Category: Dining With The Dame

Devonshire Splits: And Then There Were Buns

Devonshire Splits 3

Hello crime readers and food lovers!  When I first thought about writing about the food featured in Agatha Christie novels I spent quite a bit of time thinking about what to call my new venture. “And Then There Were Buns” was my first idea.  It seemed equally Christiesque, food-related and appealed to my love of puns. In the end, I settled on Dining with the Dame as being a more simple title. However, the inital idea never really left my mind, and has, resurfaced, here as we begin to talk about the Christie classic And Then There Were None.  In what has become a bit of a theme around here And Then There Were None features very little actual food. Plenty of tinned tongue (🤮) but little real food.  Given it is Easter,  I decided to make Devonshire splits over a more traditional hot cross bun for two reasons. First, the novel is set on a small island off the Devon Coast and second, I don’t really like a hot cross bun.  

Devonshire Splits1

Oh, and I know I previously said that April’s read would be Sad Cypress but you can blame a work trip to Sydney for the mix-up.  I accidentally popped the wrong book into my bag and didn’t realise until I was on the plane. I blame the 4:00am wake up for that error!   Sad Cypress will be May’s read.  

And Then There Were None -The Plot

This one is such as classic  that I feel that it needs little explanation by me.  It is Christie’s best-selling title with over 100 million sales!  But here goes nothing – Eight people are invited to spend time on Soldier Island, off the Devon Coast.  When they arrive, they are greeted by a butler and his wife, the cook but their hosts are absent.  Each person finds a framed copy of a nursery rhyme called Ten Little Soldiers in their room and the dining table contains a tableau of ten soldiers.

As our guests are having dinner a terrifying voice booms out of nowhere that they have been gathered together as each of them has previously gotten away with murder and lists their crimes.  Panic and pandemonium ensues.  


Devonshire Splits 2

And then they start dying in ways paralleling the Indians from the rhyme.

And with each death, one of the little figurines on the tables disappears.  

We have:

  • No way off the island
  • A dawning realisation that one of them is a killer
  • A baffling puzzle for the police when they finally arrive on the Island.  The last death was Vera Stanhope who hanged herself.  So, given no one could get on or off the island, who moved the chair she stepped on to reach the noose away from her body and put it against the wall? 
  • A confession in a bottle.  If Smashmouth was the theme for Murder is Easy, then The Police’s Message in a Bottle might be this month’s song!

And Then There Were None is so creepy and the growing fear and paranoia of the guests as the death toll rises is so well done!  It is no wonder that this is the best-selling mystery novel of all time!  Speaking of which, let’s look at the covers of some of the 100 million!

And Then There Were None – The Covers

ATTWN Collage

There are some wonderful covers here!  Not sure about the significance of the fish (top right) but I really like all of the rest of them – the remoteness of the island, the way the noose forms the O in bottom left, the broken Indian, the skull shadow cast by the house are all greatly evocative of the book.  You will also notice there are also a few covers with the title Ten Little Indians which is one of the former titles of this novel.  

And I guess about now would be the right time to talk about the original title of this novel which was Ten Little N-words.  I made the decision not to include any of the covers with that particular title.  I don’t even know what to say about the original title.  Except to say I’m very glad it was changed and I think Änd Then There Were None”is a much better title than either of the others!

The Recipe – Devonshire Splits

I used the recipe for Devonshire splits from the Waitrose website.  I’ve also included it below in case the website ever takes it down.  These are also called Cornish splits in other places on the internet so don’t come at me, people of Cornwall if you feel slighted, head straight to the source.  The Devonshire Splits were delicious.  BUT I found them quite big.  Personally, I would use the amount of mixture suggested in the recipe to make 18 buns instead of the 12 suggested.  If you do this make sure that you reduce the cooking time accordingly.  



Devonshire Splits 3

Links to The Christieverse

I could not find any links in this one.  

Devonshire Splits 4

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in And Then There Were None

  • Gin and Ginger Beer
  • Coffee (multiple times)
  • Port
  • Brandy (multiple times)
  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Bacon and eggs  (Bacon mentioned twice)
  • Tea (multiple times)
  • Cold Ham (twice)
  • Cold Tongue (tinned) (mentioned multiple times)
  • Boiled Potatoes
  • Cheese
  • Biscuits (twice)
  • Tinned Fruit (mentioned twice)
  • Honey
  • Whiskey


May’s read will absolutely positively definitely be Sad Cypress!

Have a great week!


Devonshire Splits

AAA Devonshire Splits 1

Pineapple and Spice Financier – Murder is Easy

Murder is Easy Collage

Hello crime readers and food lovers!  This month’s read is Murder Is Easy, and I have a LOT to say about it!  Starting with a rant about how I ended up choosing a Pineapple and Spice Financier (which does not appear in the story at all) to represent the novel.  Murder is Easy contains very few food references.   This really annoyed me!   I kind of get it when AC doesn’t mention food in the novels set in foreign climes.  Back in the day, there would likely have been some good old-fashioned British reserve (ie thinly veiled racism) against foreign food.  But Murder is Easy is set in an English village and features multiple old ladies!  Where are the scones?  Where are the high teas and finger sandwiches?   The village fete with cake stalls galore?

Pineapple and Spice Financier5

Murder Might be Easy but Menu Decisions Aren’t!

So, what do you do when there is no food mentioned in the novel? My first thought always goes to puns.  Murder is greasy?  Murder is cheesy?  Chowder is Easy?  Humlebeetroot Salad?  I dismissed all of these as cornier than the chowder! I was very nearly set on the idea of making Olivia De Havilland’s Salad Niçoise.  (She played Honoria Waynfleet in the 1982 version of Murder is Easy).  However, when I looked more closely at the recipe on Silver Screen Suppers I saw that it contained both red and green capsicums.  Long-time readers will know that these do not agree with me at all.  I thought about inventing a Hit and Rum cocktail, which was going to be my take on a pineapple mojito, and spoke to two of the murders in the novel.  However, I felt there have been a lot of cocktails in my recent Dining with the Dame posts so I wanted to shy away from them.

Finally, I decided I wanted to use pineapple which, features as a murder weapon, in the story combined with the country feel of a freshly baked cake.  I chose the  Pineapple and Spice Financier as I  felt that the spices (cardamom and ginger) were a nod to Luke Fitzwilliam’s time in the Mayang Straits.  Whilst this is an entirely made-up place in my mind it is a reference to Malaysia which was still under British rule in 1939 when this book was written.

Pineapple and Spice Financier 1

Phew…that was a long intro!  So let’s get into Murder is Easy!

Murder is Easy- The Plot

Luke Fitzwilliam is home to England from his work as a policeman in the Mayang Straits.  On his way to London, he meets an elderly lady called Lavinia Pinkerton on the train.  They get to talking and Ms Pinkerton confides to him that she is on her way to Scotland Yard to warn them that there is a serial killer operating in her small country village.  She names several people who have already been a victim of said killer and also names who she thinks will be next.

Now, if you want my honest opinion of Luke Fitzwilliam?  To put it nicely, he’s no Hercule Poirot.  He’s not even a Miss Marple.  In the words of Smashmouth he “ain’t the smartest tool in the shed”.  However, his lack of perspicacity comes later.  Right now, we can’t really fault him for thinking he has sat down next to some batty old lady and so he doesn’t really take her seriously.

Until, the next day, he reads in the paper that she was killed in a hit-and-run accident.

And a week later, he reads that Doctor Humbleby who Miss Pinkerton said was the next victim, has also died.  Luke’s spidey senses start tingling and he heads down to Wychwood under Ashe to do some investigating.

Pineapple and Spice Financier3

We have:

  • Several mysterious deaths in the town Wychwood-Under-Ashe
  • A chauffeur killed by a stone pineapple
  • Dirty deeds going on with the local antique dealer
  • A cat called Wonky Poo who becomes involved in the murders in a totally disgusting way.
  • One of the suspects strangling a canary
  • Inspector Battle who we last saw in Cards on The Table (also in The Secret of Chimneys and The Seven Dials Mystery) making an appearance!

Unfortunately,  we don’t have Poirot around to solve the mystery.  Instead, we have Luke Fitzwilliam (cue Smashmouth quote above in your head) making what seems like interminable lists of suspects and motives and still not honing in on the killer faster than his new girlfriend Bridget.  Oh, and if we’re going to cue Smashmouth whenever Luke is mentioned, then the signature tune for Bridget is The Eagles Witchy Woman!  So many references to Bridget being witch-like.  All of which come to nothing.

Murder is Easy – The Covers

Murder is Easy Collage


The Recipe – Pineapple and Spice Financier

My recipe comes from the November 2022 issue of Delicious Magazine.

Pineapple and Spice recipe


“Luke – Luke – what’s that…?”

The moon had come out from the clouds.  Luke looked down to where Bridget’s shoe trembled by a huddled mass.

With a startled exclamation he dragged his arm free and knelt down.  He looked from the shapeless heap to the gate post above.  The pine-apple was gone. “

Murder is Easy – Agatha Christie

Pineapple and Spice Financier4

Links to The Christieverse

  • As mentioned above Inspector Battle makes an appearance in Murder is Easy.
  • The Bells and Motley. is a pub in Wychwood under Ashe.   A pub by the same name features in the Harley Quin short story called “At The Bells and Motley”.

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Murder is Easy

  • Plum Pudding
  • Tea (multiple times)
  • Coffee (multiple times)
  • Bacon and eggs  (I will make these one day!)
  • Kidneys (I will never make these)
  • Liqueur Brandy
  • Beer
  • Sherry

Pineapple and Spice Financier 2

Other Related News

  • A boomslang features in the  Bullet Train. We, of course, know all about that particular snake from Death in The Clouds.
  • The BBC has announced a new adaptation of l Murder is Easy.   (The Olivia de Haviland / Bill Bixby version is available on You Tube.  The Miss Marple version is not great and I would not recommend it, except Benedict Cumberbatch plays Luke).)
  • This month marks the 100th anniversary of Murder on The Links…why not celebrate by making an Omelette Berrichonne?

April’s read is Sad Cypress.

Have a great week!




Admiral Highball – Appointment with Death

Hello food lovers and crime readers!   Today we have not only an Appointment with Death but also a meeting with an Admiral!  An Admiral Highball that is! As mentioned in my previous post on Manakish, there is no food mentioned in Agatha’s Appointment with Death.  There is however a mention of the cocktail called a Highball. I searched through my cocktail recipes and decided that an Admiral Highball would be my drink of choice for this book.

Why you ask?  Well…Admiral Highball sounds like he might be a character in a Golden Age murder mystery.  Or one of the potential murderers in a game of Cluedo.  “It was Admiral Highball in the boatshed with a fishing rod” sounds almost too good to be made up!  More importantly, though, the Admiral Highball contains bourbon and I thought that was a nice nod to the American Boynton family who feature in this story!

Admiral Highball 1

Also, welcome to the RFFMT family, the gorgeous Carmen Vaseranda!  She’ll be popping in now and again to give her verdict on fruity concoctions. She is an absolute beauty isn’t she?

Appointment with Death – The Plot

You know how sometimes you may feel your mother is a little overbearing and/or demanding?  I hear you.  But believe me.  None of our collective issues prepares us for Mrs. Boynton. She’s Flowers in the Attic level mad in her control over her family! Formerly a prison warden, Mrs. B treats her adult children like her former prisoners!  Their touring party consists of her adopted adult children Raymond, Carol, Lennox, her own daughter Ginevra, and Raymond’s wife Nadine.

They are all somewhat psychologically scarred by their years under their mother’s control – some more than others.  Then Mrs Boyton is found dead.  She was taking medication for a heart condition so was her passing from natural causes?  Or something more sinister?  Admiral Highball 2

We have

  • Poirot overhearing the following words through an open window on his first night in Jerusalem.  “You do see, don’t you, that’s she’s got to be killed?”
  • Raymond Boynton catching feelings for Dr. Sarah King, a member of their travelling party.
  • Nadine on the verge of leaving Lennox due to his mother’s control over them
  • Ginevra Boyton increasingly losing hold of reality
  • A number of missing hypodermic needles
  • Some missing digitoxin
  • A tiny mark on Mrs Boynton’s wrist.  Could it be from the prick of a needle?
  • Pretty much everyone lying because they think someone they love did the evil deed

It’s a tangled tale.  Good thing we have Poirot on hand to bring the wrongdoer to justice!

Appointment With Death – The Covers

This, even if I do say so my self is an amazing collection!  Three Italian and one Vietnamese for a start!  I know I always gush over the colours but each and every one of these is amazing!

Appointment with Death Collage

Just as quck aside, you may be wondering why both my photo above and one of these pics has a Buddha when the story is set entirely in the Middle East?  Well it’s because at least once Mrs B is described as a Buddha:

“here, like an arch priestess of some forgotten cult, like a monstrous swollen female Buddha, sat Mrs Bonyton”

But none of above covers  prepares us for the mec plus ultra of covers for Appointment for Death which is, of course, the Tom Adams cover.  Just imagine you have heard the above plot points and seen the covers that came before you.  And instead of using motifs like an older, fat woman, scenes of Jordan, or a  threatening Arab (not even remotely featured in the story but back in the day apparently no one cared about casual racism) you come up with this!

Appointment with Death


Bravo and a standing ovation for Tom Adams.  I have no idea what your cover means, it bears no relevance to the script.

But I love you for creating it!!!

And hate you for giving me nightmares because of it!  I mean what the hell is that  coming out of that woman’s head?

The Recipe – Admiral Highball

Admiral Highball 3My recipe for the Admiral Highball came from The Mammoth Book of Cocktails by Paul Martin

Admiral Highball Recipe

Mr Jefferson Cope took another sip of highball and went on:

“I’d like to tell you, Dr Gerard, just a little of the Boynton family history”

Appointment with Death – Agatha Christie

Links to The Christieverse

I was able to find three references to other books in Appointment with Death:

  • Colonel Race and the Shaitana murder are mentioned by Colonel Carbury (Cards on The Table)
  • Nadine speaks of Poirot’s accepting the official version of the truth in the case of the Orient Express
  • Miss Pierce says she read all about the ABC CaseAdmiral Highball 4

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Appointment with Death

  • Coffee (twice)
  • Whisky Soda (twice)
  • Tea (Twice)
  • Soda Water

As I said at the top – not a huge amount to choose from!

Last time I posted I was heading to Darwin, later this week I am doing a two-day work trip to Adelaide.  My reading material on the flights will be next month’s selection, Murder is Easy. Adelaide is considered the weird murder capital of Australia so goodness only knows what I’ll find there!  Actually, maybe I won’t take Murder is Easy – I don’t want to give some nutter any ideas!

Have a great week!


Champagne Cocktail – Dead Man’s Mirror

Hello food lovers and crime readers!   Welcome to the first Dining with the Dame of 2023!  We are celebrating the new year with a classic Champagne Cocktail and the final story from the Murder in the Mews Collection.  I improvised here as there is no food mentioned in Dead Man’s Mirror. However, the sound of a cork popping features in the story so a Champagne cocktail feels fitting. Besides, who doesn’t love a Champagne cocktail?

Champagne Cocktail 1


Dead Man’s Mirror- The Plot

Hmm…we have a dead man in a locked room. If it sounds familiar is because it is also kinda, sorta what happened in  Hercule Poirot’s Christmas which was last month’s read. This time the patriarch who meets an untimely end is Sir Gervase Chevenix-Gore.  Sir G as we will call him because if I have to type Sir Gervase Chevenix -Gore every time I name him, I’ll be writing this into next year summons Poirot to his home at Hamborough Close.   Much like Simeon Lee from last month, Sir G is obsessed with not having an heir to carry on the family name.  He is also a bit of a martinet when it comes to timeliness.   For instance, dinner is announced by a gong which is sounded twice – the bangs being seven minutes apart.  Guests who are late for dinner are not invited back! On this night Sir G himself does not appear by the second gong. He is found, shortly thereafter,  in his locked study, with a bullet in his brain and a pistol lying on the carpet by his body.  A piece of paper with the word “Sorry” written on it lies on the desk in front of him.  A clear-cut case of suicide.

Or is it?

We have

  • For the bullet to have smashed the mirror, Sir G must have shot himself at a very odd angle
  • As in Hercule Poirot’s Christmas, we have a woman picking up something from the floor of the crime scene
  • Ruth, Sir G’s adopted daughter.  Sir G was keen for her to marry her cousin Hugo Trent which would keep the family line going.  Only Ruth has some secrets.
  • A lack of footprints in the flower bed

Champagne Cocktail 2

Luckily we have Poirot around to solve the mystery of the Dead Man’s Mirror!

Dead Man’s Mirror – The Covers

Dead Man's Mirror CollageAs expected, many of the covers feature a broken mirror.  I particularly like the one in the top which shows the dead man in the mirror, holding the note in his skeleton hand.  However, my absolute favourite is the one on the far right which shows the Egyptian head and scarab beetle, in reference to Vanda, Sir G’s wife who believes she is the reincarnation of the Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut and a priestess from Atlantis.  It’s such a minor plot detail but makes an amazing cover! The broken mirror around her eye also gives it a bit of a steampunk look, decades before there was such a thing!

The Recipe – Champagne Cocktail

I am using the from a book called Fantastic Cocktails and Mixed Drinks.  I have added a garnish of an orange wedge and a maraschino cherry to make it look prettier!

Champagne Cocktail Recipe

Champagne Cocktail 3


“You see, I thought the first gong had gone, so I hurried up with my dressing, came dashing out of my room, heard, as I thought, the second gong and fairly raced down the stairs.  I’d been one minute late for dinner the first night I was here and Hugo told me it had about wrecked our chances with the Old Man, so K fairly hared down.  Hugo was just ahead of me and then there was a queer kind of pop-bang and Hugo said it was a champagne cork but Snell said “No”to that.

Dead Man’s Mirror – Agatha Christie

Links to The Christieverse

Mr Satterthwaite, who we last met in Three Act Tragedy makes an appearance in this story.  He not only mentions that case but also that he has seen Mary Lytton Gore recently.

Champagne Cocktail 4


Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Dead Man’s Mirror

  • None

If you are wondering why this post is unusually early, it is because later today we are going to see The Arctic Monkeys, then tomorrow we are flying to Darwin for a week to celebrate the Fussiest Eater in The World’s birthday.  Neither of us has been there before so it will be an exciting trip for us.  It is by far the farthest north in Australia we have ever been!  Also, just to put the distance in perspective, Darwin is about 400km closer to Singapore than it is to Melbourne! I am expecting some delicious seafood, tropical fruit, and some spectacular scenery

I may have to delay next week’s post due to the holiday. However, we have all the more time now to get stuck into February’s read – Appointment with Death.


Stilton and Leek Soufflé – Hercule Poirot’s Christmas

Hello food lover and crime readers!   Welcome to a festive edition of Dining with The Dame.  Today’s menu contains a Stilton and Leek Soufflé inspired by Agatha Christie’s 1938 novel Hercule Poirot’s Christmas.  It makes me wonder – of all the people who received this book as a Christmas present that year, who would have guessed that within 12 months the world would be plunged into a second and terrible world war? Ok, sorry, that was not a very festive way to start this post.  But really despite being set at Christmas, this is not an overly festive novel!

Before we move into that, let’s briefly talk about the wonderful combination that is leek and blue cheese.  I first came across this many years ago at a pizza restaurant not far from my work.  They had a lunch deal which was two slices of pizza and a drink for a very small amount.  My favourite slice of pizza was a leek and gorgonzola.  I ordered it every week for years!

Leek and Stilton Soufflé

I realised the minute I took the soufflés out of the oven that I had left my copy of Hercule Poirot’s Christmas upstairs.  There was no going to get it, the soufflés were falling by the second!

Hercule Poirot’s Christmas – The Plot

Simeon Lee is a very rich old man.  And, like many rich old men, he is what they might have called back in Agatha Christie’s day, an old curmudgeon.  I can think of a few more modern descriptions but, it’s Christmas so we’re keeping it clean!  He’s angry at his family primarily as none of his sons have given him a grandson to carry on the family name.  He is also somewhat of a braggart and likes to talk about all his sexual conquests and how he likely has many sons “on the other side of the blanket”.  Which is gross, partly because he speaks at length about this to his granddaughter and no one, not even a formally estranged adult granddaughter needs to hear that grandpa was a f*ckboy!  Also, because cheating on your wife and knocking up numerous women is not cool.  He also has some uncut diamonds in his safe which he likes to fondle whilst he reminisces about his younger days in South Africa,  Think Monty Burns crossed with Gollum and maybe a Bond villain and you have my interpretation of Simeon Lee.

He gets his though, as on Christmas Eve, not long after calling his family together to announce that he is changing his will, Simeon Lee has his throat cut.  However the murder takes place in a locked room.  And the diamonds are gone!

Who is the guilty culprit?

  • Harry, the prodigal son.  Did he return just to do his father in?
  • David, the son who has always resented the way Simeon ill treated his mother.
  • George, the pompous son scared his father was going to reduce his allowance.
  • Alfred, the son who has remained steadfastly by Simeon’s side, jealous because his father favours Harry
  • Pilar Estravados, Simeon’s granddaughter, recently arrived from Spain.
  • Stephen Farr, the son of Simeon’s former business partner, come to England from South Africa
  • Horbury, Simeon’s possibly shifty valet.
  • All in all, we have many people who potentially Simeon Lee dead.
  • And a  second murder attempt
  • And way too much blood!

Good thing we also have Poirot on hand to discover who did it and to explain the significance of a bit of rubber and a small wooden item found on the floor near Simeon’s body!


Leek and Stilton Soufle 2

Hercule Poirot’s Christmas – The Covers

Hercule Poirot's Christmas Collage

We have some absolutely cracking covers here, and a fair number of them from non-English speaking countries, which is something I love!  My favorite is the pulp fiction cover from I’m going to say the 1950’s  which I have shown below in full.  Just take a closer look at the lady in red.  Yes, I know all our eyes are drawn to her cleavage but the expression on her face is  not even remotely congruent with the sight before her!  “Pffftttt…another dead body just in time to ruin the holidays” she seems to be saying.  “And by the way, have you seen my breasts?  They’re real and they’re spectaular”

The Recipe – Stilton and Leek Soufflé

You might be wondering why I chose a stilton and leek and soufflé for this post.  I was thinking I could make some sort of pun on Simeon Lee and Stilton Leek.  The more I tried, the more laboured it became until I trashed it.  Sometimes, as per Kenny Rogers, “you gotta  know when to fold ’em”.

Good lord, who knew wen starting this we were going to get a Seinfeld quote and a Kenny lyric?

Here’s the recipe.  It is from a  1992 book by the Australian Women’s Weekly called Brunches and Lunches.

As mentioned, I love the combo of leek and blue cheese.  However, if you are not a lover of blue, you could sub in a cheese of your choice!

Stilton and Leek Soufflé

Tresilian went round with the soufflé.  It struck him, now that hi interest in the ladies’ toiletries and his misgivings over Walter’s deficiencies were a thing of the past, that everyone was very silent tonight.  At least, not exactly silent:  Mr Harry was talking enough for twenty – no not Mr Harry, the South African gentleman.  And the others were talking too, but only, as it were, in spasms.  There was something a little – queer about them.

Agatha Christie – Hercule Poirot’s Christmas


Stilton and Leek Souffles

Links to The Christieverse

Colonel Johnson refers to “that Cartwright case” when conversing with Poirot.  This is reference to Three Act Tragedy.


Stilton and Leek Souffles2

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Hercule Poirot’s Christmas

  • Coffee
  • Hock    I was not familiar with this name for Riesling but I feel this would work very well with the souffle!
  • Claret
  • Pear

January’s read will be the final novella in the Murder in the Mews Collection – Dead Man’s Mirror.  And if anyone can get the pun on Simeon Lee and Stilton and Leek to work, please let me know!