Festive Duck Salad & Oscar’s Story

 A few of the recipes in Salads For All Seasons have odd names that have little bearing on the contents.  Take the Sportsman’s Saturday Salad I made a few weeks ago.  This one however is exactly what it says on the box.  With it’s gorgeous shades of green and red, it’s very festive.   It’s duck.  And it’s salad.

And it’s deeeelicious!!!

Festive Duck Salad2
Festive Duck Salad2

 I have a weird issue with duck.  I love to eat it.  Really love to eat it.  But I find it very hard to cook correctly.  I also have an issue in that we live very close to a lake.  The ducks there are so tame; when they see you coming they come racing all the way across the lake because you might have food for them.  Which we never do.  Because we already have two walking, barking dustbins that are more than ready to consume any scraps. But seeing them and particularly the ever so cute ducklings in Spring does make me feel a bit guilty about eating them.  Also I’m sure I heard somewhere that ducks mate for life and it always makes me sad that somewhere out there is a lonely duck who has lost the love of it’s life and will spend the rest of his or her life alone.

Ok, so now that I’ve put you off eating my yummy salad, let’s talk about something else for a while so we forget the lonely ducks.  

Oscar also has a complicated relationship with the birds on the lake.  The swans more than the ducks though. A swan at Williamstown beach had a go at Lulu when she was younger.  She keeps her distance.  He is just fascinated….
Oscar & The Swans 2 And now feels like a good time to tell you the Oscar  story because it is our personal Christmas miracle.

December 2012, I was working at a place that I hated and was day by day destroying my will to live.  Seriously.  One of the few days of joy in those last 6 months was that, as a team, we worked with the RSPCA on Santa Paws.  Santa Paws is a fabulous initiative where people bring in their pets for a photo with Santa that then gets printed onto Christmas cards, keyrings etc.  It’s pretty cool.  And not just dogs, people were bringing in goats and kittens and goldfish.  It was awesome. 

After our shift finished I asked if I could go have a look in the kennels. There was a very cute beagle but it was going to Beagle rescue the next day.  In the next cage was a big lolloping gangly boy who came running over and as soon as I patted him fell over for a belly rub.  And he was lovely and an incredibly weird combination of a Greyhound and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Which seems like a combination that doesn’t work however you play it.  

But there he was.

Oscar Sleeping
Oscar Sleeping

And then I read the sign on his cage.  It said something like “I have been here for nearly 100 days and lots of people have looked at me; then they leave with their new puppy.  I just want a home with a family who loves me as much as I will love them.” 

OMG, it makes me cry even now. 

The poor little fucker was two years old and it was his third time at the RSPCA.  He had been born there; the last owners had brought him back because they could no longer afford to feed him.  We also strongly suspect he has been massively ill-treated because even now, he will cringe at any loud noise, like a door slamming for the wind, he is pretty much scared of his own shadow.

So I went home and Mark was “So how was it,  did you have a great time?”

And I started to tell him.  And I got as far as  “There was a dog and he had a sign…” and then I cried.  For hours.  And when he could finally get the story out of me, he cried.  And then he sighed and said  “So, when do we go get him?” Bear in mind at this time, we were living in a one bedroom apartment, and we already had one dog.  A second dog was also going to be a stretch and a real life changer, and not in a good way,  for us. But we reasoned, it would only be a couple of months until we moved into the house we were building so we all had a bit more room to breathe.  That couple of months turned out  to be nearly a year….

OscarBut who could resist that face? 

The next morning we took Lulu and we went to get him.  Our get-out card was that if Lulu hated him he couldn’t  come.  She is so bossy that we couldn’t have another dog that challenged her authority and fought with her all the time. 

So we drove for an hour in a huge rainstorm where you couldn’t even see ten metres in front of the car and I was really scared driving in such bad weather but I did it because I was so happy that we could take him home.  When we got there he came running up but then he turned away.  He was really disinterested in us – as if he was sick of investing in people who weren’t going to take him.

Mark liked him and Lulu didn’t kill him.  So it was pretty much a done deal that we were taking him. 

Until they told us that we couldn’t. 

Lulu and Oscar Front Door
Lulu and Oscar Front Door

Their  dog psychologist had deemed he was food possessive and could not be in a house with another dog. 

We argued and argued the point.  We said Lulu is such a dominant dog she would NEVER let anyone come between her and her food but they stood firm.  We could not take him. 

I cried all the way home. 

Oscar Lulu 2
Oscar Lulu 2

 About four days later, I got a call from the RSPCA.  “Are you the girl who wanted to buy Thor?” Oh, yeh, his former name was Thor….we didn’t want a dog called Thor so we renamed him.    Anyway, yes that was me.  “Well the psychologist has reevaluated him.  He’s  all yours.”

Two years on,  I can’t imagine life without him.  He is the sweetest, most gentle, most affectionate boy in the world.  With an increasing cheekiness as his confidence grows. He knows this is his home and I hope he knows we will never abandon him.  I am confident we have given him the best life he has ever had.  We love him to death and, yes, the sign was true, he absolutely loves us in return. 

If you’re wondering why so many of the photos show Osky sleeping or in some type of bed, it’s because greyhounds are surprisingly, incredibly lazy.  He and Lulu get walked for about an hour every day and we are lucky enough to have an off leash park close by where, ideally, he can run with another dog. Ten minutes of flat out running during the walk and that’s him done for the day.  He’ll snooze for most of the rest of the day, waking up only to eat.  And there’s always time for a cuddle…

Oscar Cuddles

And then, it’s time for a bit more snoozing….

Oscar in his PJ's
Oscar in his PJ’s

We might be good to get back to the salad now.  The original recipe is here if you want it. I wasn’t taken by the idea of orange and egg so I omitted the egg and added some cranberries to my version.  Also, I used homemade mayo, also from Salads from All Seasons but you can use store bought if you wish.  Having said that, this one is super easy and tasty! 

I cooked my duck according to the Gordon Ramsay recipe here and it worked pretty well.  It was certainly the most successful I have been with duck. 


Festive Duck Salad RecipeMayonnaise

Festive Duck Salad
Festive Duck Salad

You could also make this with some leftover turkey post-Christmas.  It will lack some of the richness of the duck but will still be pretty good!  

I”m going to try to get one more post in before the big day but just in case life gets in the way, Merry Christmas to you all from me and a special Christmas Angel. 

We both hope it’s fabulous.

Oscar Christmas
Oscar Christmas

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

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Christmas Comes Early

Onion  LotusYou might be wondering what the flipping heck that monstrosity in  the photo above is.  Don’t worry, we’re not eating it.  You may also be wondering why the flipping heck I’ve suddenly gone all British.  No idea gov, lawksamercy, love a duck, what’s all this then? 

And, I’m done.  This is what happens when I watch My Fair Lady and Oliver in the same day.  It’s the same reason I can’t watch medical shows.  I get symptoms.  Seriously.  A few years ago we were watching, I can’t even remember the show, maybe RPA, maybe Grey’s, whatever.  The topic was the teenage basketball player who got bone cancer in his leg.  During the ad break I got up to go the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m going for a pee,” Because I’m classy like that.

“Why are you limping?”

Well duh….in my  mind at that moment I was a 17 year old athlete with leg cancer. Of course I was limping.  

 Huh?  How on earth did I get there? 

We were meant to be talking about the hideous thing in the photo above.  And below just to refresh your memory.

Onion  LotusThis is a coloured onion waterlily.  And it is my  early Christmas gift to all of you in the Northern Hemisphere. Because Rosemary Mayne Wilson says that these :

Look exotic for parties and are useful in wintertime if flowers are unavailable.

They are also useful if you want your whole dining room to smell of raw onions .  As I know so many of you do.  Merry Christmas  north of the Equator.  Don’t even bother to thank me.  You’re more than welcome.

And seeing as we are in the Christmas spirit, I thought I might give some special Salads For All Seasons gifts to a few of my favourite people.

First up is Erica from Retro Recipe Attempts. Earlier this year, Erica made this:


So she is not averse to awful soup recipes.  So, Erica, Buzz, kids.  Merry Christmas and please accept my gift to you of New Year’s Eve Dressing.  I really hope you make this.  And I hope you don’t hunt me down and kill me later.  Enjoy!

New Year's Eve Dressing

Next up, my favourite and yours, the fantastic,  fantabulous, Yinzerella.  Now you all know that The Yinz is fond of both some lamb curry and a lot of jello.  So, to the lovely and adorable Yinzerella I give the Curried Lamb Mould:

 Curried Lamb Mould

And just because I can’t imagine anyone else ever being ballsy enough to cook and eat this, I also give her this Quick Tuna Salad.  May the road rise with you Yinz, hopefully not as quickly as your stomach will after making this….

Quick Tuna SaladMy next gift is for anyone who wants to take up the challenge.  Your Christmas present will be my forever esteem because, you have gone where angels fear to tread.  Please someone make this and let me know if it truly is as disgusting as it reads….

moulded baked bean salad


There will be some good  festive recipes from Salad for All Seasons coming up…stay tuned and have a fab week!

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2





Sportsman’s Saturday Salad

Sportsman's Saturday Salad1

Great name huh? It just kinda rolls off the tongue.  Sportsman’s Saturday Salad. I have no idea why it is called that; but the name instils visions of mad hungry footballers coming home after a match demanding to be fed.  This is a relatively hearty salad with beans providing the bulk and salami and eggs providing the protein. I guess it is kind of a man salad….even though I tried to make it as pretty as poss.

Sportsman's Saturday Salad1
Sportsman’s Saturday Salad1

This gem comes from…huh…where else?  Rosemary Mayne Wilson’s Salad’s for All Seasons.  And it’s good.  Really good! 

He had a couple of mates coming over to do….things…in the garden pertaining to retaining walls and welding and digging post holes. Maybe.  I’m pretty sure it was something like that.  Whenever they started talking my brain did that thing they do in the Snoopy cartoons when the teachers talk….

I may have even started snoring at a few points. But anyway, there were, if not exactly sportsmen in my house at least some semblance of burly-ish men and they not only ate this salad, they wolfed it. I also pretty much ate my own weight of it so it is by no means limited to sportsmen. 

I did make it on a Saturday but believe me, this would be good any day of the week!

Sportsman's Saturday Salad2
Sportsman’s Saturday Salad2

Here is the original recipe and below you will find my tweaked version.

 Sportsman's Saturday Salad recipejpgCapsicums repeat on me so I always sub something else into recipes containing them. In this instance it was chopped cherry tomatoes.
I also subbed in 5 bean mix for the kidney beans because that’s what I had in my cupboard.
And I happened to have some of the saffron yoghurt left over from when I made the super delicious eggplant dish from Perisana so I used that instead of mayo. You have to waste not, want not with the saffron, that stuff’s exxy!

Sportsmans Saturday Salad
Sportsmans Saturday Salad

Because I am obsessed with finger food, I made mine into bite size portions but you could also make a big salad as per the original.

This is great, quick, easy tasty and I thought it looked pretty as well.

And remember, it’s not just for Sportsmen.  Or Saturdays.  It’s barely even salad.  It is really badly named.  But delicious!

Try it!

And have a fabulous week.

And let me know if you have any food you think is incorrectly named!

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

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Tasty Reads 2 – Persiana – Sabrina Ghayour

Persiana – Sabrina Ghayour

Confession time.  I have a massive girl crush on Sabrina Ghayour, author of Persiana.  Not in some weird way, I just want us to be friends, maybe even best friends. Mainly so I could go round to her house and whilst we chatted about boys and bras, she could make me all the gorgeous things in this book.  I would bring wine.  Then I could sleep over and we could put curlers in our hair and have a pillow fight. 

This book.  OMG, this book.  Opening this book was like falling in love.  Seriously.  The photography is amazing.  This is hard core drool worthy food porn.  Persiana is my easily my favourite cookbook of the year; it may well become my favourite ever (sorry Nigella, I’ve got a new bestie…)

Recipes marked to cook: 75

Yep, pretty much all of them. 

I actually feel bad I haven’t made more things from  it.  Paleo got in the way.  but as at 30 November, this is the tally.

p10 Broad Beans with Garlic Dill & Eggs (made)

Loved it.  Except for double podding the broad beans which took forever!!!  Tried it with edamame and it was not so good.  Sadly, looks like I will be double podding for some time as this was amazing.

Broad Beans With Garlic, Dill & Eggs2
Broad Beans With Garlic, Dill & Eggs2
  • p12 Aubergine Chermoula
  • p15 Yogurt with Cucumber, Garlic & Dill / Cacik
  • p17 Marinated Feta
  • p20 Yogurt, Cucumber & Mint / Maast O Khiar
  • p33 Turkish Feta Pasty Cigars / Sigara Borek Peynir
  • p35 Salt Cod Fritters
  • p36 Pistachio Feta Dip
  • p38 Safavid-Style Beef Pastries

p41 Baked Eggs with Feta, Harissa, Tomato Sauce and Coriander (made)

Baked Eggs With Harissa, Feta Tomato Sauce and CorianderLoved the flavour combination! This is pretty much my ideal meal.  One dish.  Eggs, Cheese, tomatoes, chilli.

 p45Lahmacun (made)


This one didn’t do it for me.  I like meat on my pizza to be quite chunky and even though I did not chop the meat through as much as Sabrina recommended it was still too paste like for me.  Use this same mix and make tiny little meatballs to scatter over the top of the pizza base and you’d have a winner from me.  On the other hand, he really liked it.

  • p46 Spiced Lamb Kefta
  • p48 Spice Salted Squid
  • p53 Eastern Style Focaccia
  • p55 Persian Flatbread  / Naan Barbari
  • p60 Persian Bejewelled Rice / Morassa Polow

p 63 Persian Basmati Rice / Chelo (Made)

I love a claypot rice and this is very similar.  Mine didn’t work out exactly as per the picture but I think it was an ok first attempt.  And Sabrina does say even the experienced cook sometimes needs a bit of luck to pull this off.


Sabrina Ghayour's Chelo


Persian Basmati Rice2
Persian Basmati Rice2
  •  p65 Rice With Lentils and Crispy Onions / Mojardara
  • p68 Spicy Prawn Rice / Maygoo Polow
  • p72 Lamb Biryani

p78 Spiced Vegetable Soup (Made)

Spiced Vegetable Soup
Spiced Vegetable Soup


  • p83 Persian Saffron Chicken, Fennel and Barberry Stew

p85 Chicken, Walnut and Pomegranate Stew / Khoresh-e-Fesenjan (Made)

This photo does not do justice to this delicious dish.  Either in how good it tasted or how pretty it was.  Sorry.  But take my word for it.  This was really good!

  • p88 Lamb Shank, Black Garlic and Tomato Tagine
  • p91 Persian Dried Lime, Lamb and Split Pea Stew / Khoresh – e – Gheymeh
  • p93 Seared Lamb and Apricot Stew
  • p94 Lamb, Butternut Squash, Prune and Tamarind Tagine
  • p96 Pomegranate Soup With Meatballs / Ash-e Anar
  • p99 Seafood and Saffron Stew
  • p104 Saffron and Rosemary Chicken Fillets
  • p109 Ras el Hanout Chicken Wraps
  • p110 Harissa and Preserved Lemon Roasted Poussins
  • p114 Saffron and Lemon Chicken / Joojeh Kabab
  • p117 Lamb and Sour Cherry Meatballs
  • p119 Mechouia-Style Lamb Leg with Cumin Dipping Salt
  • p120 Spiced Rack Of Lamb With Pomegranate Sauce
  • p122 Turkish Adana Kofte Kebabs
  • p125 Tray- Baked Rose Petal Lamb Chops With Chilli And Herbs
  • p127 Lamb and Pistachio Patties / Fistikli Kebap
  • p128 Spice Perfumed Shoulder of Lamb
  • p130 Seared Beef with Pomegranate and Balsamic Dressing

p135 Cod in Tamarind, Coriander and Fenugreek Seeds (made)

Cod in Tamarind, Coriander and Fenugreek Sauce
Cod in Tamarind, Coriander and Fenugreek Sauce

I made this during my weeks of Paleo.  I just left out the flour and pinch of sugar from the original recipe.  I don’t think the flour made much of a difference except for maybe bringing our the turmeric colour in the sauce, but my sauce was very tamarind tangy.  Which I love.  Even when I was a little girl, when my mum would make a curry I would dip a spoon in the tamarind and just eat it straight off the spoon.  If you’re not equally minded, add the sugar!  Also, we  don’t have cod so I used monkfish.  I loved this!!!

  • p136 Prawns With Sumac, Coriander, Lemon and Garlic
  • p138 Citrus Spiced Salmon
  • p140 Belly Stuffed Rainbow Trout / Mahi Shekampor
  • p143 Scallops And Shaved Fennel With Saffron, Honey, & Citrus Vinaigrette
  • p144 Za’atar Cod With Relish
  • p147 Bandari Monkfish Tails
  • p150 Blood Orange and Radicchio Salad
  • p152 Barley Salad With Griddled Broccoli and Za’Atar

p154 Radish, Cucumber and Red Onion Salad With Mint And Orange Blossom Dressing (Made)

Radish, Cucumber and Red Onion Salad with Mint and Orange Blossom DressingLovely!!! Fresh and Zingy!

  • p157 Puy Lentil And Quinoa Salad With Lentil And Sumac
  • p160 Tomato Salad With Pomegranate Molasses / Gavurdagi Salatasi
  • p163 Turkish White Bean Salad / Piyaz
  • p173 Chicken And Artichoke Salad With Yogurt Dressing
  • p176 Fennel And Apple Salad With Dill and Pomegranate Seeds

p178 Shirazi Salad (Made)

Shirazi Salad
Totally Yum!!!!

  • p181 Red Rice Salad With Barberries, Grilled Vegetables And Toasted Almonds
  • p183 Fattoush Salad

P184 Chargrilled Aubergines With Saffron Yogurt Parsley and Pickled Chillies (Made)

Chargrilled Aubergines
Chargrilled Aubergines

The very first thing I made and one of my favourite things ever!

  • p186 Date And Tamarind Sauce
  • p193 Harissa Marinated Asparagus
  • p198 Butternut Squash With Pistachio, Pesto, Feta and Pomegranate Seeds

p201 Turmeric and Cumin Roasted Potatoes (Made)

I could not find the photo’s of these.  They were pretty good though!

  • p204 Za’atar Roasted Squash With Spiced Yogurt And Pickled Chillies

P209 Spiced Carrot, Pistachio and Almond Cake With Rosewater Cream

Persiana  Carrot Cake

OMG.  One of the best things I have ever eaten. I got so giddy over this cake I tweeted Sabrina to tell her about it.  She didn’t tweet back so maybe that best friends thing is a non-starter.  However, in a year of good cakes, this and the Amanda Hesser Almond Cake are standout winners.  This is how good this cake is….I cut some slices of this to take to work and I started eating the crumbs.  Then I had a piece,  Then another.  I had three pieces of carrot cake for breakfast that morning and I am completely unrepentent. It’s that good.  Also, the most compliments I have ever received from the work crew about my baking.

You MUST make this! Sorry for the shitty photo though.  Too busy shoving this glorious thing into my face to take anything decent.    

  • p210 Baklava
  • p216 Pistachio and Lemon Shortbreads
  • p217 Strawberry and Pineapple Carpaccio with Basil And Mint Sugars
  • p221 Cinnamon and Citrus Almond And Pastry Cigars
  • p223 Eastern Mess
  • p226 Pistachio, Honey And Orange Blossom Ice Cream

p229 Pistachio Rose And Rasberry Madeleines (Made)

Pistachio, Rose and Raspberry Madeleines


  • p232 Syrup Poached Apricots With Walnuts and Clotted Cream

I am so looking forward to cooking so much more from this!!! Let me know what you like on the list and I will cook it sooner!

You can find the recipes for a few of the things I have cooked and some on the list here:

The Guardian Persiana Recipes

If you have Persiana or you cook any of these recipes please let me know how they turned out, I would love to see them!  And let me know if you love this book as much as I do!

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

Cheesy Eggplant and Salami Sandwiches

Memories, misty water colour memories….

Eggplant Salami Sandwich
Eggplant Salami Sandwich

As I enter week two of Paleo, there is one recipe that I made earlier this year that is lingering in my mind as containing pretty much all the sins of Paleo but all the glories of delicious food.  Funny, the things I thought I would be craving – coffee, chocolate, hummus…not so much…but if you put one of these in front of my right now, I would step on you to get one.

I found this recipe in the same folder I found the recipe for the Smoked Trout Empanadas.I’ve changed it a bit to include the chili and the original chopped the salami and mozzarella and mixed them together.

I’m not sure if the lure here is:

  • The gooey, melty cheese
  • The crispy breadcrumbs
  • The spicy salami
  • The silky sauteed eggplant
  • The slighty sweet tomato sauce
  • The little hit of chilli
  • Or all of the above

But believe me, the sirens are singing this song loud and strong.  And you will be too if you make them.  So crispy, so cheesy, so gooooood….

I’m not going to say much this time (because I might cry).  I’m just going to let the pictures speak for themselves.

Eggplant Salami Sandwiches 2
Eggplant Salami Sandwiches 2


Eggplant and Salami Sandwiches 3
Eggplant and Salami Sandwiches 3


Eggplant Salami Sandwich 4
Eggplant Salami Sandwich 4


Eggplant Salami Sandwich 5
Eggplant Salami Sandwich 5
Eggplant and Salami Sandwiches 6
Eggplant and Salami Sandwiches 6

Trying to remember, the way we were…

Have a fabulous week!

PLEASE eat some cheese for me.

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

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