Mainland Teriyaki

Today, we’re continuing our virtual journey to the South Sea Islands which started with Fish in Lolo Sauce. Our culinary adventure takes us through the pages of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972), where today we are rediscovering a classic recipe: Mainland Teriyaki.

Mainland Teriyaki 5

Setting the Scene

Imagine yourself on a secluded beach. The warm sun gently warms your skin while ocean waves crash softly against the shore. Meanwhile, the air is filled with the sweet scent of tropical flowers. Then, someone fires up a grill. Soon, you smell roasting pineapple and grilling meat. That’s the essence of Mainland Teriyaki. It captures the spirit of the South Sea Islands, even though the recipe has Japanese origins.

Although Mainland Teriyaki may not be for everyone, those who love a blend of sweet, savory, and tangy flavors will be delighted. The combination of sweet pineapple, salty olives, and umami-rich, garlicky, ginger-infused marinated steak is delicious!



For me, Mainland Teriyaki brought back a wave of nostalgia. It reminded me of a time I’ve only ever experienced through the lens of film and television. Specifically, it evoked memories of Gidget, the iconic surfer girl. Additionally, it took me back to when a young, handsome Elvis Presley was playing his ukulele on the beach in Blue Hawaii.


Mainland Teriyaki is a perfect dish to enjoy on a warm summer day. Or, if you’re feeling a bit blue, it can serve as a reminder that summer is coming, even if it feels like “it’s been a long cold and lonely winter.” The combination of sweet, savory, and tangy flavors will transport you to a tropical paradise, making you forget about the cold weather. 


Whatever your mood, why not fire up the grill and get ready to savor a taste of the South Sea Islands, courtesy of Mainland Teriyaki? 

Mainland Teriyaki – The Recipe

Mainland Teriyaki 4

At first I thought the inclusion of olives in this recipe was a bit weird.  They really didnt seem to fit in with the Asian inspired flavours of the rest of the dish.  But they really work together well here, just like they do on pizza!  

Mainland Teriyaki Recipe2

Have a great week!  


September 2004 – Feeling Fruity

Hello friends and welcome to September 2004. Today, we’ll be exploring a fun fruit-forward menu via Delicious Magazine. But as usual, before we dive into the menu, let’s take a look at what we were watching, reading, and listening to in September 20 years ago.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t rushing to the Cinema in September 2004. Resident Evil: Apocalypse was #1 at the box office, followed by Hero with Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow at number 3. However, all of these titles are drawing total blanks for me! On the other hand, I am very well aware of the number one book on the best seller lists – it was The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, which I think has been number one on the charts since I started doing these Twenty Years Ago posts!

While I may not have been greatly enamoured with the books and films of 2004, the music was another matter. 1985 by Bowling for Soup was #7, and American Idiot was #8. Finally, something for me!”

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake

Speaking of other things for me, let’s get it started in here (BTW, that was #2 in September 2004) with our feeling fruity menu!

The Menu  – September 2004

Feeling Fruity Menu:  September 2004

I designed my September 2004 menu using AI. It was a hard slog, and there were times when I was ready to throw my laptop against the wall. However, in the end, it was worth the effort. Even if I do say so myself!

Wicked Champagne Cocktail 

This Jamie Oliver recipe was very simple – pomegranate juice with sparkling wine. But it was also a great way to start our fruity theme for September 2004!

Wicked Champagne Cocktail

Wicked Champagne Cocktail Recipe


Prawn, Grapefruit and Avocado Salad

This was divine!!!  All my favourite flavours! 

Prawn, Grapefruit, Avocado Salad

Prawn, Grapefruit and Avocado Salad Recipe

Prawn, Avocado Grapefruit Salad Recipe

Duck Breast with Raspberry Vinaigrette

Another winner!  I had some pink pickled onions from something else I had made in the fridge and I added them to this recipe.  I think they worked well with the rest of the ingredients but, they could easily be left out.  

Duck Breast with Raspberry Vinaigrette

Duck Breast with Raspberry Vinaigrette Recipe

Duck Breast Recipe (1)

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake

Oh.  My.  Lord.  This was heaven!!!!  And for something that looks so gorgeous was very easy to make!  

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake2

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake Recipe

AA Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake


Orange and Rosemary Tisane

Drinking this made me feel very Poirot!  The blend of orange and rosemary was very pleasant and refreshing.  

Rosemary and Orange Tisane



My Nigella Moment – Asparagus Maltaise

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

This month’s Nigella dish actually fits the theme.  It is an Asparagus Maltaise.  Now I only learned recently that Hollandaise was the OG way of saying that the sauce came from / was isnpired by Holland!  It’s kind of in the name when you think about about it, but I had never put the two together before.  So…Maltaise is a Hollandaise with Orange.. inspired by…Malta?

Asparagus Maltaise

If you’re wondering why my sauce is pink…well the recipe called for Blood Orange and the Blood orange I bought (not on purpose, I literally grabbed the first blood orange I saw at the supermarket) were the darkest I have ever seen!   

Blood Orange

The juice looked like red wine!

Blood Orange Juice

It was that depth of colour that turned my sauce pink!  I thought this looked spectacular!   Pink and green are one of my favorite color combinations. And the flavour of that blood orange was spectacular!

Asparagus Maltaise2

This was delicious!!!!  One of the dishes that makes me so glad I am going back and exploring these magazines!

Asparagus Maltaise Recipe

AA asparagus maltaise (1)

What a month!!!!  I loved cooking these recipes!  They were all amazing!!!  And helped me to get my seven a day!   Have a great week! Signature2



Caliph of Baghdad

Hello friends! Today, I’m sharing a “twofer” post. First up, a cocktail called the Caliph of Baghdad. This recipe is from a 1933 book, Del Monte – Cocktail Recipes Mixed by Famous People for a Famous Hotel. I chose it because of its connection to this month’s Dining with The Dame book, They Came To Baghdad.  This book was originally published in 1933 for the Del Monte Hotel but has been brought back into circulation by my old pal, Jenny of Silver Screen Suppers and Dinner and A Movie.

Caliph of Baghdad

The Book

The book was inspired in  1933 around the same time as the the repeal of Prohibition. 

“John Caitlin, the eccentric Mayor of Carmel-By-The-Sea in California, established the Association for the Advancement of the Fine Art of Drinking and invited the great and good of the stage, screen and typewriter to submit their concoctions for consideration”

Submissions were evaluated at the Del Monte Hotel in Monterey in December 1933, leading to the creation of the book.

Ernest Hemingway, Marlene Dietrich, W.C. Fields, and the Marx Brothers were but a few of the great and the good to submit recipes.  I will definitely be featuring the Marlene Dietrich cocktail down the track, it sounds amazing!

Caliph of Baghdad2

The Hotel

The Hotel Del Monte still exists and it looks beautiful!!!!  And, the rates are not exorbitant.  I have never been to America, but my best friend lives in California so it is high on my list of places to go!  I wonder if we could have a night or two in the Del Monte when I am there so we can pay homage to the Association for the Advancement of the Fine Art of Drinking!

AA Hotel Del Monte1

The Caliph of Baghdad – The Drink

There is a warning that this drink packs a punch.  And it certainly does!  This is one that you want to sip slowly all night and / or add a lot of ice!  Having said that, savouring one of these over a evening is quite pleasant because the sweet  / sour of the brown sugar and the lime combined with the rum is delicious!

AA Caliph of Baghdad


I can absolutely recommend the Del Monte Cocktail book!  There are many delicious sounding cocktails from so many famous names! It is truly a little piece of history!

Have a great week! 




They Came To Baghdad – Cabbage Rolls

Hello, crime readers and food lovers! In today’s Dining With The Dame, we are heading to Iraq. They Came to Baghdad is a standalone thriller from 1951.  I am not a fan of Christie’s adventure novels, I far prefer the mystery puzzles and, honestly, I didn’t love They Came To Baghdad. However, this is offset by the menu item. I LOVE Middle Eastern Food and today’s recipe for Cabbage Rolls with Merguez Sausage is no exception.

Cabbage Rolls with Merguez

They Came To Baghdad – The Plot

“The belief in a superstratum of human beings – in Supermen to rule the rest of the decadent world – that Victoria is the most evil of all beliefs. For when you say, “I am not as other men” – you have list the two most valuable qualities we have ever tried to attain: humilty and brotherhood” 

Agatha Christie – They Came to Baghdad

Our heroine, Victoria Jones meets the handsome Edward Goring in a park in London where she is eating a lettuce and tomato sandwich.  He invites her to the pub for a sausage lunch.  I swear, I disliked both of these just based on their eating choices.  Who eats a lettuce and tomato sandwich?  And “Hey love, want a sausage? is no kind of chat up line – now, in 1951 or ever. 

Victoria who is later described as “An amiable nitwit with a lot of common sense” decides that she is in love with Edward.  (So maybe the “Hey love, fancy a sausage?” line is not as bad as we initally thought.  Who knew?)  Only thing is…He’s off to Baghdad on the morrow.  Undaunted Victoria decides to travel to Baghdad to find Edward and true love.  

Cabbage Rolls with Merguez2

Unfortunately, she finds a lot more.  We have:

  • A world wide summit of superpowers about to occur in Baghdad
  • A secret organisation trying to destroy the political status quo
  • A mysterious blonde called Anna Scheele
  • An explorer found dead in the Nile
  • A nearly dead spy in Victoria’s bed whose last words are ” Lucifer…Basra…Lefarge” 
  • Victoria being chloroformed, kidnapped and waking up with platinum blonde hair

This is not anywhere near the best Christie novel I have read.  BUT…it travels along at an abolsutely rollicking pace so even while recognising some of the silliness, you are also kinda, sorta gripped by the story.  And the saving grace is Christie’s absolutely vivid scene descriptions which put you EXACTLY into the time and place:

Outside in Bank Street it was sunny and full of dust and the noises were terrific and varied.  There was the persistent honking of motor horns and the cries of vendors of various wares.  There were hot disputes between small groups of people who seemed ready to murder each other but were really fast friends; men boys and children were selling every type of tree, sweetmeats, oranges and bananas, bath towels, combs, razorblades and other types of merchandise carried rapidly through the streets on trays.  There was also a perpetual and ever renewed sound of throat clearing and spitting, and above it, the thin, melancholy wail of men conducting donkeys and horses amongth the stream of motors and pedestrians” 

They Came To Baghdad – Agatha Christie

They Came To Baghdad – The Covers

They Came To Baghdad

Sadly no Arabic covers but these are all brilliant!  I really can’t pick a favourite! 

Cabbage Rolls with Merguez3

The Recipe: Cabbage Rolls

They Came To Baghdad Cover (1)

Fermented Chilli Sauce Recipe

I love the funkiness that a fermented chilli sauce brings to this recipe but you may choose to use a regular chilli sauce or, leave it out altogther.  If you are making your own, please bear in mind that it you need to let it ferment for around a month.  This recipe which comes from Eat California by Vivian Lui is absolutely deicious at any time and defintely worth the effort (and the wait) to make it!  And, as an added bonus you also get one of my notes to self about the recipe!

Fermented Hot Sauce

Victoria started by drinking a large glass of water and then fell to the rice, the bread and the cabbage leaves which were full of a rather peculiar tasting chopped meat.  When she had finished everything on the tray she felt a good deal better” 

They Came To Baghdad – Agatha Christie

Links to the Christieverse

Nothing that I found.  Please let me know if you found anything. 

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in  They Came To Baghdad

October’s read will be A Murder is Announced.  

Have a great week!


Nourishing Soup

Recently, while enjoying a delicious bowl of German Lentil and Ham Hock Soup, I remembered a quote from Crooked House

” Josephine and Magda got out of the car. Josephine had a bandage around her head but otherwise looked remarkably well.  She said at once: “I want to see my goldfish,” and started towards us and the pond. “Darling, ” ciried Magda, “You’ better some in first and lie down a little, and perhaps have a little nourishing soup.”  “Don’t fuss mother, ” said Josephine. “I’m quite all right, and I hate nourishing soup”

Crooked House – Agatha Christie

***Please note, this post contains spoilers for Crooked House.  If you have not read it and intend to, you might want to set this post aside until you are done!***

Also, the Dining with The Dame Book for September will now be They Came to Baghdad.  A Murder is Announced will be October’s book.    

Now, back to the soup.

Nourishing Soup

Unlike Josephine, I love nourishing soup.  And I am perfectly happy to be unlike Josephine as she was a murderous little psychopath.  Possibly because she didn’t eat enough nourishing soup which is something I always find soul soothing.  We’re almost done with a long, cold winter. And I was feeling a little poorly. Having a big pot of German Lentil and Ham Hock Soup helped on days when I didn’t have the energy to cook.

The soup was very hearty so was really a meal itself.  It did not really need some grilled cheese on the side.  But, IMHO, grilled cheese makes everything better!

German Ham Hock and Lentil Soup

Kindred:  The Cokbook

The recipe comes from a cookbook called Kindred: Recipes, spices and rituals to nourish your kin by Maria and Eva Konecsny.  These ladies also founded a Melbourne institution called Gewürzhaus. This is a “spice house” that sells a huge range of spices, spice blends, tea, cookware.  It is a little foodie heaven and close enough to my work that I can pop in for a browse on the days when I am in the office!  


I initially worried that the book was a vehicle to sell the spices and blends in the shop. However, these fears were misguided. For example, their recipe for Crunchy Chilli Oil, which is high on my agenda to make, lists all the ingredients if you want to make the oil from scratch.  There is also the option to use the Gewurzhaus Crunchy Chilli Oil Blend if you do not wish to buy the individual ingredients.

Some of the other recipes I am keen to try from within the book are:

Kindred is a lovely book with great photgraphy, thoughtful shortcuts and also a great success story for Maria and Eva Konecsny.  I am looking forward to cooking many more recipes from it!  

Nourishing Soup The Recipe

German Lentil and Ham Hock Soup from Kindred

Have a great week! I hope you are also being nourished body and soul!
