Category: Potato Salad

When Irish Eyes Aren’t Smiling

I wanted to make something really amazing for St Patrick’s Day and when I say something really amazing what I mean is an Irish Potato Salad Roll. And you all thought I was joking when I said I was going to make the PSR into a thing!!!

So, I found this recipe for an Irish Potato Salad – this baby has potatoes, cabbage and corned beef.  Faith and Begorrah, could you get more stereotypically Irish?

I was so excited I played some Mumford and Sons and did a little impromptu Riverdance around the dining room.

Irish Potato Salad Roll here I come!!!!

Irish Potato Salad Roll
Irish Potato Salad Roll

 The Luck of The Irish Part 1

The first problem arrived when I could not find celery seed in either of my two local supermarkets.  Minor Detail.  I have celery salt.  And celery.  How much flavour is the seed going to add anyway?

 The Luck of The Irish Part 2

I”m just going to come out and say it.  Corned beef is disgusting.  Maybe I bought the wrong sort of stuff but it said Corned Beef on the tin:

Corned Beef 1The recipe said to cube it, so I assumed it was going to be kind of like Spam i.e. able to be cubed. What I did not expect was this disgusting gelatinous fatty mush which almost made me gag.  There were also big chunks of fat left in the bottom of the can.

DSC02545And it smelt really bad.

My original plan was to cook the corned beef, onion and cabbage together, then make a kind of chunky mash with the potatoes, mayo and pickle and swiss roll them together and serve it cold.

Having seen the corned beef cold put me right off though so that plan went out the window. Mine was going to be a warm salad.

The Luck of The Irish Part 3

So, I started cooking my corned beef and onion and….oh, god, this bit did actually make me gag.  There was something weird in the meat.  Initially I thought it was one of those lumps of fat.  Except it didn’t melt.

It looked like a piece of skin.  This picture does not even convey the disgustingness of this lump of….whatever the fuck it was…

So, whilst I was dry heaving, the corned beef started to stick to the pan.  So I thought it might be a good idea to throw a glass of wine in there to deglaze the plan. Because wine makes anything better right?

Wrong.  This is how doomed this dish was,  Adding the wine just made a very fatty, milky, winey, even more stinky liquid rise to the top.  This was so incredibly gross it’s kind of making me throw up a little in my mouth just thinking about it.

The Luck of The Irish Part 4

In the end I plated it up by making some chips with the potatoes and making a stack.  Potato, corned beef, potato, mayo and chives, potato, corned beef, mayo and pickles.

Irish Potato Salad Roll2
Irish Potato Salad Roll2

 The Luck of The Irish Part 5

If this was a Hollywood version or even a reality tv show, right about now, I’d saying something along the lines of “You know, when I plated this up, despite all the set backs, despite all the trials and tribulations, this tasted fantastic….best thing I’ve ever eaten”.

Irish Potato Salad Roll 4
Irish Potato Salad Roll 4

It was nothing like that.

It definitely wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever eaten.  Then again, I ate bugs in Cambodia.  It was the definitely worst thing I’ve eaten this year.  And this is the gift that keeps on giving, not only did it leave a layer of grease in my mouth that survived at least two tooth brushings  but even though I had the extractor fan on for the longest time, the day after I made this, there was still a fug of corned beef and cabbage through my entire house.

Hmm…maybe this really did need the celery seed.

Epic fail.

Sorry people of Ireland. I tried.

And my head told my heart
“Let love grow”
But my heart told my head
“This time no, This time no

But never fear…just like a benevolent Colin Fassnidge on My Kitchen Rules, I’m giving myself a redemption round.

And this time, it’s something not even I can fuck up.   Roll out the barrel of Jameson’s…next up…we’re having an Irish inspired cocktail.  Please let it be fabulous…or you know…just better than this.  Otherwise, I might have to strategically vote myself out….

How do you plan to celebrate St Patrick’s Day? If at all?

What’s the worst thing you’ve eaten this year? Ever?

What are your thoughts on strategic voting – MKR or anywhere

Have a great week!

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

The Potato Salad Roll That Rocks!!!

 I think this recipe is awesome!

Sadly, I am currently alone in this. 

But I have a dream.  And that dream is to bring the potato salad roll to the world. 

Hmm,so  I guess I can cross that one off the list and bask in the smugness of a goal for 2015 achieved. And it’s only January 2nd!!!! 

But before we get to the Potato Salad Roll…


I’m sure better bloggers than me really think about the  messages they want to send when they post their first post of the year…you know, those super organised people who have a theme and a word for the year?  And the first post reflects that dream and vision? 

I wish I was one of those people.  I really do.  Because I pretty much know everything I’m going to write about this  month and believe me…if we were going to run a theme around January, it would have to be supercalifragilisticexpialidociouslly insane. 

Although…maybe getting the crazy out at the start of the year is a good thing.  Maybe by the end of the year I’ll be ever so high-brow and Julie and Julia-ing the Larousse Gastronomique…

Yeah, I doubt that too.  But you never know…I do own a copy….

 Bookshelf2And the highly observant of you will notice that it is also still in it’s plastic wrap….

So…the potato salad roll.  Hands up how many of you thought this would be potato salad in a bread roll? 

Yep, that would be about all of you. Because that would make sense.  But remember when I said this month was going to be all about the crazy stupid?  I don’t even know where to start with this but they say a picture paints a thousand words so, world, here is the potato salad roll…

Potato Salad Roll
Potato Salad Roll

 Yeh, it’s kind of a Swiss Roll of Potato Salad.  Except without the jam.  Not even I’m that weird. 

Potato Salad Roll
Potato Salad Roll

 Basically, it just a potato salad rolled into a log with the dressing on the outside.

Which in no way explains the absolute spontaneous hatred my family felt for it when I brought it for Christmas.  The comments ranged from “What the fuck is that? ” to “Who laid the big white poo in the middle of the table?”

I tried to explain that it was potato salad. Comments ranged from

“Not in my world”


“No. It’s not.  Potato salad looks and is, delicious.  That looks like a big white poo”.

And then there was:

“Why can’t you make normal potato salad? Are you on drugs?  I saw a documentary on people taking ice…do you have a problem with methamphetamines?”

I saw the exact same documentary. 

There was a  man injecting himself in his penis because “it was the only good vein he had left”.  ‘

I made a slightly off beat potato salad.

I’m struggling to find the connection. 

I was the only person who ate the potato salad roll on Christmas day which was a real shame because despite it’s rather unconventional appearance it was a damn good and tasty potato salad. 

Potato Salad Roll 3
Potato Salad Roll 3

On Boxing Day, I made a roll within a roll by wrapping part of the original roll in prosciutto and the same people who has scoffed at the original roll could not wolf it down fast enough. 

Go figure….

Potato Salad Proscuitto Rolls
Potato Salad Prosciutto Rolls

 It was kind of nice to end the year with a badly written retro recipe.  It’s been a long time between drinks for one of them. 

Potato Salad Roll Recipe
Potato Salad Roll Recipe


First line.  Prepare the gherkins, parsley, pimento, eggs and onion…

Onion? What onion?  Would that be one of those special invisible onions that don’t appear in the ingredient list?  And what I am I supposed to do with my half a cup of diced celery?  Use it to pelt my ungrateful family to death?

Despite the shortcomings of the recipe, I am utterly obsessed with the idea of the potato salad roll.  I already have two more versions in my head which I will make and post some time in the future.   Maybe I will make 2015 the year of the Potato Salad Roll….huh…maybe I am, albeit unwittingly,  one of those people who have a theme.  And a vision. 

I mean, yeah, I totally am.  This was all planned.  Months in advance….

I will be spending my week preparing my potato salad roll vision board. 

Have a fabulous one whatever you do!!! 

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2


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