Category: World Cooking

The BLT – An American Classic?

I was very surprised recently to learn that what I thought was a quintessentially American sandwich was actually British in origin!!!  Taste Atlas says that the BLT first appeared in British cookbooks in the 1920’s but that it only gained popularity in the U.S.A in the post-war period.  It further surprised me to learn that the BLT was, in 2019 ranked as the UK’s favourite sandwich but only came in 6th in the United States!



I guess though, for anyone who is new to Earth…first, hi, welcome, glad you found me!  Second, BLT stands for bacon, lettuce, tomato being the three key ingredients of this sandwich.

I LOVE a BLT and it’s avocado-ey cousin the BLAT.

Via Taste Atlas

I was hoping to find a classic BLT in the American chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  Not that I need an excuse to make one. However,  I was simultaneously delighted and horrified to see their idea of a BLT.  Here’s their recipe:

BLT Recipe

The GHWC BLT – The Pros

You will notice that Good Housekeeping calls it a Bacon, Tomato and Lettuce Sandwich.  Which if you look at my picture above is actually my preferred way of layering.  I don’t understand why you would go to the bother of getting nice bread and toasting it, only to have the tomato making it all soggy and gross half way through eating it.

My preferred version – from the top-down:  toasted bread, bacon, tomato, lettuce mayo, toasted bread.  So, thank you Good Housekeeping for getting the order correct!

An potato chips and pickles on the side are always a good idea!

I am ambivalent about whether or not you have a double or single decker BLT.  I do think though that the second piece of bread requires either another condiment or another dab of mayonnaise.  My preferred option is some Dijon Mustard.

I made my BLT  on holiday and we only had some very hefty olive sourdough which normally would not be my choice for a BLT.  This was a very heavy bread so double decking my sandwich was not an option – the bread would have overpowered everything.  (The olives did make a tasty, if not traditional, alternative!).


The GHWC BLT – The Con

In the words of Amy Winehouse, what kind of fuckery is this?

Who puts processed cheese on their BLT?

You may as well just take a dump on it.

A little bit of Brie, some vintage cheddar? I”m here for it.

Processed cheese?

A Few BLT Questions For You

Do you love a BLT? Or do you prefer a BTL?

Double or Single Decker?

What’s your preferred bread?

Iceberg or fancy lettuce?

What degree of crisp of the bacon? I like my bacon so crisp it is snappable!



Other additions? (If you say processed cheese, you’re dead to me)

Is the BLT the best sandwich ever?  Or only the 6th best?

If not your number one, what is better?

Leave your answers in the comments!!!

Have a great week!



Coeur A La Creme – Murder on The Orient Express

Hello crime readers and food lovers!  Welcome to part two of my Murder on The Orient Express Trilogy!  We started last week with the fun collab with Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers.  Today is a regular Dining with The Dame and next week we will have an added bonus.  For now though, let’s focus on my recipe of choice for Dining with the Dame which is a classic French dessert – a Coeur A La Creme, the recipe for which comes from my old favourite, The A-Z of Cooking!

Coeur a la Creme1

And just to be clear, this dessert is French, not Belgian!

Murder on The Orient Express – The Plot

We touched on this last week but here is a quick recap.  Hercule Poirot boards the Orient Express in Istanbul, the train is unexpectedly crowded for the time of year.  On the first night, Poirot is approached by an American, Samuel Ratchett who offers Poirot money to protect him as he has been receiving death threats.  Poirot does not like him and refuses.  Later that evening, after a course of events that either awake him or keep him awake, Poirot learns that the train is stuck in a snowdrift in the middle of Yugoslavia.

The next morning, Poirot wakes to find that his neighbour, the odious Mr Ratchett has been stabbed 12 times and is now resoundingly dead!  With no one able to get on or off the train, due to the snowdrift, the murderer has to still be on board.  As the police can also not reach the train, Poirot takes on the job of hunting down the killer.

We have:

  • A mysterious red kimono
  • A burned letter with the words “member Daisy Armstrong” still legible
  • A handkerchief bearing the letter H
  • A pipe cleaner and a box of matches different to those used by Rachett
  • And twelve passengers who may not be entirely who they seem!

This book is so amazingly plotted,  so well written that it brings my obsessive little heart joy to think about it.  Every little detail in this is plotted to the nth degree, and yet when you are reading it, it feels effortless.

Coeur A La Creme 2

Murder on The Orient Express- The Covers

The American version of Murder was called Murder on the Calais Coach.  Not quite as catchy is it? I love the pulp fiction cover with the woman in the red kimono and am completely baffled by the one on its right.  What are those things?  They look like some weird brass band instruments!

The Recipe – Coeur  A La Creme

Coeur a la Creme recipe3

Murder on the Orient Express has a surprising lack of food.  I was hoping we would have some Turkish food from the Istanbul scenes and then some very posh French food while onboard.  No such luck!  My choice of a Couer a la Creme came from this passage:

 ‘Poirot sat down and soon found himself in the favoured position of the table which was served first and with the choicest of morsels.  The food too, was unusually good.

It was not until they were eating a delicate cream cheese that  M.Bouc allowed his attention to wander to matters other than nourishment.  He was at the stafge of the meal when one becomes philosophic”

Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express

Coeur A La Creme is my take on that delicate cream cheese.  And I am so glad I chose it.  It is absolutely delicious!!!  Next to that Ingrid Bergman Trout that I made last week, it is one of the most gorgeous,  delicate,  delicious things I have ever eaten.  Think the lightest most delicious cheesecake you have ever eaten and you are nearly there!   And it comes from something as gross as cottage cheese!

Coeur a la Creme is traitionally  associated with romantic occasions such as Valentine’s Day.  But as we are talking Murder on The Orient Express and we are in spooky season, I hope all those romantics out there will forgive me for making it a bit stabby!

Coeur a la Creme4

Other Food Mentioned in Murder on the Orient Express


Coffee (Multiple times)

Eggs – Eggs always make an appearance in these books!  I wonder if writing about Poirot’s egg-shaped head so often made Dame Agatha hungry for them!

Orange juice

Mineral Water

Chicken no sauce

Boiled fish

Tea and biscuits


Stay tuned next week for the third and final instalment of the Murder on the Orient Express Extravaganza!!!  If you are reading along, next up is Three Act Tragedy so get reading!

Breaking news!

Dining with the Dame now has its own instagram page so if you are reading along or cooking along or just want to share Agatha Christie related recipes or book posts you can now hit me up there too!





My recipe for Melktert comes from the South African chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery and it is a baked custard tart. It is called Melktert because the day before the recipe for the OG Milk Tart went to print, someone broke into the printing press and stole all bar one of the vowels.

Melktert 1

Some people would tell you that it is a dish that originated in Holland and it kept the Dutch spelling when it came to South Africa.  However, we at RFFMT  prefer not to allow truth to get in the way of a good story.  Besides the visual image of a never say die printer triumphantly adding e’s to where the i and a had been, humming a prototypical version of The Shamen’s 1992 hit Ebeneezer Goode as he did so was too good not to share.

I pondered whether in homage to the melktert, I should also write this post using the letter e as my only vowel.

That idea lasted all of about 5 seconds – I got as far as “Here.  Melktert.  Sweet” and gave up.

Melktert 5


The Melktert was delicious!  Just the right amount of sweetness and the almonds on top gave a nice crunch.  There was a lot of the filling mix leftover so I think next time I make it I will try a deeper dish which would also mean there would be more of the slightly cinnamon-y custard which could only be s a good thing!  The recipe does state a deep pie dish!

Melktert 3

Melktert :The Recipe

Melktert Recipe 1

Melktert Recipe 2

That’s all folks, nothing much else to say except:

Melktert – Excellent? Yes!

Enjoy your weekend!



Limoni di Amalfi Cotti Al Forno

To vaguely paraphrase The Arctic Monkeys we are going from the rubble to The Ritz.  I’ve lately dabbled in some trashy food but the next two posts are going to be pure class.  Hello Limoni di Amalfi Cotti Al Forno! You can tell this one is high-end because it has a name in a foreign language.  Unless you are Italian. Then they are plain old Amalfi baked lemons.

I am going to confess straight up that my lemons are not Amalfi lemons.  They are good old down home straight from the ‘burbs East Keilor lemons via the tree in my backyard!  You can probably expect a lot of lemon recipes in the coming weeks!

We have just now entered  LOCKDOWN SIX so it seemed like a good time to transport myself somewhere else!  The Amalfi coast seemed like not a bad option!  This is a Jamie Oliver recipe so you can expect fresh vibrant flavours and Limoni di Amalfi Cotti al Forno delivered!  These little morsels were delightful and totally took me to a little open-air trattoria by the coast on a warm sunny day.

This is where I went when eating these!


Now, where’s my  glass of prosecco?

Limoni Di Amalfi Cotti Al Forno – The Recipe

I think these would also be great placed on a bbq and as soon as it is warm enough to eat outside here, I will be putting that to the test!

You could play around with the flavours in the OG recipe too  – add some olives or garlic, swap out the basil for dill or parsley, use sun-dried instead of fresh tomatoes., add some little marinated mushrooms…but speaking of the recipe, here it is!

Limoni di Amalfi Cotti al Forno3

You can use the leftover lemon flesh in anything where you would normally use lemons – I made a hot lemon and honey drink with mine.

Limoni di Amalfi Cotti al Forno4


These were so delicious and brought some much-needed summer sunshine and Italian sophistication into a dreary lockdown winter day!

Have a great week friends!





Eggs Hamine

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!  At Maison de la retro foods, we are supplementing our chocolate eggs with some North African Hamine Eggs.  These came to us via Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  The book offers two versions of this recipe.  There is the traditional way:

In Egypt there are special shops selling them; there, after the eggs have been cooked for 3 or 4 hours, they are put under the ashes of a fire and left for as long as 8 hours – this makes them as creamy as butter”

– Good Housekeeping World Cookery

Never mind the pyramids and the Sphinx.  Get me over to Egypt pronto for some of those buttery eggs!!!


Eggs Hamine – The Recipe

The non-traditional version of these eggs is so easy!

 Put the brown outside skins of some onions into a saucepan of ocld water with the eggs and boil for 2 hours or as long as possible.  The onion skins turn the shells of the eggs and the whites brown.  Shell and halve the eggs and serve hot or cold with lemon wedges, salt, pepper and mixed spices”

I cooked my eggs in the slow cooker for a full 8 hours.

Pre – Water

Hamine Eggs2

4 hours –  One of the eggs cracked during the cooking but did not ooze out like they do when they crack during normal boiling.

Hamine Eggs3

Eight hours!

Hamine Eggs 4

Note, if you decide to make these in your slow cooker, the onion skins will stain your slow cooker brown along with the eggs.  Get ready to soak and scrub to remove it!

Eight hours and fifteen minutes!

Hamine Eggs 6

I sprinkled my egg with some salt and some dukkah and dug in!  It was delicious.  There was a faint taste of something – not exactly onion but slightly savoury to the egg which was different to a normal boiled egg.  I would not say that it was buttery  but the white seemed more delicate than a normal boiled egg.

I was also very surprised to see that the onion skin dye had penetrated not only into the white which became a gorgeous soft caramel colour but also the yolk!  This was startling because it is so strange to have a monochrome egg!

Hamine Eggs 5

These were nice and an interesting experiment but for me, it was a long time to wait for a fancy boiled egg so I will probably not make them again.  If I ever do get to Egypt though, I will be making a breakfast beeline for the Hamine Eggs shops!

Making these eggs might be a  fun thing to do with kids for Easter or for a science project on osmosis.

Happy Easter everyone!

