Category: Meat

REPOST Dublin Coddle – For St Patrick’s Day

Isn’t Dublin Coddle the most adorable name for anything ever?

It sounds like a cuddle and that is exactly what you are going to get from this hearty and warming mix of sausages, cabbage, bacon and potatoes.

Dublin Coddle

I don’t seem to have the best of luck with Irish recipes (remember the corned beef potato salad?)

I had planned to make a totally safe homemade Irish Cream because hot damn do I love a little bit of Bailey’s!Β  However what they don’t tell you in most recipes for it is that, because it contains fresh cream, homemade Irish cream has a fairly limited lifespan.Β  As I am trying to moderate my diet and alcohol intake at the moment drinking a whole bottle of whiskey and a shit ton of cream over the space of about 5 five days did not seem like a viable option.

Fun…just not a viable diet option!


So Dublin Coddle it was.Β  And whilst this was nowhere near as awful as the debacle that was the potato salad,Β  the recipe I used for Dublin Coddle (sorry I cannot remember from whence it came) was not without problems.

It asked that you layer thinly sliced potatoes into the bottom of a baking dish then piled your sauteed cabbage, onion and bacon on top and topped that with sausages.Β  Then you added stockΒ to the dish.Dublin Coddle 2

And therein lay the problem.Β  Even though I cooked this for absolutely AGES, the potatoes at the bottom didn’t cook at that well and were totally soggy.Β  And, as viewers of the British Bake Off know all too well, no one likes a soggy bottom!


Dublin Coddle 3

This was good but I wonder how much better it would have been if the potatoes had gone on the top and gone all crispy and delicious?

Dublin Coddle 4

I will actually make it that way next time and update you on how it turns out!Β  The good thing about this recipe is that it was traditionally made from leftovers so you can play around with ingredients and cooking techniques as much as you like!


Here’s the recipe!


Dublin Coddle

A delicious hearty meal, perfect for St Patrick’s Day


  • 8 sausages – the recipe said pork, I used beef
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 2 rashers of bacon, sliced
  • 2 cups of cabbage, sliced
  • stock or water (I used vegetable stock)
  • Oil
  • salt and pepper
  • parsley
  • Dijon mustard


  1. Heat a little oil in a large pan and brown the sausages. You may have to do this in two lots.
  2. Remove the sausages from the pan and set aside.
  3. Add a little more oil if required and brown the bacon and onions.
  4. Toss the cabbage through the bacon and onion mix and cook for a few minutes.
  5. Layer the potatoes in a lightly oiled casserole or baking dish.
  6. Top with the cabbage and bacon mix. Season well and almost cover with the stock.
  7. Top with the sausages.
  8. Bake at 190C until the potatoes are tender.
  9. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with mustard.


  • Serving Size: 4

Meantime, enjoy your St Patrick’s Day!!!!

Signature 1

REPOST – Recipe Revamp – SS’s Stuffed Onions


The story for these Stuffed Onions starts WAAAAAAYYYY back to my first Pieathalon in 2015.Β  My pie was a Belgian Onion Pie chosen for me by the wonderful S.S. from A Book Of Cookrye.Β  If you are ever in need of a chuckle, giggle or even a downright belly laugh, you must check this blog out.Β  S.S. has a wit drier than the Sahara.Β  You know, I try really hard to be funny.Β  I feel with S.S. that it is just effortless.Β  A Book of Cookrye is always just so, so good!

Stuffed Onions2Below the recipe for the Belgian Onion Pie that S.S sent me there was a picture of some little balls of delight (STOP IT. NOW! ) which I mistakenly took for a picture of the finished Belgian Onion Pies.Β  I assumed that the recipe was going to be some wacky Belgian reverso situation where the onion was the “pastry” and the filling was…I have no idea…crumbly pastry?

Belgian-Onion-Pie-Filling-Recipe (2)Sadly this was not the case.Β  But I hold out hope for the BelgiansΒ  They invented Smurfs, they can invent a reverso onion pie if they really put their mind to it…maybe after Brexit is over they’ll have some time on their hands for pie shenanigans.

Anyhow, after probably eye-rolling and face-palming at my inability to understand the difference between a PIE and a STUFFED VEGETABLE, S.S then v kindly sent me the recipe for the stuffed onions.Β  Which I promptly printed and lost.Β  Then about six months later I found it again and made them.Β  They were….flawed but had potential.Β  I started thinking about how to improve the recipe.Β  After a while I made them again.Β  And again.Β  Then, earlier this year I was getting ready to post the improved version when my laptop died and I lost all my photos and my improvement notes.

However, cursed as this recipe may be, it was also like a ghost haunting me.Β  So, recently, despite history indicating that the Stuffed Onions post would never see the light o’ day, I made themΒ  again. With what I could remember of the improvements.

And they were fabby!Β  So tasty!

Stuffed onions3

I am still waiting for the world to implode when I post this though…

Let’s have a look at the original recipe and then have a chat about how I changed it.

Stuffed Onions recipe

  • Sausage meat is almost invariably going to have a high fat content.Β  Adding cream to something that is already fatty made the mixture far too greasy.Β  Believe me, your mouth will be coated in it and it almost feels like your whole face is smothered in a layer of grease. Mrs Dan Sartor may have been aΒ  fan of the feeling like she had been dragged backwards through a pork chop but I do not.Β  So the cream is gone. As is the butter.
  • The wine does not have to be white.Β  I used a beef sausage and felt a red was a better match for the robust onion and beef flavours.
  • Next…I don’t really understand inches but Google tells me that a 1/4 inch is 6mm which I feel is too much onion.Β  I took mine back to 2- 3 layers of onion. Which is more than enough.
  • Depending on what kind of sausages you have you can alsoΒ  add in flavourings like chilli, garlic, a teaspoon of tomato paste, or even a couple of finely chopped mushrooms (Sorry Jenny) toΒ  the mix.
  • Finally save some of those breadcrumbs for a little sprinkle of the top to add a little bit of crunch.Β  If you happen to have some dukkah to add to that sprinkle so much the better!
  • I served mine on a toasted piece of baguette.Β  The main ingredients – sausage, onion, bread are reminiscent of a hot dog so you could use whatever you like on your hot dogs.Β  I had some aioli and rocket but swap in whatever condiments you like!Β  Or replace the aioli with a slice of cheese.Β  Maybe if you are using a spicy sausage like a chorizo add some guacamole.Β  And throw some black beans into your sausage mix….
  • You could pretty much style this baby up into anything you wanted just by changing the type of sausage and the condiments / veggies.

Stuffed Onions4Here’s the updated recipe.


Stuffed Onions

A modern take on a vintage stuffed onion recipe!


  • 8 medium onions
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 sausages, your choice of flavour,
  • 2 tbsp plus more for sprinkling over the top, breadcrumbs
  • 1 handful of chopped parsley
  • 1/2 tsp thyme leaves
  • 1 cup beef or chicken or vegetable stock
  • 1/2 cup dry white or red wine (your preference)
  • 1 tbsp dukkah to garnish (optional)
  • 8 small sprigs of thyme to ganish (optional)

Serving Suggestion

  • 8 slices of baguette
  • Aioli
  • Rocket Leaves


  1. Peel the onions and cut the top and bottom off so they sit flat.
  2. Scoop out the insides so 2/3 layers of onion are left.
  3. Finely chop half of the scooped out onion. (Save the rest for another recipe).
  4. Blanch the cases for 5 minutes then leave to dry.
  5. Heat the olive oil in a skillet then add the chopped onions. Allow them to soften and colour slightly – about 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the sausage meat from the skins and crumble into the onion mix. Cook for around 5 minutes.
  7. Drain off the excess fat and add half of the wine and the breadcrumbs..
  8. Cook for a few minutes then add the herbs, salt and pepper.
  9. Fill the shells with the stuffing mix.
  10. Sprinkle with the remaining breadcrumbs and the dukkah if using.
  11. Garnish with a ting sprig of thyme.
  12. Arrange the onions in serving dish. Pour in the stock and the remaining wine.
  13. Bake in a 180C / 350F oven for 45 minutes, basting occasionally.
  14. Meantime, toast the baguette slices.
  15. Spread with the aioli and the rocket.
  16. Top with the cooked onions.


  • Stuffing ingredients and serving suggestions can be modified based on the type of sausages you use and your favourite condiments.

A huge thanks to S.S for the recipe!Β  Sorry it has taken so long!Β  Thanks also to Mrs Dan Sartor for the original recipe.Β  And thanks also to my sadly deceased stepfather who, when ever anyone mentioned anything stuffed vis a vis “Hey IΒ  made stuffed onions today”Β  would respond by saying something along the lines of “Oh…I”m sure they weren’t that bad” or “What’s important is that you tried”.Β  Those jokes were running rampant through my head for entire length of this post!

DadΒ  jokes are the worst!

Until you don’t have them anymore…

Huh…Way to finish on a downer.

Ummm….looks around frantically for something to lighten the tone….

Okay, here are some rather unappetizing vintage ideas for stuffed onions!

Here’s a thrifty way to “Satisfy your Inner Man”

Vintage Stuffed Onions2I’m not sure.Β  I feel like my inner man would prefer a steak…

And as for this next one all I’m going to say is creamed diced carrots.

You can fill in the blanks on that one….

Vintage Stuffed Onions1Have a great week!

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2





Cattle Country Salad for Cowboy Day

Go west they said.  I took their advice and not only went  west but a whole heap north as well to end  up in the UK for this year’s Cowboy Day.  I will be spending the actual day in the most haunted town in Britain! Maybe a ghost cowboy just like this one will appear on the day….

Spooky huh?

Something that is not at  all spooky is the  Cattle Country Beef Salad Salad l made to celebrate Cowboy day.  But first, this is the first time I am writing, editing,  and posting entirely via phone so let’s put any weirdness in this post, beyond the regular  weirdness down to that and I will re-edit, format as required once I get home!

Cattle Country Beef SaladWe don’t have cowboys in Australia.  We have cattlemen.  Who live in cattle country which is where this salad comes from.  Actually, it comes from Rosemary Mayne-Wilson’s Salads for All Seasons but you know what I mean.

So what all goes into a Cattle Country Beef Salad?

  1. Beef of course.  I suspect originally this would have been leftovers from the Sunday roast but I just bought from slices of roast beef from the supermarket. 
  2. Then there’s apples.  Because we all know one a day keeps the doctor away and you don’t want to get sick while you’re out riding the range.  
  3. There’s celery because…I dunno. What use is celery?  I like the taste of it but….oh that’s right.  Celery keeps the cattlemen skinny.  Because no one likes a tubby cowboy.  Specially the horses they ride around on all day.
  4. Spring onions.  To put a spring in their step.  

That was about it for the original ingredients.  I also added some mixed leaves because I had to use them before I left for the UK the following morning.  I also added some chunks of a lovely vintage cheddar.  Which also had to be used but cheese also makes anything taste better and this was no exception.

RMW suggests using a French dressing for this.  Make it really punchy by being HEAVY on the mustard.  The flavours in here are strong enough to deal with it. 

Cattle Country  Beef Salad 2This was yummy!!!! Quick simple delicious.  That’s an all round winner for me!  

Here’s the original recipe:

Okay, I’m trying to keep this short and sweet because posting off the phone is doing my head in.  

Many thanks to Greg from Recipes for Rebels for inviting me to participate in the cookalong again this year.  It is always a so much fun to be a part of something like this.  Plus, he”s one of the most awesome people on the internet so should just be thanked in general 

 I dont have my regular sign off this week but just look what can happen when bloggers get together.  For an explanation of why Battenberg Belle, Jenny Hammerton and I are wearing cowboy hats and clutching a meat cleaver, a melon baller and a hammer respectively, you’ll need to head over to Silver Screen Suppers but in the meantime, have a great Cowboy Day everyone!  

Consider The Mutton Curry

Today we are taking a huge step back in time and heading back toΒ  the time of gas lamps, hansom cabs and thick London fogs.Β  How nice then in this cold inhospitable atmosphere to pop into the Oriental Club for a spicy mutton curry to warm your cockles on a cold winter’s night!Β  Just think, Arthur Conan Doyle could have tucked into this curry as he pondered the intricacies of the first Sherlock Holmes story.

And now you can too!

19th Century Curry 2 Our mutton curry comes fromΒ  1861Β  from The Oriental Club’s chef, Richard Terry who made use of the ingredients from the first Asian grocery warehouse inΒ  London to recreate a curry recipe he had learned from Indian cooks.Β  It is also indicative of Britain’s and Briton’s long-lasting love of curry!

This is certainly not a curry in a hurry!Β  There are several parts to making this, which is time-consuming but if you have the patience, it is well worth the effort.Β  Also, whilst the original recipe called for mutton, I used lamb.Β  I could not find mutton anywhere – not even dressed as lamb.Β  Funnily enough though, my mum says that in Sri Lanka when any recipe called for lamb or mutton, what they actually used was goat so use what you can get.

19th Century Curry Powder ingredientsFirst up, you need to roast up some spices to make a curry powder.Β  This will make more than you need for one curry so you will have supplies if you want to make this again or you can use it in other curries.

19th Century Curry PowderOne thing that is strange about this curry is that you not only need a curry powder but also a curry paste.

Whilst we’re roasting and grinding those spices, let’s talk Sherlock!Β  I am a HUGE fan of the BBC series with Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and Andrew Scott because who doesn’t love a bad boy right?Β  And I am over the moon excited to see Series 4.Β  Tom Hiddleston! Colin Farrell! This series isΒ  going to be AWESOME!

19th Century Curry Paste IngredientsNow, a very weird thing about this curry paste is that it contains lentils which you grind up.Β  I have never heard of this technique before but…hey, if it’s good enough for the The Duke of Wellington, who was the President of the Oriental Club back in the day, it’s good enough for me!Β  The genius stroke is that they help to make the gravy lovely and thick.

Mutton curry (maybe even one based on this recipe!) features as a clue in a Sherlock Holmes story.Β  In The Adventure of Silver Blaze, which not only contains the phrase”Consider the mutton curry,” the title of this post but also “the curious incident of the dog in the night-time”, a mutton curry is doused with powdered opium, putting the stable boy meant to be guarding the race horse Silver Blaze into a stupor and hence rendering him unable to do his job.

19th Century Curry Paste

The paste mix will also make more than you need for one curry but will keep in the fridge for months.

Sadly, Sherlock Holmes may not have been a fan of curry.Β  At least not according to the 1946 film, Terror by Night.Β  This however is not based on a Conan Doyle story so this is open for debate.Β  Terror By Night is also available for free download here.Β  Personally, I think Sherlock would have been a fan of this mutton curry…with or without a garnish of powdered opium.

19th Century Curry 2

The 19th Century Mutton Curry was delicious, dark and spicy, thanks to those lentils, the gravy was lovely and thick and the meat was tender.Β  This was a winner!Β  And hey, I’ve got paste and powder left so I’ll definitely be making it again!

Best served with an ice-cold beer! Whilst watching Series 4 of Sherlock!

Any leftovers?Β  A curry jaffle is THE best hangover food known to man.Β  Just sayin’. Tis the season after all!

Oh and by the way, the Oriental Club still exists and curries still feature on the menu.Β  I am adding to the list for a trip to London next year!


19th Century British Mutton Curry

A delicious mutton curry from the days of The Raj, Queen Victoria and Sherlock Holmes!



19th Century British Curry Powder

  • 2 tbsp ground turmeric
  • 5 tsp ground coriander
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp ground cardamom seeds
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves

19th Century British Curry Paste

  • 4 tbsp whole coriander seeds
  • 2 tbsp yellow split peas
  • 1 tbsp whole black peppercorns
  • 1 1/2 whole cumin seeds
  • 1 tbsp whole brown mustard seeds
  • 1 tbsp ground turmeric
  • 1 tbsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp minced ginger
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • 120ml cider vinegar
  • 6 tbsp corn, peanut or olive oil


  • 675g bones lamb, cut into 2.5cm cubes
  • 2 tbsp 19th Century British Curry Powder
  • 1 tbsp 19th Century British Curry Paste
  • 200g onions, peeled and finely chopped
  • 4 tbsp corn, peanut oil or ghee
  • 3/41tsp salt


For The 19th Century British Curry Powder

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a jar. Mix. Cover with a tight lid.
  2. Store away from heat and sunlight.
  3. Makes 7 tablespoons.

For The 19th Century British Curry Powder

  1. Put the coriander seeds, split peas, peppercorns and cumin into a medium cast iron frypan and set on medium heat. Stir and roast until the split peas are reddish, the coriander has turned a shade darker and all the spices begin to give off a roasted aroma.
  2. Empty them into a bowl and allow to cool.
  3. Put the roasted spices and the mustard seeds into a spice grinder or food processor and grind as finely as possible. Place in a bowl.
  4. Add thee turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, salt, sugar, garlic and vinegar.
  5. Stir to mix.
  6. Pour the oil into a small non-stick frying pan and set over a medium heat.
  7. Add the spice paste.
  8. Stir and fry for around 5 minutes or until it browns slightly.
  9. Cool, then empty into a jar.
  10. Cover tightly and refrigerate until needed.

For The Curry

  1. Put the oil or ghee in a heavy, wide, lidded pan. Set it over a medium high heat.
  2. When the oil is hot, stir in the onions and fry them until they are lightly browned.
  3. Add the curry powder and curry paste.
  4. Stir a few times then add the meat and half the salt.
  5. Stir and fry for a few minutes until the meat is coated in the spice mix.
  6. Cover and reduce the heat to low.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Add 600ml water and increase the heat/ Bring to the boil.
  9. Cover, reduce the heat to low and cook for an hour until the meat is tender and the sauce is thick.
  10. Season to taste and serve.


  • If the sauce is not thick enough, remove the lid and let it boil down.

Have a great week!Β  Enjoy your holidays if you are on them, enjoy Sherlock S4 if you are watching.Β  Let me know if you are, we can compare notes after!

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2








Devilled Burgers. Taste Heavenly!

Like rock and roll and dancing in that town in Footloose, burgers must be the work of the devil.Β  There is no other explanation for something so simple tasting so good!Β  And that’s just normal burgers.Β  Once you have tried Margaret Fulton’s Devilled Burgers you will be ready to sell your soul for the recipe!

Devilled HamburgersNot that you have to of course.Β  The recipe is at the end of the post.Β  No soul selling involved!

So what makes the Devilled Burger so special?

Oh and warning ahead…I am going to drop the dreaded M word.Β  You know, the one that rhymes with foist.Β  Haters beware!

One thingΒ  I have noticed about a couple of old hamburger recipes is that they use bread soaked in evaporated milk.Β  This may both look and sound pretty gross but I think this combo really helps to keep the burgers moist.Β  There.Β  I’ve said it.

Devilled Hamburgers3This mixture turns into something that resembles either wallpaper paste or the gruel from Oliver but I think it does the job.Β  I had these two nights running and I was expecting that reheating them on the second night would make them dry but no, they were as juicy as ever!Β  Possibly even better than the first night.

Other ingredients are finely chopped mushrooms (sorry Jenny), mustard, tomato ketchup, green Habanero sauce, horseradish and Worcestershire Sauce!Β  No wonder these are tasty little demons!

Devilled Hamburgers4These are so good.Β  Who could believeΒ  ground beef could be so tasty? These have rocked straight in at number two on my best burgers ever (right behind my spicy feta burgers)!Β  Hmmm..,.now what would happen if you added some feta and cumin to this recipe?Β  The burger to end all burgers? Burgergeddon?Β  I now so want to try it out!

Top these burgers with your favourite toppings, mine are in the recipe below and enjoy!!!!

If serving at your own devil theme party, why not lay out your salad ingredients and condiments and any other trimmings you like and let your guests create their own version of the Devilled Burger?


Devilled Burgers


  • 4 slices bread
  • 3/4 cup evaporated milk
  • 1 kilo minced (ground) beef
  • 2 tsp salt
  • pepper to taste
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 eggs
  • 250g chopped mushrooms (optional)
  • 1.5 tsp Dijon Mustard
  • 1/4 cup tomato ketchup or mild chilli sauce (I used a combination of ketchup and green habanero sauce)
  • 2 tsp prepared horseradish
  • 2 tsp Worchestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tsp green Habenero sauce
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Tomato Slices
  • Vintage Cheddar, thinly sliced
  • Red Onions, thinly sliced
  • Pickles


  1. Remove the crusts from the read, cut into squares and soak in evaporated milk for 10 minutes, then beat with a fork.
  2. Mix meat, bread, salt, pepper, onion, mushrooms, mustard, tomato ketchup and/or chilli sauce, horseradish and Worchestershire Sauce in large bowl. Mix in the eggs with a fork.
  3. Shape into 10 even sized patties.
  4. Heat some oil in a frying pan and gently fry the red onions .
  5. Preheat the grill and grill the hamburgers on one side for 7-8 minutes on one side and ^ minutes on the other. Add a slice of cheese using and grill for a further minute or so until the cheese has melted.
  6. Whilst the hamburger is cooking, toast your buns.
  7. Mix the mayonnaise and the green habanero sauce together and spread over the buns.
  8. Top with a lettuce leaf and a slice of tomato.
  9. Place the burger on top of the tomato and top with the fried onions and the burger bun.
  10. Pickles can be served on the side or in the burger or not at all!


Devilled Hamburgers2

Oh and look!Β  Is that a bottle of Lychee Beer in the background?Β  Yes indeed.Β  Just doing a little taste testing for the margarita to come.Β  Or should that be a lagerita?

Have a fab week!Β  Next time, we’ll be wrapping up our devil themed party with an appropriately titled cake from the Domestic Goddess herself!

The Devil Cocktail

Signature 2