Category: Bread

Vogueing A Ham and Cheese Croissant

Now you might be wondering why on earth am I featuring a recipe for a ham and cheese croissant?  Surely that’s not even a recipe?  Well, we are cooking from the Vogue Entertaining Guide from Autumn 1986 which means we are making easy food complicated because that’s what posh people wanted back then.

Ham and Cheese Croissant 1

You or I or most normal people would make a ham and cheese croissant by placing ham and cheese inside a croissant and toasting it.  If I was feeling a bit fancy I might grate the cheese.  I always add a bit of mustard because I love the ham, cheese, and mustard combo.  That’s as fancy as I normally get.

But Vogue in 1986 would have us melting the cheese with some cream and pouring it over the top of the croissant.    And if that’s what Vogue wanted me to do, that’s exactly what I did!  I feel that someone at Vogue HQ back in 1986 thought making a sauce, somewhat akin to the bechamel used in a traditional Croque Monsieur would make this more…French?  Sophisticated?  Elegant?

Or, none of the above.

It was messy and made the croissant soggy.  And no one likes a soggy croissant!

But there was something here I didn’t want to let go of.  And I’d bought a multipack of croissants

I also had some of that cheese sauce left.

So why not give it a little twist?

Ham and Cheese Croissant Day 2 – Better In Than Out

The problems with Day One (apart from having to make a cheese sauce) were the sogginess and the mess.  I want to be able to eat my ham and cheese croissant without utensils.  However, pouring sauce over the top of the croissant made this impossible.

But….instead of over the croissant, what if I put the sauce in the croissant?

Ham and Cheese Croissant 2


This was a lot less messy.  I could pick it up and eat it without having to use a knife and fork which was a bonus and it also meant that the outside of the croissant stayed crispy and flaky.  But it was a bit messy, the sauce leaked out onto my hands a bit so it was still not ideal.

Ham and Cheese Croissant Day 3 – The Bruléed Croissant

So the issue with making this with cheese sauce instead of plain cheese is the sauce.  For day 3 I thought about how to make the sauce less, well, saucy.  Which is how I got to the idea of the bruleed croissant.  Same as Day 2 but instead of serving the croissant as soon as I added the cheese, I popped it back into the oven and under the grill for a few minutes.


This was the best so far.  The croissant was crispy and flaky. The sauce was not too runny and it took on that lovely flavour of grilled cheese.

Day Four – A Break Day Bagel

Day Four I went into the office and bought a bagel for breakfast from my favourite place.  I was getting a little bit sick of ham and cheese croissants.  However….

It. Was. Terrible.

Possibly the worst bagel I have ever eaten. Bagel disaster

I’m not naming and shaming them because pre-covid they were superb.  But I also will not be buying a bagel from them for a while.  I have sourced a new bagel place not too far from home which I will try out during the week.  As well to the traditional salmon and lox, they also have some combos like a chicken katsu, a miso mushroom and a labneh and za’atar bagel.  All of which I cannot wait to try!

Day 5 – The Classic Ham and Cheese Croissant

Sometimes you just have to go back to basics and tell Vogue to take a hike.

Swap out the sauce for a slice of cheese and place your croissant under the grill for a few minutes until the cheese melts.  I used a slice of Jarlsberg but feel free to to use whatever melting cheese you have.

Oozy cheese, flaky croissant, no cutlery required to eat.  Perfection!

Ham and Cheese Croissant5


Here’s the recipe from Vogue October 1986.    Why you might want it is another question entirely!

Ham and Cheese Croissant recipe2

For slightly more successful dishes from Vogue October 1986 you could check out  the following:

Have a wonderful week my friends!




La Mediatrice

The recipe for La Mediatrice comes from the creole section of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  Quite simply, it is a fried oyster roll somewhat akin to an oyster po’boy.

La Mediatrice 1

La Mediatrice is French for the peacemaker and the story behind the name is delightful.  Apparently back in the day in New Orleans, drunken husbands stumbling home in the wee small hours would stop by a bakery on their way home and buy a freshly baked loaf filled with deep-fried oysters to take home to their wives to stop them from being angry about the husband’s shenanigans.

Now, I suspect that this may be apocryphal.  Because personally?  The idea of being woken up at 3am by a drunk brandishing an oyster roll is not something that would inspire me to sweetness. It is far more likely to send me into a vitriolic (but highly creative) rant on all the places he could shove said oyster roll!

La Mediatrice 3

La Mediatrice – Version 1

You will see from the pictures above that I made two versions of La Mediatrice.  The first one, which confusingly is the second photo – the one with the pickles is pretty much the recipe from Good Housekeeping.  I did fancy it up a bit by using some garlic and parsley infused butter instead of plain butter for the roll: And I added some smoked paprika to the flour mix for a bit of extra flavour.

La Mediatrice 4

La Mediatrice recipeThe OG version was tasty but it was a little dry, which is why I decided to give it another go.

La Mediatrice 5

La Mediatrice – Version 2

For my second stab at this, I wanted sauce and more crunch.

To bring the crunch with the oysters instead of plain flour, I used rice flour to dredge the oysters.

I also added some cos/romaine lettuce into the rolls

And I made a Sriracha Honey Mayo for drizzling over the top:


La Mediatrice 6



La Mediatrice – Sriracha Honey Mayo

This is a spicy-sweet mayonnaise that perfectly accompanies a La Mediatrice


  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp Sriracha chilli sauce
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


Mix all ingredients together.


Quantities are a guide only. If you like it hotter use more Sriracha, sweeter use more honey, etc

I loved my sriracha mayo and the lettuce made this feel not completely unhealthy! Unfortunately, I totally forgot to put the pickles into this one but they would have been super!!!!  I would strongly recommend keeping them in the dish!

Question for the week.  If your partner came stumbling home dead drunk in the middle of the night, would an oyster roll calm your annoyance?  If not what would be your preferred peacemaker?



Why Didn’t They Ask Evans – Cucumber Sandwiches

Hello crime readers and food lovers!  Today we are raising our pinky fingers and taking delicate bites from a classic item of British high tea, cucumber sandwiches.  Our book of choice is a standalone Christie novel, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?  Published in 1934, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans came after an amazing run of novels – Murder on the Orient Express and Three Act Tagedy (both also published in 1934), Lord Edgware Dies (1933) and Peril At End House (1932).  And…well…for my mind, it is not in the same calibre as any of these.  There is also not a great deal of food mentioned within its pages. Generic references to cocktail parties, breakfast and afternoon teas abound.  There is even a reference to a  sausage and beer party which sounds like heaps of fun.  But not many specific mentions of food.  So, for my menu, I have taken the liberty of choosing an item that I hope was served at least one of those any afternoon teas, cucumber sandwiches!

Cucumber Sandwiches 1

Why Didn’t They Ask Evans – The Plot

Bobby James is playing golf near his home in Marchbolt, Wales. As a sudden fog descends Bobby hears a man cry out.  Worried that he may have hit someone with his last shot, Bobby goes to investigate and finds a man lying close to death on a ledge below a cliff.  The man gains consciousness long enough to utter the words “Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?” before dying.  This sets Bobby and his friend / romantic interest Lady Frances (Frankie) Derwent on a series of adventures that could cost them their lives.

Cucumber Sandwiches 2

We have:

  • Sisters behaving suspiciously
  • Beer poisoned with morphia
  • Staged car accidents
  • Morphine addicts (aka drug fiends! in 1934 parlance)
  • Dodgy doctors
  • Supposed suicides
  • Kidnapping
  • Poisoned coffee
  • Wicked wives
  • And a romantic ending for Bobby and Frankie.

Bobby and Frankie are both very likeable characters and well written.  So it is not the absence of Poirot or Marple which makes this book not one of my favourites.  In fact, the tv adaptation I watched shoehorned Marple into it which to my mind, made the story even worse!.  For me, this is just not a compelling plot.  I think what didn’t work for me was that I LOVE trying to solve the mysteries and the mystery of Evans and why they weren’t asked is almost impossible to solve.  There was some fun along the way though so this is still worth a read even if, to my mind, it was not as good as some of its predecessors.

Cucumber Sandwiches 3

Why Didn’t They Ask Evans – The Covers

This was called The Boomerang Clue on its American release hence the varied titles.   The modern 1920’s stylised look with Bobby and Frankie on the train. is my favourite.  What is yours?

Why Didnt They Ask Evans collage


The Recipe – Cucumber Sandwiches

I used this recipe from The Spruce Eats but I cut my sandwiches into fingers and not triangles. And I buttered one side of the bread so there was only cream cheese on one side.

Cucumber Sandwiches 4

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Why Didn’t They Ask Evans

  • Fried Fish
  • Coffee (Multiple mentions)
  • Sandwiches (a packet)
  • Beer (Poisoned with Morphia)
  • Cocktail Party & Cocktails (several mentions
  • Beer and Sausage Party
  • Port
  • Tea (several mentions)
  • Afternoon tea (several mentions)
  • Bacon and Eggs (It wouldn’t be a Christie without it)
  • Breakfast
  • Toast (two mentions)

Have you read Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?  Am I being too harsh in saying it is one of the worst  Christies to date? I would love to hear from people who love this novel to tell me I’m wrong…And from people like me who think it is just a bit meh.

Beer and sausage party?  Who’s in?

Death in the Clouds will be our read for February and, despite some OMG moments of blatant racism, is to my mind a much better story.  We’ll delve into that in February.  

Happy reading and eating!



The BLT – An American Classic?

I was very surprised recently to learn that what I thought was a quintessentially American sandwich was actually British in origin!!!  Taste Atlas says that the BLT first appeared in British cookbooks in the 1920’s but that it only gained popularity in the U.S.A in the post-war period.  It further surprised me to learn that the BLT was, in 2019 ranked as the UK’s favourite sandwich but only came in 6th in the United States!



I guess though, for anyone who is new to Earth…first, hi, welcome, glad you found me!  Second, BLT stands for bacon, lettuce, tomato being the three key ingredients of this sandwich.

I LOVE a BLT and it’s avocado-ey cousin the BLAT.

Via Taste Atlas

I was hoping to find a classic BLT in the American chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  Not that I need an excuse to make one. However,  I was simultaneously delighted and horrified to see their idea of a BLT.  Here’s their recipe:

BLT Recipe

The GHWC BLT – The Pros

You will notice that Good Housekeeping calls it a Bacon, Tomato and Lettuce Sandwich.  Which if you look at my picture above is actually my preferred way of layering.  I don’t understand why you would go to the bother of getting nice bread and toasting it, only to have the tomato making it all soggy and gross half way through eating it.

My preferred version – from the top-down:  toasted bread, bacon, tomato, lettuce mayo, toasted bread.  So, thank you Good Housekeeping for getting the order correct!

An potato chips and pickles on the side are always a good idea!

I am ambivalent about whether or not you have a double or single decker BLT.  I do think though that the second piece of bread requires either another condiment or another dab of mayonnaise.  My preferred option is some Dijon Mustard.

I made my BLT  on holiday and we only had some very hefty olive sourdough which normally would not be my choice for a BLT.  This was a very heavy bread so double decking my sandwich was not an option – the bread would have overpowered everything.  (The olives did make a tasty, if not traditional, alternative!).


The GHWC BLT – The Con

In the words of Amy Winehouse, what kind of fuckery is this?

Who puts processed cheese on their BLT?

You may as well just take a dump on it.

A little bit of Brie, some vintage cheddar? I”m here for it.

Processed cheese?

A Few BLT Questions For You

Do you love a BLT? Or do you prefer a BTL?

Double or Single Decker?

What’s your preferred bread?

Iceberg or fancy lettuce?

What degree of crisp of the bacon? I like my bacon so crisp it is snappable!



Other additions? (If you say processed cheese, you’re dead to me)

Is the BLT the best sandwich ever?  Or only the 6th best?

If not your number one, what is better?

Leave your answers in the comments!!!

Have a great week!



The Mystery of American Sardine Toasts

A recipe from The Daily News Cookbook called American Sardine Toasts caught my eye recently.  Without wanting to labour the point too much, we Melbourrnians recently spent our 200th (non-consecutive) day in lockdown which means I have now been working from home for around 18 months.  I have also recently been working all the hours so my need for quick and easy meals, be they work from home lunches or speedy suppers when I am too tired to cook has become paramount.

And this could well be the recipe that gets me through! Oh, and Uber Eats, but you’re not here to hear me talk about my local Thai!

American Sardine Toasts1

In case you are wondering what an American Sardine Toast is?  It’s kind of a  tuna melt but with sardines.

As soon as I read the recipe, I constructed a narrative in my head which went a little like this.  Someone in what was then Ceylon had travelled to America and had a tuna melt.  They had then brought the concept back home – except maybe 1960’s Ceylon did not have access to canned tuna so they used what they had – sardines!  And no doubt the local newspaper, The Daily News, was keen to publish a recipe from the country that epitomised all things new and bright and shiny and voila the recipe for American Sardine Toasts  or as they call it, Sardine Toasts, American came into being

Except….DJ….cue the  X Files Spooky Music.

The Mystery

According to writer Warren Bobrow, the tuna melt was invented in 1965 in Charleston, South Carolina.  But the recipe for American Sardine Toasts appears in my mum’s 1964 edition of the Daily News Cookery Book!  There’s definitely something fishy about that!

American Sardine Toasts 3

So if not based on the tuna melt, what is this recipe based on?   What makes it an American Sardine Toast instead of just a regular sardine toast?

I even wondered if I was reading the name incorrectly. Instead of the Sardine Toasts being American was it that the sardines came from America? So not American  (Sardine Toasts) but (American Sardine) Toasts?  The actual name Sardine Toasts, American would indicate the former but who knows with this book!  Sadly the American provenance of these toasts has been lost to history.

Luckily for us, the actual recipe has not and these hit the spot of being quick, easy and delicious and so will go on heavy

American Sardine Toasts 4


The Recipes

Yes, recipes!  I took the OG recipe and modernised it to make it easier for WFH lunches.  It also works well as a light supper too.

Here’s the original:

American Sardine Toasts Recipe 1964

And here’s my version:


American Sardine Toasts

A quick and easy alternative to a tuna melt!



2 slices of toast


1 can of sardines in tomato sauce

1/4 red onion, finely chopped

80g grated cheddar cheese

I tbsp finely chopped parsley

Salt and pepper


Lightly butter the pieces of toast

Place 2 sardines on each piece of toast, making sure you get some of the tomato sauce from the can as well.

Sprinkle some chopped onion on top of the sardines.

Sprinkle the cheese over the top.

Place under a grill (180C) for 5 minutes or until the cheese has melted.

Season with salt and pepper.

Sprinkle the chopped parsley over the top.

Cut each piece of toast in two.

Eat immediately!


American Sardine Toasts2

Have a great week!
