Category: Avocado

September 2004 – Feeling Fruity

Hello friends and welcome to September 2004. Today, we’ll be exploring a fun fruit-forward menu via Delicious Magazine. But as usual, before we dive into the menu, let’s take a look at what we were watching, reading, and listening to in September 20 years ago.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t rushing to the Cinema in September 2004. Resident Evil: Apocalypse was #1 at the box office, followed by Hero with Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow at number 3. However, all of these titles are drawing total blanks for me! On the other hand, I am very well aware of the number one book on the best seller lists – it was The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, which I think has been number one on the charts since I started doing these Twenty Years Ago posts!

While I may not have been greatly enamoured with the books and films of 2004, the music was another matter. 1985 by Bowling for Soup was #7, and American Idiot was #8. Finally, something for me!”

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake

Speaking of other things for me, let’s get it started in here (BTW, that was #2 in September 2004) with our feeling fruity menu!

The Menu  – September 2004

Feeling Fruity Menu:  September 2004

I designed my September 2004 menu using AI. It was a hard slog, and there were times when I was ready to throw my laptop against the wall. However, in the end, it was worth the effort. Even if I do say so myself!

Wicked Champagne Cocktail 

This Jamie Oliver recipe was very simple – pomegranate juice with sparkling wine. But it was also a great way to start our fruity theme for September 2004!

Wicked Champagne Cocktail

Wicked Champagne Cocktail Recipe


Prawn, Grapefruit and Avocado Salad

This was divine!!!  All my favourite flavours! 

Prawn, Grapefruit, Avocado Salad

Prawn, Grapefruit and Avocado Salad Recipe

Prawn, Avocado Grapefruit Salad Recipe

Duck Breast with Raspberry Vinaigrette

Another winner!  I had some pink pickled onions from something else I had made in the fridge and I added them to this recipe.  I think they worked well with the rest of the ingredients but, they could easily be left out.  

Duck Breast with Raspberry Vinaigrette

Duck Breast with Raspberry Vinaigrette Recipe

Duck Breast Recipe (1)

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake

Oh.  My.  Lord.  This was heaven!!!!  And for something that looks so gorgeous was very easy to make!  

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake2

Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake Recipe

AA Raspberry and Strawberry Mousse Cake


Orange and Rosemary Tisane

Drinking this made me feel very Poirot!  The blend of orange and rosemary was very pleasant and refreshing.  

Rosemary and Orange Tisane



My Nigella Moment – Asparagus Maltaise

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

This month’s Nigella dish actually fits the theme.  It is an Asparagus Maltaise.  Now I only learned recently that Hollandaise was the OG way of saying that the sauce came from / was isnpired by Holland!  It’s kind of in the name when you think about about it, but I had never put the two together before.  So…Maltaise is a Hollandaise with Orange.. inspired by…Malta?

Asparagus Maltaise

If you’re wondering why my sauce is pink…well the recipe called for Blood Orange and the Blood orange I bought (not on purpose, I literally grabbed the first blood orange I saw at the supermarket) were the darkest I have ever seen!   

Blood Orange

The juice looked like red wine!

Blood Orange Juice

It was that depth of colour that turned my sauce pink!  I thought this looked spectacular!   Pink and green are one of my favorite color combinations. And the flavour of that blood orange was spectacular!

Asparagus Maltaise2

This was delicious!!!!  One of the dishes that makes me so glad I am going back and exploring these magazines!

Asparagus Maltaise Recipe

AA asparagus maltaise (1)

What a month!!!!  I loved cooking these recipes!  They were all amazing!!!  And helped me to get my seven a day!   Have a great week! Signature2



Guacamole Stuffed Tomatoes

Hello friends!  Get ready for a delicious trip down memory lane, fueled by none other than guacamole-stuffed tomatoes! As a quirky only child, I spent a lot of my time lost in the magical worlds found between book covers. Every week, the local library became my wonderland. It was on one of these adventures that I stumbled upon a treasure – “The Complete Avocado Cookbook.”

Guacamole Stuffed Tomatoes

I became obsessed with this book and borrowed it over and over.  This book, and the food contained within it seemed like the height of sophistication to my younger self.  This book was my future!  I could not wait to grow up and have Breakfast At Tiffanys-esque parties complete with drunks wearing lampshades on their heads, women with foot long cigarette holders and, of course, some amazing avocado-based food!

Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used To Be

Given this history, you can only imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a copy of “The Complete Avocado Cookbook” in a charity shop a few years ago! I snatched it up so quickly, you’d think it was the last book on earth. However, the fact that it’s taken me years to actually cook from it might be a good indicator that “you can’t dip your toe into the same river twice.” Take the recipe for Crusted Stuffed Avocado, for example. For twelve-year-old me, this was the absolute star attraction, the shiny gold ornament on the Christmas tree of “The Complete Avocado Cookbook.”

For this recipe, you take an avocado, cut it in two and scoop out the flesh.  You then mix that flesh with Camembert cheese, garlic and herbs and pile all of that back into the avocado shells.  Then, you put the shells back together and crumb and fry the rejoined avocado.  Try very hard not to sing Atomic Kitten’s Whole Again as you do this!  Finally, you then serve your crusty stuffed avocado with an almond butter sauce!

Here it is:

Crusty Stuffed Avocado

And here is my childhood reaction to reading this recipe:

And here is adult me:

  1. I now know that I don’t actually like the taste of cooked avocado.
  2. Nowadays, the heart attack-inducing power of a deep-fried avocado stuffed with Camembert cheese, served with a butter sauce, terrifies me!
  3. Why would you leave the skin of the avocado on?  
  4. Finally…why are they using a Shepherd when everyone knows the Hass avocado is far superior!

Guacmaole Stuffed Tomatoes – The Recipe

All of which leads me to the Guacamole Stuffed Tomato – let me tell you, it was absolutely delicious.  I wouldn’t normally add olives to my guacamole but they were a nice salty addition!  I could not really taste the coriander powder either and would probably sub in fresh coriander (cilantro) next time.   Having said that, my twelve year old self, as well as my… ahem somewhat older self were both delighted!  I was also delighted to take this photo of the original picture of the book and my homage to it!

Guacamole Stuffed Tomatoes2

Guacamole Stuffed Tomatoes

And, if like me, you have aslo been hunning Whole Again this whole time, I’ve linked it in below.  I will now look lovingly at my copy of The Complete Avocado Cookbook and sing along:

Looking back on when we first metI cannot escape and I cannot forgetBaby you’re the one, you still turn me on

Have a great week!



The Zombie’s Secret

Hello friends and welcome to a spooky edition of Retro Food for Modern Times. Today, via Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972) we will be discovering The Zombie’s Secret. And also learning that some things are better left undiscovered. But we will get to that! So what is The Zombie’s Secret? 

So, if not brains, then what is The Zombie’s Secret?  What if I were to drop you a clue that this recipe comes from the Caribbean chapter of GHWC?  Oh…I hear you say.  It’s a cocktail.  I bet it has lots of rum and is so potent it will turn you into the walking dead!  No, but the cocktail in the link looks and sounds delish!!! 

This is the Zombie’s Secret:

The Zombie's Secret1

Turns out, The Zombie’s Secret is a weird fruit salad with a coffee cream topping.  I’ll be honest here,  I didn’t love this.  I’m not a great lover of bananas and this was all a bit same-same in terms of texture.  Bananas are kind of mushy as are avocados, as is cream cheese which also felt like it didn’t belong when I was adding it.  It did, however, give the dish a cheesecakey vibe which was one of the nicest things about it.  I toasted my coconut which added some much-needed crunch. Maybe the soft texture of banana, avocado, cream cheese, and cream is the texture of brains?  Maybe this is the secret for vegetarian zombies?  Maybe all the vitamins and minerals contained in bananas and avocados give our brain-hungry friends their beautiful hair and skin? Who knew discovering this secret would learn to so many questions?


The Zombie’s Secret – Recipe


The Zombie's Secret2


The Zombie's Secret Recipe

The flavours in this were surprisingly good, it was really the lack of texture that let it down.  I think someone (not me because ewww bananas) could use these ingredients and make a lovely cheesecake.  Coconut crumb base, avocado, and cream cheese filling, topped with some bananas and the coffee spiked cream maybe with a little of Caribbean rum thrown in! 

Now that sounds like a secret worth sharing!  

Have a great week!  


Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches

Hello friends!   Welcome to the latest post on “What Posh People ate in the ’80s”. This recipe for Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches comes from the Vogue Entertaining Guide from Autumn 1986.  The article features a mother and daughter who love to entertain after a match or two on their private tennis court.  When I said posh I meant swish enough to have a house with its own tennis court!

Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches

I would LOVE to be invited to a spot of doubles followed by an elegant afternoon tea!  (Note to friends – can one of you please get rich so we can do this?  And can we also wear gorgeous tennis dresses like these?)

Tennis Dresses

The whole thing reminded me very much of the John Betjeman poem called A Subaltern’s Love Song:

Miss J.Hunter Dunn, Miss J.Hunter Dunn,
Furnish’d and burnish’d by Aldershot sun,
What strenuous singles we played after tea,
We in the tournament – you against me!

Love-thirty, love-forty, oh! weakness of joy,
The speed of a swallow, the grace of a boy,
With carefullest carelessness, gaily you won,
I am weak from your loveliness, Joan Hunter Dunn

Miss Joan Hunter Dunn, Miss Joan Hunter Dunn,
How mad I am, sad I am, glad that you won,
The warm-handled racket is back in its press,
But my shock-headed victor, she loves me no less.

Her father’s euonymus shines as we walk,
And swing past the summer-house, buried in talk,
And cool the verandah that welcomes us in
To the six-o’clock news and a lime-juice and gin.

Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches2

Rather than lime juice and gin, this article waxes lyrical about a boysenberry daiquiri served with the afternoon tea:

One of Helena’s specialties is the delicious boysenberry daiquiri which is smooth in texture, with a wonderful colour and just enough zing in it to revive tired tennis bodies

And even includes a large picture of said daiquiris:

Boysenberry Daiquiri

But, back in 1986, if you had a tired tennis body and needed the reviving properties of a boysenberry daiquiri, you would have been SOL as the Vogue Entertaining Guide did not give you the recipe for it!  It’s the opposite of Chekhov’s Gun.  Even today, with full use of the internet, the closest thing I could find is this recipe for a berry daiquiri from the BBC.  Never let it be said that I don’t give you something to soothe your tired tennis body! I mean it’s not boysenberries but what can you do?  Maybe boysenberry daiquiris only exist in the realms of people who have their own tennis courts and would never dream of publishing their recipe on something as mucky as the internet!

The Recipe – Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches

The article made no mention of who Margie is/was so neither shall we.  These were very yummy and delicate sandwiches.  And whilst I don’t want to drag Agatha Christie into every post, they were certainly something I could imagine people eating after a hit of tennis in one of her novels.  Whilst someone was being stabbed in the drawing room.

Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches

Avocado and Crab Finger Sandwiches3

I added a sprinkle of chives from the garden and some chive flowers as a garnish for my sandwiches.

The Saratoga Torte which I featured a while back is from this same article.

I am now going to go dream of a life that includes

The traditional charm of a tennis afternoon tea expressed through the use of gleaming family silver and old lace



Have a wonderful week!



REPOST – Two Ways With Leftover Chicken

Happy New Year!

I hope the festivities were wonderful and the champagne was flowing freely!!!  The only downside to all the partying is that invariably you end up with a fridge full of leftovers.  This year we were inundated with leftover chicken so, if you ever find yourself in the same situation, here are two ways to use it up.


My first leftover chicken recipe uses one of my favourite retro ingredients, the vol au vent shell. (Sorry Glenda, still store-bought!)

Chicken And Tarragon Vol Au Vents3And it’s simples – mix up a white sauce add some tarragon, stir in your chicken, fill your vol au vent cups, sprinkle on some cheese and in a couple of minutes you have a super cute little appetizer with which to kick off your next party!

My Chicken and Tarragon Vol Au Vents are based on a recipe I found in a Feast Magazine but can also be found here.

C‪hicken and Tarragon Vol Au Vents 1

My next take on leftover chicken is a more modern Chicken, Avocado and Chipotle Tortilla which you can serve two ways.

I got this recipe from A Moveable Feast by Katy Holder where it was originally conceived of as a wrap.  I made one of these and took it to work (yes, sadly I worked between Christmas and New Year).  It was tasty but I am not a fan of the taste of cooked avocado and even putting the wrap into the sandwich press was enough to turn the taste from delicious to awful.  If you like cooked avocado, or you want this all to yourself, this could be just the thing for you!

Chicken, Avocado and Chipotle TortillaIf however, like me you do not like the taste of cooked avocado, or you want to share the deliciousness, turn it into a “pizza”

Heat the tortilla until crispy, sprinkle the chicken, avocado and the chipotle salsa over the top, cut into slices and serve immediately to your guests as an appetizer. (Or eat it all by yourself!  I won’t judge you.

Chicken, Avocado and Chipotle Tortilla2



Chicken, Avocado & Chipotle Tortillas

Two delicious ways with chicken tortillas


  • 1 tortilla
  • 1/4 cup chopped leftover chicken
  • 1/4 avocado, roughly chopped
  • 1 small tomato, chopped
  • 1/4 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1/41/2 chipotle chilli in adobo sauce (or to taste)
  • 1 sprig of coriander (cilantro), finely chopped
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Toothpick


  1. At least one hour before serving, make your salsa.
  2. Discard the seeds from the tomato, mix with the onion, chilli, coriander and lime juice. Season to taste.
  3. Set aside to allow the flavours to blend.
  4. Just before serving, drain the salsa, neither of these recipes needs soggy tortilla!

For The Pizza

  1. Heat the tortilla under the grill until it gets crispy.
  2. Once the tortilla is crispy, take it out of the oven and top with the chicken, avocado and salsa.
  3. Cut into slices and serve immediately.
  4. Perfect with an ice cold beer!

For the Wrap

  1. Warm the tortilla according to packet instructions, to soften.
  2. Spread a line of chicken, a line of avocado and a line of salsa in the middle of the tortilla, leaving a 2 cm gap on all sides.
  3. Fold in the bottom, rotate 90* and fold over one side then the other.
  4. Tuck the remaining side of tortilla, securing with a toothpick.
  5. Place into your sandwich press or under your grill and heat until the outside of the tortilla is golden and crispy.
  6. Don’t forget to remove the toothpick before eating!

I wish you all the very best for 2016 and may it be the year all your dreams come true!  Thank you for reading and commenting and being a part of my teeny corner of the internet.  It’s a New Year – Let’s make it wonderful!

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