Category: Cheese

Frankfurter Roka

Hello friends, I’m shaking things up today with a vintage recipe from Good Housekeeping’s Cooking for Today. Firstly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. This was a 13-part weekly magazine.  The recipe for Frankfurter Roka comes from issue #2. I have a few of these, which I intend to cook from this year, so we will definitely be hearing more from this mag in the coming months!  

Moving on, I’m channelling my inner Beatles and “Hey Jude”-ing a vintage recipe for Frankfurter Roka. Meaning, my aim is to “Take a sad song and make it better.” Just substitute “song” for “salad” and we’re there!

The Original Recipe for Frankfurter Roka

Here is a picture of the old and the new!

Frankfurter Roka collage (1)

My Changes To The Original and Why

The original recipe promised a vibrant salad brimming with flavours I adore: tangy blue cheese, briny olives, and earthy potatoes. However, there were two ingredient that simply had to go.  First up was the frankfurters. The mere thought of them makes me gag.   Consequently, I had a delicious replacement in mind: finely sliced, pan-fried chorizo, adding a delightful smoky depth to the dish. 

Whilst canned potatoes don’t give me the same visceral reaction, I would never willingly eat them!  So, out with the convenience, in with the fresh! I opted to boil some lovely new potatoes and then pan-fry them in the aromatic oil left behind from the chorizo.

Now, the dressing presented its own challenge. The original recipe called for Kraft Roka Blue Cheese Dressing, a product sadly unavailable in Australia. No worries! I decided to channel my inner Nigella Lawson and whip up her “Universally Useful Blue Cheese Dressing.” While I skipped the HP sauce (personal preference!), I added a touch more Worcestershire sauce for an extra kick.

Finally, I decided to serve the Frankfurter Roka in large lettuce leaves. Consequently, everyone can choose their favourite bits and the amount of dressing they prefer. Furthermore, these could then be wrapped up and eaten using your hands, similarly to how you would in a Vietnamese restaurant when you get to wrap your spring rolls in lettuce and herbs.  This makes for a fun shared plate to eat with family or friends!   Here’s my updated recipe!


Frankfurter Roka, Updated

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My take on a vintage salad.  These amounts will serve 2 people as a light meal.  


  • 1 chorizo sausage
  • 46 new potatoes, peeled and cut into a 1cm dice
  • 1 Serve of Nigella Lawson’s Universally Useful Blue Cheese Dressing, or if it is available in your country, some Kraft Roka Blue Cheese Dressing
  • 12 stuffed olives
  •  A pile of large lettuce leaves to serve – Cos / Romaine or Iceberg are ideal


  • Boil the potatoes in salted water until they are just tender (about 10 minutes)  Drain.
  • Slice the chorizo and place in a frying pan.  You do not need to heat the pan or add any oil.  Cook the chorizo over medium heat until they are nicely browned.  
  • Remove the chorizo slices from the pan.  Add the potatoes.  Fry the potatoes in the oil left by the chorizo until they are golden and crisp.
  • Place your lettuce leaves on a serving platter. 
  • Mix the chorizo, potatoes and olives, sprinkle with the parsley. 
  • Serve the blue cheese dressing on the side.

To eat, load your lettuce leaves with the chorizo and potato mix.  Pour as much or as little of the blue cheese dressing as you desire over the top.



I loved my updated version of Frankfurter Roka!  I hope that you will also think that I’ve taken a sad salad and made it better…better…better…

Have a great week!



Pebbles on A Peruvian Beach

Hello friends and retro food lovers! Remember back in your school days when you got marks/grades for effort? Alternatively, does the phrase “the soul was willing, but the heart was weak” resonate with you? Well, they will indicate how I feel about the recipe for Pebbles on The Beach, which I’ve renamed Pebbles on a Peruvian Beach.

I understand what they were trying to do here…it just didn’t work! This recipe was also an anomaly because, so far, everything else I’ve made from Marguerite Patten’s 500 Recipes for Quick Meals has been great!  Remember the Sardine Toadstools?  (It’s still my favourite thing from last year)!

Pebbles on a Mexican Beach

Pebbles on The Beach – The Intent (I think)

So, I assume that in this recipe the tops of the eggs and the potatoes would poke out of the cheese sauce like pebbles on a beach! If pebbles were white and pink and the sea was a cheese sauce.  So, even then, the analogy has problems.  Pebbles on the moon?  Pebbles in the desert?  These may have been more accurate visual descriptions of this dish. 

Pebbles on a Mexican Beach2

Pebbles on The Beach – The Actuality

Without it’s Peruvian flavour bomb, this dish was as bland as could be.  Potatoes don’t have much flavour nor do eggs.  Don’t get me wrong, I love both of these ingredients but even combined with a cheese sauce this was dull.  My best description would be nursery or invalid food.  It even looks dull without its garnish!

The second is that the recipe requires you to take eggs that are already hard-boiled and then cook them for another 20 minutes.  Those eggs were rock-hard! 


Surely that was not why they called this dish pebbles?

The cure for the blandness was to serve the Pebbles on the beach with some Peruvian Salsa.  We last saw this salsa paired with some Croquetas de Carne almost exactly two years ago, in January 2023. 

The cure for the eggs?  Maybe keep them raw and cook them in the cheese sauce?  I don’t quite know how to fix that one.  And, to be honest, it wasn’t tempting enough, even with the Peruvian Salsa to give it another go!  Honestly, if you want a really good tasty combination of potatoes and eggs, then I would recommend Roseanne Cash’s Potato Salad over this any day of the week!  

Oh well, you can’t win ’em all….here’s the recipe in case you have any bright ideas or want to feed a three-year-old or an invalid.  

aa Pebbles on The Beach

Have a great week! 



Welsh Rarebit Crumpets

Hello, friends! Tuesday, September 3rd, is Welsh Rarebit Day. Welsh Rarebit is one of my favourite foods—breakfast, brunch, lunch, supper.  You name it – I’ll happily eat a Welsh Rarebit at that time.  And over here at Maison de la Retro Food, we will be celebrating with a Welsh Rarebit Crumpet.

I have previously written about the dubious origins of the name so  I won’t repeat myself.  But, for anyone not familiar with the dish, it is a fancy version of cheese on toast. My recipe comes from British chef Mark Hix from the book Midnight Feasts: An Anthology of Late Night Munchies by Charmain Ponnuthurai. He calls it a “Rabbit,” a term used in the 18th century. I’m using “rarebit” to be kind to vegetarians. And no bunnies were harmed in the making of this dish!

Welsh Rarebit Crumpets1

I chose this recipe because, whilst having eaten Welsh Rarebit many times, I have never combined it with the joy that is a crumpet before!  And it really was a joy!  I had these for a working at home lunch and not only did they hit the spot taste-wise, they are also quick to make and the ingredients are usually on hand in most kitchens.  Well, you might have to buy crumpets.  And if you are the type of person who always has crumpets on hand, well done!  You are truly living your best life!  You could also use toast for these but you would miss out on one of the delights of the Welsh Rarebit Crumpet.  

Crumpets, as I am sure I don’t need to tell you are full of holes. Here is one of my crumpets pre Rarebit

Welsh Rarebit Crumpets2

Now, when you add Welsh Rarebit to your crumpets and heat them, something wonderful happens.  Those holes fill up with lovely, lovely melted cheese!  So, not only do you have cheese on top of your crumpet, you also have it in your crumpet as shown in the photo below. 

Bloody brilliant!!!!!  I take my hat off to you Mark Hix, you are a genius!  

Welsh Rarebit Crumpets3

Welsh Rarebit Crumpets – Recipe

Here is the recipe including the adorable drawing that accompanies it:

Welsh Rarebit Crumpet Recipe

And just cos that looks tiny, here is a close up of the actual recipe:

AA Welsh Rarebit CrumpetsWelsh Rarebit Crumpets4


Variations on Welsh Rarebit

If crumpets or bread are not your bag, here are some other variations on Welsh Rarebit so you can still celebrate on Tuesday!

Welsh Lamb Rarebit Hotpot:  This is going onto my list of things to cook!

Welsh Rarebit Potato Skins:  Cheese and Potato is never wrong!

Here’s one with chicken:  Yes please!

This Welsh Rarebit Tart is right up my alley

As is this Welsh Rarebit version of cauliflower cheese

Welsh Rarebit Crumpets5

Have a wonderful day however you decide to spend Welsh Rarebit Day!





Spice It Up – August 2004

Hello friends! Welcome to Twenty Years Ago Today! For a spicy twist this month, I turned to the August 2004 issue of Delicious magazine for recipe ideas.  While the month wasn’t perfect, one dish stood out as a clear highlight and is easily one of my top ten of the year.  But, before we get there, let’s take a little look at what was making the charts pop culture-wise back in August 2004!

Apple and Blackberry pie (1)


Pop Culture – August 2004

So, for the first week of August 2004 and, also for the first time in what seems like eleventy billion years, The Da Vinci Code was NOT  the number one selling book.  That honour went to R for Ricochet by Sue Grafton.  Now, I have never read any of this series.  Is anyone out there a fan?  I love a good mystery / thriller.  Please let me know if you think this series might be good for me!  However, before we get too excited about the demise of The Da Vinci Code, it went back to number one for the rest of August. 

Collateral was the best-selling film of August 2004 but Garden State, which was a film we covered in my film club was #10.  Leave, (Get Out) by JoJo was the number 1 song.  I do not remember this song or the singer at all!!!  Does anyone? 

In the absence of any memory of JoJo, let’s pop the soundtrack for Garden State onto Spotify and get cooking!


The Spice It Up Menu – August 2004

Menu August 2004

Gado Gado

Spices used – garlic, ginger etc in the Satay sauce, chilli

I adore Gado Gado. It’s the perfect balance of health and indulgence, combining the virtue of steamed vegetables with the decadence of a spicy satay sauce. Unfortunately, despite searching through multiple supermarkets, I couldn’t find the tofu puffs I typically include. To compensate for the protein, I added some eggs.  I ate this as a main dish so wanted to make it a substantial meal.  

I also took some liberties with the vegetables, using ingredients I preferred or had readily available instead of strictly adhering to the recipe.”

Gado Gado

Gado-Gado Recipe


AA August - Easy Gado Gado (1)


Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas

Spice used: Paprika

The Jamie Oliver recipe was…alright. While it wasn’t a favorite, it was certainly edible. I’m not likely to make it again, but it was passable.

The biggest issue was the excessive amount of chili. As someone who enjoys spicy food, that’s a rare complaint for me. The chili completely overwhelmed the other flavors.

Another minor annoyance was the recipe’s use of the term “chops” while actually calling for “cutlets.” For those unfamiliar with lamb, cutlets are significantly more expensive than traditional chops. I used loin chops for my version because I had some in my freezer.

Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas

Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas Recipe

August  2004- Lamb Chops

Apple and Blackberry Pie

Spices used: Cinnamon and Cloves

This. Was .Divine.

Unfortunately, my photos were not.  Please don’t judge this on the photo or my really bad lattice work because the pie really truly was AMAZING!!!!  This is a top ten dish if ever there was one! There is a version with Rhubarb mentioned which I will also be trying ASAP!

Apple and Blackberry pie 3

Apple and Blackberry Pie 2


Apple and Blackberry Pie Recipe

AA August - Apple and Blackberry Pie2 (2)

Cinnamon Tea and Recipe

Spice Used:  Cinnamon

Delicious Magazine also contained a recipe for Cinnamon Tea.  I only ever really drink herbal tea, so this was not for me.  Howeever, as the name suggests, it does contain a spice so if you are a tea drinker and maybe wanted something to sip on  while eating your pie, here is the recipe. 

AA August - Cinnamon Tea


My Nigella Moment  – Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that does not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

I love leek and gorgonzola anything as it reminds me of a pizzeria I used to go to with my work mates a few years ago that did an amazing leek and gorgonzola pizza! I didn’t think these were as good as the pizza but that could also be nostalgia talking.  They were quite nice in their own right! 

Leek and Gorgonzola Tart

Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts Recipe

Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts

I hope you have enjoyed this trip back to August 2004.   Have a great week! 


July 2004 – No A’s

Hello friends and welcome to today’s Twenty Years Ago Today Post where I am creating a meal from the pages of Delicious magazine from July 2004. But, as usual,  the menu comes with a challenge – this month the challenge was to create a meal where none of the recipes contained the letter A. In the event that you ever have an Alphaphobic over to dinner, I have you covered with this one.

And, even if I do say so myself, July 2004 did not disappoint in the taste department. Last week I mentioned that the Grapefruit Oat Brulee was Top Ten in the things I have cooked this year. And this week we have another, not one but two contenders for that list! Life is good – at least in the eating department!


Pop Culture – July 2004

We’ll get along to the deliciousness soon but here’s a little reminder of what was big in July 2004 to help set the scene. Looking first at films, Spiderman, I Robot and The Bourne Supremacy where respectively 1-3 at the box office. Personally, I would have been more interested in Anchorman, Fahrenheit 9/11 and The Notebook at 4, 5 and 7.

In books, the Da Vinci code was yep, you guessed it still number 1! Will the reign of this book never end? Angels and Demons also by Dan Brown was sitting at #7 this month so we might be looking at a Dan Brown double next month! And speaking of doubles, Usher had the number 1 and 2 songs on the Billboard charts with Burn and Confessions Part II.

And now we’ve set the scene, let’s take a look at our menu!

The No A Menu – July 2004


Menu July 2004


This was, without a doubt the best Minestrone I have ever eaten.  I made a huge pot of it and ate it everyday for my lunch for the entire week.  Now usually when this happens by Thursday I am starting to get a bit bored and by Friday I am dreading the meal,  Not so this time, I would have eaten this for another 5 days if I had more! 

This Bill Granger recipe is a little different from most other minestrones for two reasons.  First, it has meatballs made from Italian sausages and second it has no pasta.  It is also LOADED with veg so, outside of those little meatballs, it is also very healthy.  This minestrone was definitely worthy of being on my Top Ten for the Year!

Minestrone 1

Minestrone Recipe

Minestrone Recipe 1 (1)


Smoked Fish Pie

Smoked Fish Pie 1

The Smoked Fish Pie was also delicious! I used smoked trout in my pie and it was really yummy!  This one is definitely something I will make again!  We ate our pies on a frosty cold winter’s night and it was perfect comfort food!

Smoked Fish Pie Recipe

Smoked Fish Pie Recipe (1)


Lemon Meringue Muffins

Now…I could have sworn I took photos of these but no…not on my phone.  Not in the cloud….and not enough time to remake them!  Also, to be honest, these were probably the weakest part of the meal.  They were ok but a little dry.  This though, could have been my fault.  I cooked the muffins until they were nearly ready but then I had to go out.  I left them in the turned off oven to finish the cook and cool.  Maybe they were in there a bit too long.  I did  however love the little secret stash of lemon curd in the muffin and the meringue top was delightful.  

I thought for want of my own photo, I would include the photo from the magazine as inspiration.  However, there wasn’t one.  The recipe was included as a reader asked why there was a recipe for Lemon Meringue Muffins indexed in April 2004, however there was no such recipe in the magazine.  The editors explained that the recipe had been pulled for space at the last minute.  

There certainly seems oto be something slightly cursed about this recipe!  

Lemon Meringue Muffins Recipe

Lemon Meringue Muffins (1)

My Nigella Moment  – Baked Brie with  Braised Cabbage

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that does not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

Oh wow…this was sooo good!  This was the other recipe that is Top Ten so far this year.  There is so much to love in this – warm oozy cheese, salty crispy pancetta, the sweetness of the apple in the cabbage….this was luscious!  Baked Brie with Braised Cabbage


Baked Brie with Braised Cabbage Recipe

Baked Brie Recipe1 (1)Baked Brie with Braised Cabbage2

Well, for me Delicious Magazine from June 2004 was great.  Shame about the muffins….but maybe they should have been left out of this issue too!  

Have a great week! Signature2