Category: Desserts

February 2005 – Asian Food

Welcome back, time travellers! Today, we are journeying back in time to February 2005 and, concurrently, embarking on a culinary expedition across Asia. I am incredibly excited about this month’s culinary adventure because Asian cuisine holds a special place in my heart, with Thai, Malaysian and Japanese food being among my favourites. Furthermore, my blog favourite, Delicious Magazine, inspired today’s menu. Nevertheless, before we delve into the culinary delights it provides, let’s set the stage for our time-travelling feast.

Chinese Duck Coleslaw

What Was Hot – February 2005


The fiction list contained the usual suspects of The Da Vinci Code and Five People You Meet in Heaven. However, the non-fiction list is, to my mind, a bit more interesting:

While both 1 and 2 sound really interesting, as someone who loves a true crime pod or ten, Witness was the one that caught my eye. Specifically, Amber Frey was one of the key prosecution witnesses in the case against Scott Peterson who was accused of killing his wife Laci. Therefore, this would be a fascinating read!

Thai Style Egg Salad 2


  1. Hitch
  2. Constantine
  3. Diary of A Mad Black Woman

I haven’t seen any of these which either says something about them or me  If these are on your favourite film list/s please let me know.  I will give them a try!  How little I know about these film is exemplified by the fact that I thought Hitch was the film about Alfred Hitchcock!  Given that one came out in 2012 I may also not know much about time!


  1. Let Me Love You  – Mario
  2. 1, 2 Step – Ciara featuring Missy Elliott
  3. Soldier – Destiny’s Child Featuring T.I. & Lil Wayne

Ok, so I don’t know what I was doing in February 2005 but it was neither going to the movies nor listening to music.  I only remembered 2 songs in the Top Ten which were Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day and Since You’ve Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson.  

   The Menu

Asian Menu feb 2005


Lemongrass & Mint Tea

I positioned this herbal team at the beginning of the meal, but it would undoubtedly serve as an equally delightful palate cleanser or digestive at the meal’s conclusion. Furthermore, I enjoyed several cups of this beverage as an iced tea, finding it incredibly refreshing on a hot day. Either way, I encourage you to give this recipe a try as it is a delight!


Lemongrass and Mint Tea Recipe
aa feb lemongrass and mint tea

Thai Style Egg Salad

I loved this.  It is simple and delicious with a bit of a deviled egg vibe.  It is also jam-packed with flavour.  This was a revelation!   It may not be an authentic Thai recipe but it was an absolute winner with me!

Thai Style Egg Salad

Thai Style Egg Salad Recipe

aa feb thai style egg salad

Chinese Duck Coleslaw

Chinese Duck Coleslaw2

So this was a winner-winner duck dinner!  It’s was so bright and colourful!  Again, it was really easy as it uses a bought roast duck.  It was a perfect dinner on a hot summer day.  

Chinese Duck Coleslaw Recipe

aa feb chinese duck coleslaw

Coconut and Lime Sorbet

You put the lime in the coconut, you drink ’em bot’ togetherPut the lime in the coconut and you’ll feel better

Harry Nilsson – Coconut

After the disappointment of the blueberry gelato last month this was a surprising success.  I am saying it was surprising because with this…first you get the tangy lime…then you get the warmth of the cinnamon…then you get the creamy mellowness of the coconut.  It’s a triple whammy of delish!!!!

Coconut and Lime Sorbet


Coconut and Lime Sorbet Recipe

Lime and Coconut Sorbet (1)


My Nigella Moment – Potato Salad with Sour Cream, Chives and Pancetta

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

Potato Salad

I generally adore potato salad, but unfortunately, I found this particular rendition somewhat underwhelming. This recipe originated from a Jamie Oliver article that promised ‘lovely tweaks on the old classic.’  However, the purported ‘tweak’ was a topping of crouton-like fried breadcrumbs on a rather standard potato salad. I believe I understand Jamie’s intention – to introduce a textural contrast and inject some much-needed crunchiness into what is typically a rather soft salad.  

Nevertheless, in my opinion, the combination of carbs proved somewhat overwhelming. Moreover, the bread became disappointingly soggy the next day, completely negating the purpose of its inclusion.  To be honest, I would have preferred this salad without the bread altogether. I cannot emphasize this enough: for a truly exceptional potato salad, one cannot surpass the recipe by Rosanne Cash!

Have a wonderful week! 


March 2005 – Bread and Cheese

Hello time travellers! March 2005 is our destination today with a menu based on two of my favourite things – bread and cheese!  What kind of menu might Delicious Magazine be able to provide from these ingredients?  Are we up for three courses of cheese on toast? Personally?  I’d be quite happy with that but I’m sure Delicious will be able to give us a little more variety!   Before we go there, though, let’s look at what was happening in music, books and film back in the day!   

What Was Hot – March 2005


Since I started doing these posts, the one constant has been the presence of The Da Vinci Code at the top of the list. March 2005 is no exception! 

  1. The Da Vinci CodeBy Dan Brown
  2. Prince of FireBy Daniel Silva
  3. Missing PersonsBy Stephen White

I have not heard of the other books but Prince of Fire is one in a series of spy thriller books about an Israeli agent called Gabriel Allon.  Spy thrillers are not my thing but I believe this series is very popular.  Missing Persons is a psychological thriller about psychologist Allan Gregory.  This is also one in a series that interests me.  If I didn’t have a “To read” pile taller than me, I would give this series a go!


  1. Robots
  2. The Pacifier
  3. The Ring 2

I saw The Ring in the cinema.  The Ring 2 and both of these other film were not on my radar at all!

Raspberry Tartlets3


  1. All about you / You’ve for a Friend – McFly
  2. Good Luck Charm  – Elvis Presley (what???  It’s 2005 not 1965!)
  3. Falling Stars – Sunset Strippers

Dakota by The Stereophonics was just missing out on the podium on the British Charts.  This was a big fave of mine at the time!  

   The Menu

Bread and Cheese Menu

Quick Cuban

This was more of a lunch than a starter.  It was most certainly not a traditional Cuban sandwich, but it was delicious nevertheless!  And combined both our key ingredients!  You may notice that I have not toasted my sandwich – the day I made this, we were in the middle of a mini heatwave, and I really didn’t fancy anything toasted.  It would, however, be as good or even better toasted!!!  I also thought the tomato salad accompaniment was a bit extra even thought it was tasty!

Quick Cuban

Quick Cuban Recipe
Quick Cuban recipe 1 (1)

Pistachio Crusted Goat’s Cheese Soufflé With Pea, Feta and Mint Salad

These were both superb!  I loved them individually, and they really worked well together, too.  I did not make the red capsicum and mustard seed relish, which was the suggested accompaniment to the soufflé.  However, if you would like to give that a try, let me know and I can flick you the recipe I served mine with some chilli jam I had in the fridge.  The soufflé was as light as a feather!  And I could eat that salad every night of the week.  I could not find snow pea shoots for love or money, but the salad was delicious without them.  

We have goat’s cheese in the soufflé, parmesan in the crisp and feta in the salad as our key ingredients.  

Pistachio Souffle

Pistachio Crusted Goat’s Cheese Soufflé Recipe

Pistachio Souffle recipe (1)


Pea, Feta and Mint Salad

Pea, Feta and Mint Salad Recipe

Pea, Feta and Mint Salad recipe (1)

Raspberry Tartlets with Raspberry Caramel

Oh.  My.  God!!!!
These were divine!!!!  Truly a piece of heaven!!!!  I cheated a bit by buying tart shells because sometimes, life’s too short and the weather is too hot to make pastry!  Also, Any leftover raspberry caramel is amazing on ice cream.
Raspberry Tartlets1

Raspberry Tartlets RECIPE (1)


My Nigella Moment – Lamb with Sun-Dried Tomato and Onion Jam

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge for a delicious late-night bite.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme, but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

aa march lamb with sundried tomato and onion jamRECIPE

This was amazing!  I really loved this, and I am so glad I chose to cook this one as my special dish!  That sundried tomato and onion jam was absolutely delicious!  

Lamb with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Onion Lamb

Have a wonderful week! 


January 2005 – Beachside Dinner

Happy New Year, time travellers!  Welcome to January 2025 and January 2005!  Today we will enjoy a quintessential Australian beachside dinner. Unlike many parts of the globe, the start of the year here is hot, making dining on or near the beach a beloved tradition.  Also very Australian is to magpie food and flavours from other cultures so today our “Aussie” meal has roots in the tropics, China, Mexico and Italy!. 

I was particularly excited for this month, as seafood and ice cream are among my favourite treats. We’ll soon see how my culinary hopes fared. Today’s menu is inspired by the January 2005 issue of Australian Gourmet Traveller.  

BLT Salad

But first, let’s ease ourselves into 2005, not with Pop Culture as per our norm but a look at the news events that defined the year:

  • YouTube’s first video“Me at the zoo” was the first video ever to be uploaded to YouTube.   Can you believe YouTube is only 20 years old?  I feel like I’ve been watching it all my life!
  • Hurricane KatrinaA devastating tropical cyclone that killed 1,392 people and caused $125 billion in damages, particularly in New Orleans 
  • London bombings52 people were killed and about 700 were wounded in a terrorist attack on the London Underground 
  • Angela Merkel’s electionAngela Merkel became the first woman chancellor of Germany 
  • Kyoto ProtocolThe Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, began to take effect 
  • Same-sex marriage legalizationSpain and Canada legalized same-sex marriage 

So a mixed bag news wise!  Let’s see if the menu was also a blend of good and bad!

   The Menu



Blue Hawaiian

I’ve always harboured a certain prejudice against blue drinks. They somehow screamed “college party” to me, a garish, overly sweet concoction best left to the youthful and the reckless. And creamy cocktails? Don’t even get me started. I’ve always considered them rather…gloopy.

But the Blue Hawaiian was an entirely different beast. The colour, was a glorious, cerulean blue, like a summer sky. But the flavour!  It was a symphony of the tropics, a vibrant burst of sunshine in a glass.  Honestly, I can’t imagine a more perfect aperitif for a beachside dinner. The mere thought of it now transports me – I can almost taste the salt spray on my lips, hear the gentle rustle of palm fronds overhead… pure joy!

Blue Hawaiian


Blue Hawaiian

Salt and Pepper Squid

Salt and Pepper Squid is a  firm favourite of mine when dining out. But I had never tried to cook it at home before.   And the result? A perfect prelude to a seaside feast, I served mine not with rice as per the recipe but with a vibrant fennel salad (though you wouldn’t know this from this photograph). You can find the recipe here.  I also had some  mayonnaise in which I swirled some chilli crisp just in case the pepperiness of the squid needed a bit more oomph!    

Salt and Pepper Squid is as ubiquitous in Australian pubs as… well, as a pot of beer. So you can imagine my surprise to discover while poring over the recipe that it has Cantonese roots. This version, however, pays homage to those origins with the addition of Szechuan peppercorns, a delightful touch of unexpected heat that sets it apart from the standard pub fare.  

Salr and Pepper Squid

Salr and Pepper Squid recipe (1)

Snapper Veracruzana

Snapper Veracruzana


For the main course,  we transported ourselves away from the vibrant shores of China to the sun-drenched beaches of Mexico with a delectable Snapper Veracruzana. This dish was simply exquisite! The snapper, cooked to perfection, flaked effortlessly at the touch of a fork, while the Veracruz sauce… well, words can hardly do it justice. A symphony of flavours – ripe tomatoes, briny capers, plump olives, and a tantalising hint of chilli – it was utterly irresistible.  Frankly, I could imagine this sauce gracing almost any plate. Chicken, prawns, even grilled halloumi or roasted vegetables – the possibilities are endless. It’s a testament to the magic of great ingredients, a celebration of the vibrant flavours of Mexico.

Blueberry Gelato

Gelato has a certain nostalgia for me.  Travelling around Italy with some girlfriends back in the day, “gelati” was our code word for a handsome young man.  “Shall we go for gelati at 3 o’clock?” would indicate both the presence of one of them and the direction the others should look to see him!  I wanted this blueberry gelato to transport me to the beaches of Amalfi. and the heady summer days we spent there.  Sadly, this was not to be.  I would have preferred this to be more blueberry-forward, like a sorbet.  I feel the milk dulled the blueberry flavour.  Pretty colour but for me, this was a fail.  

Blueberry SorbetBeachside - Blueberry Gelato


My Nigella Moment – BLT Salad

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

BLT Salad2

BLT is a classic for a reason and this salad combines those familiar flavours into something new.  This was delicious and definitely something to sneak back to for a little bit more after everyone else has gone to bed!

I hope you’ve enjoyed being beside the seaside with me!  I also wish you all the very best for 2025!  Let’s hope it’s a wonderful year for all of us!  


After The Funeral – Cold Lemon Soufflé

Hello crime readers and food lovers.  Today, we have a sweet treat for you…well, actually, maybe three treats.  First, we are dining on a lovely cold lemon soufflé, and we are reading After The Funeral, which is both a Poirot and has one of the most dastardly Christie villains we have ever met! So treats both gustatory and literary are in store!  

Cold Lemon Souffle

After The Funeral – The Plot

Richard Abernethie is dead and his family are gathered around to pay their respects.  After the funeral, the family gathers at the ancestral home to hear the reading of his will.  Family members and Richard’s lawyer are startled when Richard’s somewhat eccentric younger sister Cora states that Richard was murdered. Cora is known within the family for saying outlandish (but true) things.  Her remark does not sit well with Mr Entwhistle, the lawyer, who becomes even more disturbed when Cora is brutally murdered the next day.

It turns out that Richard visited Cora just before his death.  Did he give her some information that led her to believe his life was in danger?  Did someone kill Cora to keep her quiet?  

 We have:

  • No one in the family with a sound alibi for the time Cora was killed.  
  • Among them, we also have issues with gambling, adultery and madness
  • A false confession
  • Helen Abernethie (Richard’s sister-in-law) feeling that something was not quite right on the day of the funeral.
  • Helen then getting coshed over the head as she calls Entwhistle to tell him what she remembered
  • A motif of creepy nuns terrifying Miss Gilchrist, Cora’s companion
  • A malachite table and some wax flowers providing a clue as to what might have happened

Poirot goes undercover as Mr Pontalier, a gentleman looking for a large home to house refugees from the war to sort out whodunnit.  Even if no one knows who he really is, even after his ruse is discovered.  

After The Funeral – The Covers

So.  Many.  Covers.  I know this looks like a lot but I narrowed this down from over 50!  These are all wonderful in their own way so instead of calling out my favourites I thought we might go through the translations of some of the names.  

The American title is Funerals Are Fatal…which is, yes, true for at least one person.  In a similar vein are the Hungarian and Swedish titles Funerals are Dangerous.  

The German title translates to “The Bouquet of Wax Flowers”, a deep reference to a plot point in the story.  

The French Title translates to The Indiscretions of Hercule Poirot”.  I beg your pardon, what?  No!  That is all wrong!  Je n’aime pas le français! 

lemon souffle 3

The Recipe:  Cold Lemon Soufflé

I returned to my school Home Economics textbook, Cookery The Australian Way, for this recipe.  I clearly remember making this way back in class with Mrs Rama, my Home Ec teacher.  Delicious then.  Delicious now!  

“Cold lunch, of course, it had to be.  Ham and chicken and tongue and salad.  With cold lemon soufflé and apple tart to follow.”

After the Funeral – Agatha Christie

Lemon Souffle recipe

Cold Lemon Souffle2

Better  to go home cross-country.  These bath buns were really excellent.  Extraordinary how hungry a funeral made you feel.  The soup at Enderby has been delicious – and so was the cold soufflé

After the Funeral – Agatha Christie

Links to the Christieverse

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in After The Funeral

January’s read will be They Do It With Mirrors.  We’re starting the year with Miss Marple! 

Have a great week!


Fusion Food – December 2004

Hello time travellers, and welcome to December 2004, where we are decking the halls with Fusion food courtesy of Delicious Magazine.  For those who are not familiar with the term,  the Escoffier School of Culinary Arts says it involves  “bringing together ingredients from different cultures and merging recipes. This technique of joining culinary forces offers truly novel flavour combinations and unique menu offerings”. 

In their examples, they list Tex-Mex and French Vietnamese. My personal favourite fusion was an absolutely fabulous Korean Taco place near where I used to work. Their kimchi fries were to die for!!! Kedgeree, which I also love, is a fabulous Anglo-Indian creation. I am also not averse to a tandoori chicken pizza!

On the menu today, we have an American / Middle Eastern mash-up, an Anglo-Indian combo that is not kedgeree and an Irish / French marriage to finish off.  Will these be in the realm of kimchi fries?  We’ll find out soon enough. 

But first, it wouldn’t be a 20 Years Ago Post without a quick look at what was making the charts in December 2004. 

Tomato Tarte Tatin3jpg

Step Back in Time – December 2004


Today we are looking at the film charts from December 2004 and what a month!  In the first week of December, National Treasure was number 1,Bad Santa was #4 and Garden State was #6.  Week 2: Team America: World Police was #1.  In Week 3, Ocean’s Twelve was number 1. Personally, I hated that one so it just goes to prove you can’t have everything.  But in the fourth week,  Lemony Snicket was # 1, and to round out the month, Meet The Fockers topped the box office, and Phantom of the Opera, which we spoke about last month, was #6.


There was no change from last month in the top songs. My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys was number 1 in the first week, and Drop It Like It’s Hot by Snoop Dog was top of the Billboard charts for the rest of the month. 


In a weird twist, The Da Vinci Code headed back to the top of the charts in the first week of December.  I can’t explain this. The movie didn’t come out til 2006 so it wasn’t tied to that.  And surely everyone who wanted to read it, had already read it by then.  Maybe it was a surge of people buying Secret Santa gifts for their coworkers.  Anyway, its return was short; Night Fall by Nelson DeMille took top place the second week, and Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom was the best-selling book for the remainder of December. 

Two things that I would have wanted as Christmas presents that year were the rerelease of Stephanie Alexander’s Classic “The Cook’s Companion“, although with a massive price tag of $125, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t under any tree with my name on it.  Also, according to Delicious magazine, this was when Nigella Lawson’s “Feast” was released.  

So, now that we have set the scene, let’s set the table for our fusion feast!

December 2004 menu

Lobster Cocktail with Preserved Lemon

This recipe livens up the traditional prawn (shrimp) cocktail with a bit of luxe from the lobster and some Middle Eastern flavours of preserved lemon and harissa.  You will see that the recipe calls for a whole lobster.  I used a far more economical lobster tail, and one tail between the two of us was perfect for a starter.  This meal looks elegant and ritzy but can be made without a high price tag.  

Lobster Cocktail2

This was delicious, and every ingredient had its place.  I had never even thought of using a grain in a seafood cocktail.  And, to be honest, I thought about not including the burghul wheat.  Please don’t do this, it brought a beautiful nuttiness to the lobster cocktail.  I’d never had it before but now, I want to have burghul in every seafood cocktail!   It was a game changer ingredient! 

A word of advice on the sauce.  When I first made the harissa sauce, I thought it was a little bland, so I added more harissa.  I then popped it into the fridge whilst I made the rest.  The flavours continued to develop, so what I ended up with was somewhat spicier than when it went into the fridge!  It still tasted delish, but be careful if you are playing with the ratios, as you don’t want to overpower the flavour of that lovely lobster! 

Finally, our lime tree was also bare so I used a lemon as my garnish.  We’ll now have to wait til winter for fresh limes but the lemon tree is the gift that keeps on giving!   

Lobster Cocktail (1)

Lamb Rack with Coconut Gravy and Mango Chutney

This feels to me like a perfect blend of the Fussiest Eater in the World’s tastes and mine.  He likes his good old English roast.  I like a bit of spice!  This recipe was, therefore, a win-win!  It felt a bit unusual adding the curry gravy to the meat after it was cooked but this recipe really worked for me!

Lamb with Coconut Gravy

Lamb Rack Recipe (1)

Baileys Crème Brulée

Speaking of win – win…Baileys is one of my favourite tipples.  And crème brulée is one of my favourite desserts.  This was DELIGHTFUL!  The Baileys was there but more like a whisper than a scream.  If I hadn’t known it was was Baileys  I would have spent the first few spoonfuls thinking…”I know what that flavour is….but I need just one more spoonful to figure it out”…and after that I would have decided not to worry too much about defining the flavour and just dug in for sheer enjoyment!  And of course, if you want a stronger Baileys flavour, a little glass on the side wouldn’t go astray!

Baileys Creme Brulee1

Baileys Creme Brulee Recipe

And just listen to that crack!

My Nigella Moment – Tomato Tarte Tatin

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

The tomato tatin was absolutely delicious.  What made it SPECTACULAR was the caramelised garlic.  I made the tomato tarte tatin on a night when I was by myself so I made a quarter quantity of the caramelised garlic.  Massive mistake.  It was absolutely delicious.  I had some left over after the tomato tatin and I put it on absolutely everything I ate over the next day or so.  Salad?  I added it to the dressing?  Steak, I added it as a little condiment.  Snacking – the carmelised galirc and butter on really fresh bread was divine.  Seriously someone needs to bottle that up and sell it.  I would buy a lifetime supply!

The ricotta cream was also really nice.  I did add a little tip I picked up from Girl Dinner and added a splash of pickle juice into the ricotta mix which I thought set it off really nicely! 

Tomato Tarte Tatin2jpg


Tomato Tarte Tatin Recipe (1)

What a month!  Each of these brought me joy! I’m so glad the December 2004 issue of Delicious delivered fusion, not confusion.  Now, I need to dash; I have a great little business idea I want to try out!

Garlic Booth

Have a great week!
