Category: World Cooking

Name Plates: Caesar Salad

Today we are celebrating the Ides of March with, what else but, a Caesar Salad.  The 15th of March may not have been a good day for old Julius C but, any day in my book is a good day to eat this classic American salad!

The Waldorf Salad may be the funniest American salad but the Caesar salad has to the most highly accoladed:

  • In the 1940’s Gourmet Magazine called it  ‘the gastronomic highlight of the current moment’
  • In 1953 it was hailed as ‘the greatest recipe to originate in the Americas in 50 years’ by the International Society of Epicures.
  • Julia Childs called it “a sensation of a salad from coast to coast”

High praise for some dressed lettuce leaves!!!

Caesar Salad 2


What is Caesar Salad?

I feel like this is a little bit like trying to explain what is water. Caesar Salad is everywhere.  And everyone “knows” what it is.  And everyone has their own recipe.  But let’s try to break it down a little bit….

Caesar Salad was created in 1924 by Caesar Cardini in his restaurant in Tijuana Mexico.  The OG version was romaine (cos) lettuce leaves dressed in a mixture of garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, egg yolk, Worchestershire sauce, anchovies and parmesan cheese, topped with a lone crostini, black pepper and more parmesan cheese.

  • No bacon
  • No poached eggs
  • No multiple croutons

I love this more austere version of what we have come to see as a “typical” Caesar Salad.

Caesar Salad 1

Although I am not averse to any of the above and, indeed I usually include all of them when I make a “Caesar Salad” my purist heart balks at adding

  • Chicken
  • Kale
  • Prawns
  • Avocado, or
  • Lobster

I love all of those things.  And they all have their place. But that place is not in my Caesar Salad.  And I will silently judge you if you choose to give them a place in yours.

But I will not be so quiet if you give me, or choose for yourself,  a so-called Caesar salad that contains pasta, pesto, quinoa, is served in wonton cups or comes atop of pizza.  Because, those things maybe something.  But what they are not is the ingredients of a goddamn Caesar Salad!!!

You will need to beware the Ides O’ March if any of those ends up in my Caesar!

By the way, the Cardini restaurant still exists and if you so desire you can drop by and have one of the ensaladeros make you a Caesar salad at your table just like they did back in the day!

Which has made that restaurant in Tijuana top five in my bucket list of places to eat.

If this damn virus ever abates and we can all travel again.

Caesar Salad 3

I Digress

Skip over this bit if you are only interested in Caesar Salad

Can we just stop and talk about Covid-19 for a mo?

We haven’t formally been told that we have to, but my work is encouraging everyone to work from home.  There was a really weird atmosphere on Friday as everyone was packing up their stuff before heading home.  It was like it was Christmas in that we felt like it might be a while before we saw each other again.  But like Christmas with all the joy sucked out of it.

They’ve cancelled the Grand Prix which was meant to be in Melbourne this weekend and the Comedy Festival.  They cancelled the Robbie Williams concert on Saturday but not the New Order concert I went to on the same night.  By the way, the icing on the cake for that show was, as the house lights came up at the end of the gig, the song ushering us all out of the venue was REM’s It’s The End of The World As We Know It.

You can’t buy hand sanitizer, toilet paper or tissues for love or money.  The supermarket shelves are largely empty of all non-perishable items.

Caesar Salad 5

Because I will be working from home for the indefinite future I went online tonight to buy a monitor that I can plug my work laptop into so that whilst keeping myself safe from the coronavirus I am not giving myself massive eyestrain.   At one point I was trying to log on to our biggest office supplies company on two different laptops and my phone and it took FOREVER to finally make my purchase.  I’m sensing monitors may join toilet paper and Graham Gene Potter on Australia’s most-wanted list!

What is happening in all your countries in reaction to the virus?  Are you scared?  Worried?  Bored?

I am about 1% worried for my personal safety.  I am mildly asthmatic so I am already slightly compromised on a respiratory front  I am more scared for my mother who is obvs older and massively asthmatic.

I am also really annoyed that people have responded to this in the way they have in relation to panic buying.

I have been listening to the wonderful podcast American Hysteria recently and so much of what I am seeing resonates with what I have heard on there.  Can we please all just calm the farm down in this?

And just to lighten the tone?  Mystery solved!

Who, Who Was Caesar?

Caesar Cardini was an Italian immigrant to the United States who, along with his brother Alex, opened restaurants in San Diego and Tijuana.  If you recall, the United States was under Prohibition from 1920 through to 1933.  Mexico was not.  So many of the rich and famous, including many Hollywood stars, would cross the border to eat and, more particularly,  drink. Caesar’s became a popular hangout for these people.

Legend has it, that the restaurant was particularly busy one Fourth of July weekend.   Kitchen supplies were running out so Caesar had to make a salad from what was on hand…ecco! Caesar Salad was born.

Then, as now, the Caesar salad was made tableside for a little bit of dramatic flair.

Caesar Cardini died in 1956, but as they say, the candle burned out long before the legend ever did!

The Recipe

I used this recipe from Taste for my Caesar and I can heartily recommend it.

For a more austere version, probably close to the OG version, I can also recommend Grace Kelly’s Caesar Salad as featured in Silver Screen Suppers as featured in Recipes For Rebels by all-round internet good guy Greg Swenson.


There are probably a million recipes for Caesar salad on the internet.  TBH, a lot of them, as mentioned in the intro above are not “Caesar” Salads.

Choose wisely!

Modern Day Caesar

There are not that many modern-day Caesar’s.

There’s the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan and of course, the original Joker, Cesar Romano.  But, today of all days, there can only be one Caesar for us to celebrate!

Happy Ides of March everyone!

Prawn and Potato Curry

Greetings people of the internet.  This week we are returning to our sojourn around the world via Good Housekeepings World Cookery. Last time we visited this book we were in Pakistan for a subcontinental take on Scotch Eggs.  Today we are moving south and east into India for a super easy, super delicious Prawn and Potato Curry.

Potato & Prawn Curry1

I threw some baby corn in as well because this is my year of not wasting food and we happened to have some in the fridge that was not going to last the week.  To be honest, the baby corn should never have been bought.  It was on sale and the fussiest eater in the world said he wanted it.

“For what?” I asked.

“I’ll think of something”

Something was not thought of.  Hence the fact that the baby corn went into the curry.

There seems to be something in the air this year around reducing waste/saving money.  I set a goal for 2020 to be my year of reducing kitchen waste.  Halfway across the world, the lovely Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers is also cutting down on waste this year.  My boss  is radically cutting down on her kitchen waste this year by living off pantry supplies every fourth week and donating the money she would have spent on food to charity.  I LOVE this idea!!!! Such a bold and generous move!

Potato & Prawn Curry5

But back to the curry.  This curry is very easy to make and for a curry, few ingredients.  It is also very tasty! Here’s the recipe, direct from the pages of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  But please feel free to add in any veggies you may have that would otherwise go to waste!


Potato & Prawn Curry8


Have a great week!  And please tell me any tips you have for reducing kitchen waste!



Pasties (inspired by Cornwall)

We have had a few wet days this week (not complaining if it will put out some of the fires that are burning out of control). But the rather damp summer weather reminded of being in England last year and most particularly our trip to Cornwall where it rained buckets for the first two days.  Which in turn reminded me of that great staple of Cornish food, the pasty!  These are everywhere in Cornwall, well all through England actually, but eating proper Cornish Pasties was the very first thing we did when we got to St Ives.  BTW, the people of Cornwall are tremendously possessive of their pasties.  It is for this reason that I am not calling my version Cornish Pasties.  Mine are more Cornish-ish Pasties.


We had an odd discussion after I ordered our pasties at the bakery.

“What did you call them?” asked the fussiest eater in the world.

“Pasties”  In Australia, we pronounce these with a long A.  Pah-sties.

Apparently, the correct pronunciation is with a short” A”  like in “pastel”.  

I can’t get on board with this, even if it is technically correct.  They will always, and only ever be, pah-sties to me.  If you’re British or a pedant, knock yourself out with that short A.   For those of you not familiar with pasties or pah-sties, just remember that it is never pronounced  “Paste-ies”.  They are what strippers put on their nips and not delicious beef and veg cooked to perfection in a pastry case!

The pasties in Cornwall are crimped to perfection, each one the exact replica of its neighbour.  Mine were a little bit more….hmmmm…let’s call them individualistic.


Cornish Pastie2

Pasties came about as food for Cornish tin miners.  Originally, the pastry was just to protect the meat and veg from the dirt inside the mines so I guess that a few misshapen pastry shells would not have mattered back in the day!

There is a great article from The Guardian about the history (and contents) of the pasty which you can read here.  My favourite bit of that article is the legend that the Devil was scared to cross the River Tamar from Devon because the women of Cornwall were renown for putting anything and everything into their pasties.  Imagine popping down to your local bakery for a Satan Pastie!  Although actually not quite everything – the carrot – which you will see in many recipes for pasties is a big no-no in the traditional recipes.  Potatoes, swedes and onions are the only veg your pasty needs!  It also needs LOTS of pepper.

Swedes are such funny things!   I only recently found out that the colour difference in the swede is due to the white part growing underground and the purple part growing above ground!

Cornish Pastie 3

I pretty much followed the recipe given by the Cornish Pasty Association except that I used bought shortcrust pastry!  Another legend says that the pastry needs to be solid enough to be dropped down a mineshaft (and land) without falling apart.  Mine were going from the oven to my lunchbox so I didn’t have to worry about their structural integrity so much!

Pastie 4

Let’s wrap this baby up and pop it in the oven.  While it’s baking away, let’s have a look at some of pics of St Ives and Mont St Michel.

This would be a great hill to have a picnic on.  Get some pasties to go and enjoy the view!

Here is another article from the Guardian about where and how to eat your pasties.  I actually think they are great for picnics as the pastry holds in the heat of the filling for a while.  As for condiments – ketchup and the more of it the better for me.  Maybe a teeny splash of tabasco with it!

St Ives

St Ives 2

This is The Sloop Inn where we stayed in St Ives.

Sloop Inn

And here is St Michael’s Mount.  You can only reach this at low tide otherwise the causeway is underwater!

Saint Michael's Mount

Let’s take a peek at our pasties…ah perfectly done!!!

What always astonishes me with pasties is how the meat and veg cooks exactly at the same time as the pastry.  You never get any hard lumps of raw potato.  It truly is like magic!!!! Now, where’s that ketchup?


Cornwall is so beautiful.  I was really happy to be reminded of the trip and all the delicious food we ate there!.  I made these pasties way back in October and just writing about them has made me want to make them again.  Let’s hope the weather stays bad so I can get baking!

And finally, if you can’t get enough of pasties, here are some more facts….oops!  I just realised I crimped my pasties in the Devonshire way!  Good thing I said right from the get-go that these were only Cornish-ish (Cornish adjacent?) pasties!!!!

Have a great week everyone!!!!



Broccoli & Stilton Quiche – Rye, England, 2019

I’ve been having a few holiday blues.  You know that time where the last one feels like a long time ago and the next one seems like a long way away.  So,  I thought that it might help my malaise to revisit some of my favourite meals from holidays past.

Rye was our first stop on our holiday this year and I ate an incredibly tasty Broccoli and Stilton quiche from the Rye Deli.

Broccoli & Stilton Quiche1

Rye is such a pretty town and full of antique and retro shops.  Well worth a visit!  If you are heading to the UK and want a great quiche and some cool glassware!  I bought some repro Babycham and Martini glasses. And some gorgeous vintage Laura Ashley cups and saucers.


Rye Glassware

The only things is…a bag full of glassware and a Broccoli and Stilton quiche are not good bag fellows.  I spent the day shopping and loading myself up with all the gorgeous glasses.  Meanwhile, my lovely quiche was getting squished to bits in my bag. It still tasted delicious but was certainly not in the pristine condition in which I bought it!

Broccoli & Stilton Quiche2

I love quiche but tend to veer towards the classic Quiche Lorraine or a Spinach and Feta quiche as my go-to’s.  The Broccoli and Stilton Quiche squashed and battered though it was after a few hours of being pummelled in my backpack was a revelation.  Such a tasty combination!

And also so pretty! I love how the swirls and branches of the broccolini (which I used instead of broccoli) look like little plants, making this quiche look like some sort of whimsical garden

Because I was trying to keep it British, I used a recipe I found on the Ocado website.   However, in all honesty, this recipe was not as good as my original quiche from the Rye Deli.  I think it was the onions. I don’t recall any in the OG version but do like the way the rounds of the spring onion play off against the straight stems and the flowery whirls of the broccolini. So, my recommendation would be to halve the amount of spring onions and cook them off a bit first.

Apart from the antiquing and the fab quiche, great fish and chips and a v good bookstore,  Rye has some great olde worlde pubs


.A very cool castle, complete with stocks for anyone misbehaving!



And literary cred galore!



My only peeve with Rye was that we arrived just after 9:00 pm.  And everywhere except for the fish and chip shop had closed or stopped serving food for the night.  This was in the height of holiday season so it was kind of surprising.  Having said that, the fish and chips were great so all was not lost.

If you can’t get to Rye, you can always get a taste of it by making a Broccoli and Stilton Quiche!  If you can get to Rye, get there before 9:00 pm!

Have a great week!




Use By: Roast Vegetable Bubble and Squeak

What can you do with a load of leftover roast veggies?  Make one of the best-named dishes ever – Bubble and Squeak!  Bubble and Squeak is a British recipe which is traditionally made from the leftovers from the traditional Sunday roast.  It is supposedly called Bubble and Squeak due to the noises made during the cooking process.  I think this last bit may be apocryphal.  My Bubble and Squeak neither bubbled or squeaked.  It was totally delicious though!

Bubble & Squeak1

So what’s it all about Alfie?  Given the Britishness of this dish, feel free to use your best Michael Caine cockney voice as you read that too!

Well, get your leftovers – I had some Ottlolenghi Harissa Potatoes and some Brussels Sprouts. You can use pretty much whatever veg you have as long as you have one that can be mashed up.  Mashed potato will also work a treat in this.


Bubble & Squeak2

Mash up your veggies and add a beaten egg.  The rest is up to you. Add some of your chopped up leftover roast if you like, throw in some herbs or some cheese.  Add some chill or a dollop of mustard.  Be as fancy or as simple as you like.  I kept these pretty simple, just the veggies and egg because the potatoes already had some harissa and spice seasoning.

When you are ready, pan fry your Bubble and Squeaks  to make delicious patties.  These are delicious as a side dish, make a great vegetarian burger patty or are good just by themselves.

Bubble & Squeak3Bubble & Squeak4

Topped Bubble and Squeak

My favourite way to eat Bubble and Squeak is to pan-fry the little cakes until they are all crispy and brown on the outside and then top them with all sorts of delish things.  These are one of my go-to’s for lunch (or breakfast) when I am working from home.

Breakfast Bubbles

No, I’m not talking about champagne although, having just come back from Europe where a glass of sparkling is de rigueur with your brekkie I’m totally on board with bubbles in the AM.  Hmm…if you had some sparkling wine with your breakfast Bubble and Sqeak I guess that’s double bubble!

Bubble and Squeak with an egg makes a for a super breakfast.  You could pan fry some bacon as you heat the bubble and squeak if you wanted to have some meat but I like to have mine just with egg.  Grilled cheese on top of your B&S is another delicious breakfast option.

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Lunchtime Squeaks

Come lunchtime, I like to top my Bubble and Squeak with some chilli labneh and pickled red cabbage or hummus and tomato salsa as per the top picture.

I love the combination of the crispy roast veggies, the creaminess of the yoghurt and the bite of pickle!

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Bubble and Squeak can become quite addictive and now I routinely cook extra veg just so I can have them over the next few days!

Here’s a recipe but feel free to experiment as you wish with herbs, condiments etc.  My version does not include cheese in the mix but, if you were going to add it, you could play around with different types.  Having said that, now I desperately want to have Bubble and Squeak with some blue cheese crumbled through it!!!

Tell me, what is your favourite way of using up roasted veg?

Have a great week!