembering the dramatic reading I did from “To Kill A Mockingbird” as part of my Year 11 Drama exam! 

Tequila Mockingbird1

February 26 – National Pistachio Day

To celebrate: Level up your cheeseboard by making a Fig, Fennel and Pistachio Roulade. (Recipe to come)

February 27  – National Chocolate Cake Day

To celebrate: Make Nigella’s Devil’s Food Cupcakes!  

Devil's Food Cupcake4

February 28 – National Floral Design Day.                                To celebrate: I love a floral print.  You can see the dress on the left and many others on my floral dress pinterest board

Have a fabulous February, and please let me know what and how you choose to celebrate!




Reasons To Be Cheerful

Hello friends,  2024 was a year of significant loss for our family. Amongst other setbacks, we lost my father in May and our beloved dog, Holly, earlier this month. These losses deeply affected us, leaving us navigating grief and trying to find our footing.

Our beautiful girl Holly

Grief can be an overwhelming weight, especially when losses accumulate. However, as we move forward into 2025, I’m determined to focus on finding joy in the small moments life brings; in finding the little glimmers of sun between the clouds.  To help with that, I have prepped a list of some little things that may bring joy, even during the hard times. Here is my list for January.  

Week 1

Date How To Celebrate
January 1 – Bloody Mary Day To celebrate: Start the new year with a classic Bloody Mary.
Don’t skimp on the horseradish!
January 2 – Cream Puff Day

To celebrate: Indulge in some delicious profiteroles to honour the choux pastry.

January 3 – 1924: King Tutankhamun’s Tomb is opened by Howard Carter To celebrate: Commemorate this historical event with some Eggs Hamine.
Why not also enjoy a cracking read with “Death on the Nile.”
January 4 – National Spaghetti Day

To celebrate: Learn how to twirl your spaghetti like a pro with the help of Margaret Fulton.

January 5 – The word “hamburger” first appeared in a Walla Walla Washington newspaper today in 1889

To celebrate: Skip the fast food line.  Make your own delicious Devilled Hamburgers.

January 6 – In 1988 the famous Paris Restaurant La Coupole was sold.

La Coupole had many famous regulars including Jean Cocteau,
Josephine Baker, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone De Beauvoir,
Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway and Ava Gardner

To celebrate: Enjoy a classic Welsh Rarebit a dish that was popular at this iconic Parisian restaurant.

 January 7 – American Pie is #1 on the charts for Don McLean in 1972   Celebrate like a good old boy with some Whiskey and Rye Blondies

Week 2

 January 8 1947 – David Bowie born                  

To celebrate: Dye your hair! 
Paint stripes on your face!
Be the glammest, most original Starman (or woman) you can be!

 January 9 – National Apricot Day To celebrate: Enjoy the sweetness of apricots with a refreshing Apricot and Basil Sorbet.
 January 10 – National Houseplant  Appreciation Day             To celebrate: Spend some time with your plants. Play them some classical music and
enjoy the air-purifying benefits they bring to your home. 
 January 11 – National Vision Board Day  To celebrate: Create a vision board to help you achieve your goals for the year.
You can take some inspo from my Pinterest vision board, if you like! 
 January 12 – National Chicken Curry Day

To celebrate: Treat yourself to a delicious Chicken Curry Mildura.

 January 13 – National Peach Melba Day To celebrate: Indulge in this classic dessert: Peaches, raspberries, and ice cream.
 January 14 – It’s Poetry At Work Day

To celebrate: Share a poem with a colleague (keep it appropriate!)
For a fun story about poetry that got out of hand follow the link.

Week 3

 January 15 – National Bagel Day                              

To celebrate: Enjoy a delicious bagel with your favourite toppings.

Holey Art Thou

January 16 – Jaws by Peter Benchley was published today back in 1974.

To celebrate: Watch the classic movie adaptation of “Jaws”.   Enjoy a classic
Fish and Chips dinner.
Fish and Chips3
January 17 – International Day of Italian Cuisines      To celebrate: Explore the vast world of Italian cuisine. What’s your favourite Italian dish? 
I’m going to remake Spaghetti Diable

Spaghetti Diable 3

January 18 – Captain Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands today in 1778. He named them the Sandwich Islands after Lord Sandwich.

To celebrate: Make yourself a delicious sandwich. Try an Elsa Greer for a unique twist.

January 19 – Tin Can Day To celebrate: Get creative in the kitchen and use those tin cans to make delicious meals.
Try Satanic Sardines for inspiration.
Satanic Sardines 4
January 20 – In 1968 Bonnie and Clyde premiered today. Crime has never been so glamorous!  To celebrate: Watch this classic film and sip a Faye Dunaway Cocktail
Faye Dunaway Cocktail1
January 21 – Also in 1968, the Battle of Khe Sahn began We’re not really celebrating a battle but the classic Australian rock song “Khe Sahn” it inspired.  We’ll also eat some delicious Vietnamese food like my Cha Ca La Vuong

Week 4

January 22 – National Polka Dot Day
To celebrate: Embrace the fun and playful spirit of polka dots. You can check out my
polka-dot Pinterest Board here
Don’t forget to make some Polka Dot Popcorn!
Polka Dot Popcorn
 January 23 – National Pie Day To celebrate: Enjoy a delicious slice of pie like my Upside Down Savoury Pie
Savoury Upside Down Pie 1
 January 24 – Beer Can Appreciation Day To celebrate: Appreciate the ingenuity of the beer can and enjoy a refreshing beverage.
Try making Old Bay Beer Can Chicken
Old Bay Beer Can Chicken4
 January 25 – Tatiana / Student’s Day
Tatiana Day is celebrated throughout the former USSR. 
The day starts with a church service, speeches and prize-givings.
It ends with parties and lots of vodka revelry.

To celebrate: Enjoy some  Moscow Potatoes. Revelry optional! 

Moscow Potatoes

January 26 – National Peanut Brittle Day To celebrate: Indulge in this sweet and crunchy treat.  It’s easy to make in your microwave.
January 27 – 2021 – Reports on the Cookie Monster Agate,
found in Brazil in late 2020 go viral
Cookie Monster Agate
To celebrate: Enjoy a delicious cookie in honour of this adorable discovery.
White Ladies4
January 28 – National Daisy Day                                     To celebrate: Spend some time appreciating the beauty of daisies.  Start with this pic of our Daisy!

Rest of January

January 29 – National Corn Chip Day                                         To celebrate: Enjoy a plate of nachos or try Joan Crawford’s Danti Chips for something different!
January 30 – National Croissant Day To celebrate: Enjoy a flaky and delicious Ham and Cheese Croissant
January 31 – National Hot Chocolate Day To celebrate: Warm up with a delicious and comforting cup of hot chocolate.
Try a Rum Spiked Cocoa for a special treat.

Before we get to January though, I want to thank all my readers!  I wish you all the very best for a wonderful 2025!  Happy New Year!
