Greetings friends and welcome to Jamaica!  Today, on the back of my trip to tropical FNQ (Far North Queensland), I am featuring a recipe from the Caribbean. Riceycoco comes to us via the pages of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972). It also comes very high on the list of words I find pleasant to say!  And that is all the justification I needed to make it!




Riceycoco, is as the name suggests, rice cooked in coconut milk.  It is traditionally eaten for breakfast which reminded me of a Sri Lankan dish called Kiribath (milk rice).  There the difference ends.  Kiribath is eaten with chutneys and sambols as a savoury dish whereas Riceycoco is sweet.    I am not fond of a sweet breakfast so I ate mine as a dessert, similar to a rice pudding.  To amp up the tropical vibes, I added some mango to the mix.  

Riceycoco2Rice and coconut milk is a classic in many Asian countries and I enjoyed the twist of having a sweet version of something I am more familiar with as a savoury dish.  It was also a nice reminder of the tropics now we are back in cold, grey Melbourne! Its also a very soothing comfort food – a little bit like being cocooned in a warm cuddlepillar!

Daisy - Cuddlepillar

Riceycoco – The Recipe & Notes


Riceycoco Recipe

  • I used coconut milk from a can instead of fresh coconut milk.
  • I also swapped out the brown sugar for maple syrup.
  • I served some additional coconut milk on the side.  
  • This would also be spectacular with a dollop of coconut yoghurt.

If you want to be reminded of the tropics, like a sweet breakfast or want the nursery comfort of a rice pudding why not give Riceycocoa try  Even just so you get to say the name a few times!  

Have a great week!