Name Plates: Steak Diane

Hello people of the internet and welcome to another edition of “Name Plates.”  This is where we take a look at the real-life people behind our favourite meals.  Today we are looking at the classic American dish of Steak Diane.

Steak Diane 2


What is Steak Diane?

Steak Diane is a panfried steak served with a sauce made from the pan juices from the steak, cream, brandy and Worcestershire sauce.   Of course there are thousands of variations on this but if we hone it down to it’s core, this is what makes a Steak Diane.

Back in the day, the steak was dramatically flambeed at the table!  No wonder it became so popular.  Who doesn’t love a bit of theatre with their meal!  How many over zealous patrons ended the night with burnt off eyebrows do you think? But hey, nothing speaks of a good night out like first degree burns right?

I did not flambe my sauce because I am a total klutz and the world is already going to hell.  I don’t need to be setting my kitchen on fire as the cherry on top of that particular pile of woe. 

It tasted pretty good regardless!

Steak Diane 3


Who Was Diane?

There are hundreds of theories on the Diane that inspired the sauce which inspired the steak.  One is that it was named after the young daughter of Chef Beniamino Schiavon who “invented” the dish at the Drake Hotel in Manhattan in 1948.

Another theory has the dish evolving from the Roman times where plates of game meat were often given in honour to the Goddess of the Hunt, Diana.  Over time and in France, these became known as dishes prepared “a la Diane”.  Soldiers stationed in France in World War I took versions of these dishes home and over time, Venison a la Diane became good old Steak Diane.

I actually believe that, in all probability, this is the origin of Steak Diane.

My Preferred Origin Story

I wanted to raise a less familiar theory, one that I found on this website.

Let’s take a little trip in the Wayback machine to London in 1938, specifically Mayfair, and even more specifically to a restaurant called Tony’s Grill.  Head chef at Tony’s was the eponymous Tony Clerici.

September 30 1938 was a dark day for Alfred Duff Cooper (yes, I know he has a dumbarse name but bear with me on this, he’s one of the good guys).  The Munich Agreement which allowed Hitler to “annex” Czechoslovakia was signed that day.  War was averted but for people like our boy Duff, this was only giving licence to that Nazi madman.

He and his friends gathered at Tony’s Grill for a dinner and some talk of doom and gloom.  I can almost guarantee that the phrase “thin end of the wedge” was used.  More than once.  Ditto “slippery slope”.

Recognising that the group were not in their usual jovial (ie big eating, big drinking, big tipping) mood, Tony Clerici wanted to inject some joy into the evening.  He did so by preparing a dish in honour of Duff’s beautiful and glamourous wife, Lady Diana Cooper.

And voila, Steak Diane was born!

Is this the face that launched a million steaks?  I really hope so!

Can we all forget about the other origin stories and enjoy Steak Diane as a celebration of anti-fascism?

The Recipe

I used the Steak Diane Recipe from the Australian Women’s Weekly Retro Cookbook.  And I must say….I think I got a pretty close resemblance!

Here’s the recipe. I added a tsp of Dijon Mustard into my sauce as well as it appeared in a number of Sauce Diane recipes I looked at, even though it is not contained in the recipe below.

Steak Diane recipe


As with many of these classic recipes there are a millionty one recipes on the interwebs.   Here are some variations to type not ingredients to the sauce:

Modern Day Diane

As ever, I get to choose a modern-day person to whom I would dedicate a Steak Diane.  This one was possibly the hardest one yet.  The early runner was Diane Lane, who starred in one of the movies that shaped my childhood, The Outsiders.  I ADORED the book of this film.  Sodapop Curtis was one of the first loves of my life and I cried a river or two when (spoiler alert) Johnny died.  Diane Lane is perfectly cast as the beautiful Cherry!

However,  in the end, Diane Keaton pipped her at the post.  What is not to love about Diane Keaton?  She is an outstanding actress, a style icon, a director, producer, photographer, real estate developer…is there anything she cannot do? If anyone deserves an eponymous  steak it is surely she.

Steak Diane

The above picture is a scene from The Godfather which is our current film club pick.  I am going to try to watch 1 (tonight) and 2 (tomorrow) before our meeting on Wednesday.  Good thing I have my reduced working week day off on Wednesday in case that plan goes awry!  I have never seen any of The Godfather films so this is a real knowledge gap for me.  Such a knowledge gap that I had no idea that Diane Keaton was even in it!  Okay, I have 6 and a half hours of movies to watch so I need to get moving.

Have a great week.  Stay safe and stay gold!

Peach Melba – Dining with The Dame 2

Welcome to the second chapter of Dining with the Dame which is all about cooking the food found in the novels of Agatha Christie.  Today we are delving into Agatha’s second novel The Secret Adversary which features the classic Peach Melba.  I was planning to make  Peach Melba for a “Name Plates” post down the track but The Secret Adversary pipped it at the post!

Peach Melba1

The Secret Adversary

The Secret Adversary is Dame Christie’s second published novel (1922).  It introduces “The Young Adventurers” Tommy and Tuppence to the reading world.  I have a real soft spot for Tommy and Tuppence.  They are both a little displaced, not to mention broke after the WW1 where they worked as soldier and nurse respectively. Seeking excitement and cold hard cash they place an advertisement in the paper offering their services “No unreasonable offer refused”.

This leads to a tale of hijinks involving fake names, American millionaires, missing cousins and state secrets, and of course a criminal mastermind evil genius!  It all ends happily and with the sound of wedding bells in the distance for Tommy and Tuppence!

If you do not fancy reading the book there is a made for tv adaptation from 1983 which, at the time of writing is available on Daily Motion.

Peach Melba2

There is also a more modern version set in the 1950’s starring David Walliams as Tommy and Jessica Raine as Tuppence.  I have only been able to see the trailers for this on You Tube as I could not find it to buy / rent anywhere.  It looks good but I think moving it to the 1950’s will change some of the dynamic of the book.  One of the most moving images in the book was that returned soldiers unable to find work after the war would go from door to door selling poems!

The Covers

I find it odd that not many of the old style covers feature Tommy and Tuppence. My favourite here is the pulp fictionesque cover on the top right.  I also like the red, black and white one bottom left and the middle bottom one that references the sinking of the Lusitania.

My least favourites are middle left where the secret adversary seems to be an overgrown fly.  Who let Jeff Goldblum in? I also think that the mask in the bottom right one looks a little bit like Vincent Price.


Secret Adversary Covers

The Recipe

“On second thoughts I prefer The Picadilly.  It’s nearer”

“Is this a new brand of humour? Or is your brain really unhinged?” inquired Tommy.

“Your last supposition is the correct one.  I have come into money and the shock has been too much for me.  For that particular form of mental trouble an eminent physician recommends unlimited hors-d’œuvre, Lobster a l’américane, Chicken Newberg, and Pêche Melba”

Peach Melba combines peaches, fresh raspberries and raspberry coulis with vanilla icecream.  So simple! So delicious!

Peach season was pretty much over when I made this so I used tinned peaches.  Fresh poached peaches would be amazing!!!!  I also added in some almonds for a bit of crunch but essentially I used Nigella Lawson’s Peach Melba recipe.

Peach Melba3

Other Food Mentioned in The Secret Adversary

Have you read The Secret Adversary? What did you think of it? Which is your favourite cover?  I am really enjoying these old style mystery stories whilst in iso.  Book 3 is back to Poirot for a murder mystery set in France.  Ooh la la!

Have a great week.  Stay home, stay safe!


Bridget Jones’s Salmon

Hello friends! I made Bridget Jones’s Salmon as a nod to our latest film club event.  We are continuing to meet through iso.  Only now we meet via Zoom. It is a nice way to catch up and see each other. And  I am running out of things to watch so having a film club choice is always good!!!   Last meeting was my choice and the random category I drew was Rom-Com.   Now I am not a big fan of said genre so it actually threw me into a bit of a panic!

Bridget Jones Salmon 1

My first and initially only choice was Two Days in Paris, which is a film I absolutely love!  Plus I thought, by having a couple that are together at the start,  it subverts the whole boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl which is one of the things I find so formulaic and boring in most rom-coms.  Plus, you know…

Paris 😍

And Adam Goldberg 😍😍

And Julie Delpy 😍😍😍

Have you seen it?  It hits so many of the things I love  I feel like the makers tapped deep within my psyche to find all that was good.  And then turned it into a movie!

Turns out though that 2DIP is not currently available on any of the streaming services or for rental on the Googs, or YouTube.  And of course, my fine upstanding friends and I would never stoop to illegally downloading films (🙄) so as a choice it was null and void.  Which left me here…

Until I remembered Bridget Jones!  I loved the book and the film!  I was a bit worried though because I thought at half of film club would hate it.  But, even though parts of it have dated horribly, everyone really enjoyed it.  There is something about living in iso that I think makes people crave the familiar and watching Bridge was like wrapping myself in a warm and comforting blanket!

If you are looking for entertainment, I can heartily endorse you watching Bridget Jones Diary.  It was the perfect antidote to the bad news and gloom of the daily news.

I can also heartily recommend Yotam Ottolenghi’s Bridget Jones’s Salmon!

In the spirit of not going out to buy items I did not have and not wasting ingredients I do have I made two substitutions to the original recipe in my version:

  • I had no celery so I  left it out altogether
  • I had no currants so I subbed in some barberries I found in the back of the cupboard.  And yes, I am the weirdo that has barberries in the back of their cupboard.  I am actually very sad because the little shop I used to buy them from has closed.  I am treating the ones I have left like gold until I can find somewhere else that sells them!

Bridget Jones Salmon 2

When Life Give You Lemons…

So, in response to the virus and a big drop in revenue, my work has cut hours for most people.  So as of now, I am working four days a week.  I feel absolutely no rancour in relation to this decision which I honestly think was done to save jobs.  It sucks because I am one of those lucky people who actually love what they do, and I was actually had more work to do in response to the changing conditions.

Bridget Jones Salmon 3

But my loss sweet readers is your gain because I have been wanting to post more on here for ages. Having that one extra day where I am not working means I will have more time to spend doing this.  I also am in the process of making list of all those things I said I would do “if only I had the time”  and I am going to get cracking on that.  I fully intend to make my additional day off a blessing and not a curse!

Stay safe, stay indoors and take care.  And let me know what Rom-com you would have chosen!



Sighs of a Nun

Hello, people of the internet!  I hope you are all keeping safe and staying indoors!   And whilst you’re indoors,  why not make these little Spanish treats called Suspiros de Monja aka Sighs of a Nun.

I love food with kooky names so as soon as I saw these I knew they would someday make their way to here.  I know they are not chocolate but consider them my Easter treat to you!

Sighs of a Nun 1 (2)

When I heard the name, Sighs of a Nun, I assumed it would refer to sighs of ecstasy over how delicious these are.  Not so.  They are delicious but the sighs are definitely not what I thought they would be!

The literal translation is Nun’s Farts as the sound of a dollop of uncooked pastry hitting the hot oil makes a sound identical to a nun letting off!!!! 

I have noticed that my Sighs of a Nun are flatter than the ones I can see on the internet.  I think that is because I pan-fried mine instead of deep-frying them.  Either way,  they were delicious!  I was dubious about how much use the lemon would be in this but there was a distinct lemon flavour which I liked against the creamy interior and the crispy outside.  

Sighs of a Nun 2

One of the best things about them, in these COVID times, is that you only pantry staples to make them. And, eaten while still warm?  They are comfort food on crack!!!  Like warm, creamy, lemony doughnuts!  Albeit slightly flattened doughnuts in my case!  

There is a recipe for Sighs of a Nun in the Goodhousekeeping World Cookery book which is where I first found out about them.  They say Sighs of a Nun originate in Portugal and I have also seen recipes that say they came from France.  I ended up using this recipe from The Spruce Eats so we are going with Spain!  

Sighs of a Nun are fairly rich so just one or two will be enough…okay maybe three.  Four will be fine.  Hey, we’re at home.  Who cares how many you eat?  

Sighs of a Nun 3

 Signs Of a Nun?

BTW, if you ever try to Google this recipe, Google has a bad habit (😃) of thinking you want to know about the signs of a nun…

If you were inadvertently directed here because you are trying to decide if you want to be a Bride of Christ…I’m sorry.  I’ll try to keep the blasphemy and general debauchery down to a minimum.  Sorry about the fart talk above.  Given we are living in plague times, now more than ever I do not need the wrath of anyone’s God smiting me down.  

Having said that, potential novitiates block your ears.  

I can’t remember if I told this story at the time (it seems so long ago, for being less than a month!!!!),  But when we were in the Uber on the way home from seeing New Order my friend Claire and I got an absolute earful from the driver who was a total God botherer. He kept saying to us  “You people put your faith in science.  What is science doing to stop this disease?” 

Ummm….well…I don’t know EXACTLY.  But I’ll put my money on science coming through with a cure before any type of divine intervention!  And whilst we’re on that subject?   When that cure comes, I certainly hope all those anti-vaxxers are going to politely wait at the back of a social isolation distance correct line while the rest of us get the jab and can give each other a big old hug!!!!

Happy Easter everyone!!!


Bruléed Grapefruit

I am not normally a breakfast person.  If I am super organised I throw some granola and yogurt into a bowl and eat that once I get into the office.  Or I will grab a bagel on my way.  But usually, my breakfast is a coffee (or two).  Nowadays, maybe because I am walking my dogs early in the morning or because I am at home and surrounded by food, by about 10:30 I am HUNGRY!   Bruléed grapefruit, which many of you will recognise as the darling of the 1970’s diet book has become my breakfast of choice.


  • It can be made in stages so easy to do between calls
  • So tasty!
  • All those 1970’s diet books can’t be wrong  – this is kind  of healthy for you!
  • Using a culinary blowtorch is fun!
  • It looks so pretty and colourful, it cheers me up (all these days we need all the cheering up we can get!).

Bruleed Grapefruit 1

How are you all coping with life in social isolation?  I am in week three of work from home and oh boy, it’s a rollercoaster.  I woke up with a sore throat the other morning and immediately assumed I had the ‘rona. Which I do not. The days seem to drag even though my work has seemingly doubled.  And how can I go from looking totally respectable in my bathroom mirror to looking like trash 5 minutes later on a video call?   But I’m still working which is something to be very grateful for when there are so many people being laid off so the vortex of ugly between my bathroom and my computer  seems like a small price to pay!

Bruleed Grapefruit 2


I like to top my bruléed grapefruit with some coyo and usually either some granola or chopped pistachio nuts.  Of course on the day I decided to take photos I had neither in the house.  So, I topped it with a maraschino cherry.  Which was delicious!

Other toppings could include:

  • Greek or Flavoured Yoghurt or whipped cream
  • Berries or other fruit
  • Nuts or seeds of your choice
  • Vanilla ice cream (hey, you’re working from home, who’s going to know!)

Another way to mix this up is to vary the flavourings in the sugar:

  • Add some cinnamon for a warming and sweetly spicy effect
  • Adding lavender or other flower infused sugar will bring out the floral notes in the grapefruit
  • Give it an Asian twist by adding a little chilli, some chopped up  crystallised ginger and a dash of salt

Hmm…my recipe plugin is not working at the mo so here is recipe old school style

Bruléed Grapefruit

  • 1/2 ruby red grapefruit
  • 1 tbsp caster sugar
  • A large dollop coconut (or other) yoghurt
  • 1 Maraschino cherry

Place the grapefruit cut side adown on kitchen paper and leave for around 5 minutes to drain any juice from the top.  The drier it is, the better it will brulée.

Sprinkle the sugar on the cut side of the grapefruit.

Set your blowtorch to high and move to and fro over the grapefruit to caramelise the sugar.  (If you do not have a blowtorch, set your grill (broiler) to high, wait until it is hot and set your grapefruit under it until the sugar caramelises).

Serve immediately with a dollop of yoghurt and a cherry on the top!

Bruleed Grapefruit 4

I have no stories since it is week 3 in the house but I thought it might be interesting if we started to share how we are entertaining ourselves during social distancing.  This is what I’ve been up to:


This puzzle again….Arrgghhhh…what is wrong with me?


I watched Dare Me on Netflix which I really liked.  I am about halfway through The Haunting of Hill House which I am loving but I can only watch in small doses because it scares the hell out of me.

For film club I need to watch The Martian and Stand By Me.

Hmm…maybe we all need to watch The Martian…


I am reading Two Can Keep a Secret which is the sequel to One of Us is Lying which I loved!!!!  As well as an Agatha Christie for the next Dining With The Dame.


What are you reading, watching doing during lockdown?  I would love to get ideas for new things!

Stay home, stay safe, eat grapefruit for breakfast!