Category: Savoury Pies and Tarts

A Pocket Full of Rye – Bird Pie

Hello crime readers and food lovers. Welcome to Dining with The Dame! Today’s book, A Pocket Full of Rye, is my favourite Miss Marple to date. I absolutely loved this one.  This is not so much a Dark Marple but a Marple out for vengeance!  To paraphrase the 1976 film Network, “She’s as mad as hell, and she’s not going to take it anymore”!  And I am here for every second of it! 

Inspector Neele gave a sudden, rather unexpected smile. He was thinking to himself that Miss Marple was very unlike the popular notion of an avenging fury.  And yet, he thought that was perhaps exactly what she was.

A Pocket Full Of  Rye – Agatha Christie

Something I did not love about this book, at least in writing this post, was the weird use of ‘Pocket Full’ versus ‘Pocketful’. However, if Agatha Christie preferred it that way, who am I to judge?

Today’s menu will be a Bird Pie from Diana Henry’s excellent book A Bird In The Hand.  Please note that I am not aiming for any verisimilitude with the text by baking four and twenty blackbirds in my pie.  This bird pie contains a far more prosaic (and I’m sure more delicious) chicken!  

Bird Pie 1

A Pocket Full of Rye – The Plot

Setting The Scene

The king was in the counting-house, counting out his money…

Rex Fortescue, a wealthy businessman, dies after drinking a cup of tea in his office. However, it soon becomes apparent that the circumstances are far more complex than they initially seemed. Firstly, the actual poison was taxine, a deadly poison derived from Yew trees. Since taxine is a slow-acting poison, it could not have been contained in the tea. Instead, it was far more likely to have been something Rex consumed earlier, such as breakfast. Furthermore, he was found with some grains of rye in his pocket, an intriguing detail that adds another layer to the mystery.

Suspicion soon turns to Rex’s second and much younger wife, Adele. Indeed, Adele was almost certainly having an affair with her “golfing” partner, Vivien Dubois, providing her with a strong motive for murder.

The queen was in the parlour, eating bread and honey…

However, not long after Rex’s death, Adele is also killed via cyanide in her afternoon tea.

Bird Pie 2

The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes, when down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose

Gladys Mitchell, the Fortescue’s maid, is later discovered strangled by the washing line with a clothes peg on her nose.

Enter Miss Marple

Gladys, the maid, had previously worked for Miss Marple.  In fact, Miss Marple trained Gladys in housekeeping straight from the orphanage.  Miss Marple remembers Gladys as a somewhat gullible, hopelessly romantic young girl.  And she is fuming about the way that Gladys died!

“It was the clothes peg  that really worried me,” said Miss Marple in her gentle voice…That’s what made me so angry, if you can understand, my dear.  It was such a cruel, contemptuous gesture.  It gave me a kind of picture of the murderer. To do a thing like that!  It’s very wicked you know to affront human dignity”

A Pocket Full of Rye – Agatha Christie

We have:

  • The return of Rex’s wayward son, Lancelot
  • Strange muddy footprints in the house
  • A housekeeper with something to hide
  • A mysterious person in the garden
  • An entire family vowing revenge on Rex Fortescue for some financial double-dealings around a failed goldmine in Africa
  • Blackbirds left on a windowsill and baked into a pie

Thankfully, Miss Marple can pull together these disparate threads and gain justice for poor Gladys.  And, I guess, Rex and Adele.  Even though they, and the members of their family, are all awful people.  

A Pocket Full of Rye – The Covers

Pocket Full of Rye Collage

There are some amazing covers here. Lots of blackbirds and cups of tea as to be expected. There are also two great pulp covers featuring Rex and Adele lying dead.  My favourite, though, is the German cover with the hand on the lawn, presumably referencing Gladys, lying dead by the washing line.  Maybe, like Miss Marple, I am happy she is being recognised, if only in death. 

Below this is a rather unflattering drawing of Miss Marple on the cover of a Czech version.  In contrast, two to the right of this one, there looks to be a very snazzily dressed Miss Marple wearing a beautiful lilac suit paired with a gorgeous green scarf, bag and umbrella.  It’s such a pleasant change to see a glam Miss Marple.  Even though I’m sure far more eyes were focussed on the central figure of a very buxom Adele virtually bursting out of what is most definitely not a golfing outfit! 

Miss Marple

The Recipe: Bird Pie

I very much enjoyed this.  The capers were a really nice addition that added a little spark to this chicken pie! 

AA Bird Pie

Bird Pie 3

Links to the Christieverse

  • None that I could find. Please let me know if you find any!

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in They Do It With Mirrors

Our read for March will be Destination Unknown. 

Have a great week!


Movie Night – November 2004

Hello friends! Welcome to November 2004! This month, we’re going to the movies via the pages of Delicious magazine. Caution – there are puns galore in this post, so if you are not a fan, feel free to skip this one! But before you do, why not hang around and take a trip down memory lane as we look back at what was popular in November 2004!

Phantomato Tarts 2

Given this is movie night, let’s first take a look at what was at the top of the box office in November 2004. The Incredibles was the number 1 movie, with National Treasure and The Polar Express rounding out the top 3. I’ve not seen The Polar Express but I like The Incredibles and I also enjoyed National Treasure. Jumping back to 2024 for a moment, I recently watched Longlegs with Nick Cage and it was so creepy! I really enjoyed it, but it is definitely not for everyone!

Twenty Years of Nick Cage
Twenty Years of Nick Cage

Bookwise, I was quite surprised to see that I only recognised one of the books that topped the charts during the month: Northern Lights by Nora Roberts, Hour Game By David Baldacchi (this was the one I had heard of), Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich and London Bridges by James Patterson. I was a huge fan of the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich but Metro Girl completely passed me by!

The top three songs also got a “meh” response from me: My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys, Dropp It Like It’s Hot by Snoop Dog, and Lose My Breath by Destiny’s Child  Iam very glad to tell you that this month’s menu did not get that reaction.  So, let’s take a look!

November 2004 Menu

Sunset Boulevard Collage

“Sunset” Boulevard

Let’s kick off our movie night with a Boulevard, which is a take on the Boulevadier, a Parisian Cocktail from the 1920s.  The Boulevard packs a punch as it contains Bourbon, Grand Marnier and Vermouth!  It actually reminds me of the famous quote from Sunset Boulevard.  In the scene, Joe Gillis, a young and poor screenwriter, meets Norma Desmond, a former silent movie star dreaming of making her comeback. 

“You used to be big,” he says.

She responds “I am big.  It’s the pictures that got small”. 

Well, like the film I’ve matched it with, the Boulevard is big!  Sip slowly while enjoying the brilliance that is the film Sunset Boulevard!

aa November Boulevard

Phantomato of The Opera Tarts

I loved these!  They were so delicious!  The combination of sweet caramlised onions, the tanginess of the goat’s curd and sweet bite of the cherry tomatoes was Chef’s kiss perfect.  I could not find mustard cress so garnished my little tartlets with basil leaves.  The phantomato tarts are sure to have you singing an aria of joy when you taste them! 

Phantomato Tarts2


aa November Phantomato Tarts Recipe

Chinatown Chicken Salad

This was the first recipe I chose for this film night post because it seemed too good to be true that here was a direct reference to a film.  (For new readers,  I chose the topics for these 20 years ago posts via a random number generator).  And yes, the name was incredibly fortuitous, but….I just didn’t love the salad.  It wasn’t terrible.  It was just a bit bland. 

The second day I ate this, I added some baby corn and some crispy chilli oil to liven things up a bit, and that did make it better. I also didn’t have any coriander (cilantro) so I added some Thai Basil which to me is a far superior herb.  Not everything is for everyone, though, and I’m sure many other people would find this delicious!  Personally, I might have liked it better with the duck, which is given as an option instead of chicken.  However, for me, this quote is my view on the Chinatown Chicken Salad!

Chinatown Quote


Chinatown Chicken SaladChinatown Movie Poster

Chinatown Chicken Salad recipe

Passionfruit Roulade of The Christ

Interestingly, both The Phantom of the Opera and The Passion of The Christ were released in 2004!  So, technically, a movie buff in November 2004 could have themed a dinner party exactly like this.  I added some whipped cream into the roulade along with the passionfruit curd.  

And what a way to finish!  The passionfruit roulade is as light as air with a little zing coming from the passionfruit so it is also not overly sweet!  One might say it is divine!

Passionfruit Roulade

aa november passiofruit roulade

My Nigella Moment – Polka Dot Popcorn

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme, but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

This month, my Nigella moment is definitely in theme!  Because what’s a movie night without some popcorn? When I was growing up, we had a snack food called Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs, which were a combination of caramel popcorn and peanuts.  This gave me the same vibes, plus a wave of nostalgia!  It’s really yummy, and if you wanted to throw in some peanuts for a really Lolly Goggle Bliss Bomb effect, who could blame you? 

Polka Dot Popcorn


Polka Dot Popcorn recipe (2) (1)

I hope you have enjoyed Movie Night from November 2004. For me, the month was a little hit-and-miss.  

I am taking a weekend break next week to travel to Queensland to catch up with some family.  I will do my best to set up the next post to send out on Sunday morning at the regular time.   However, if things go awry and that doesn’t happen, I will be back Sunday evening and will do my best to send it out manually then.  Apologies in advance if it is late.  

Have a great week!  


Spice It Up – August 2004

Hello friends! Welcome to Twenty Years Ago Today! For a spicy twist this month, I turned to the August 2004 issue of Delicious magazine for recipe ideas.  While the month wasn’t perfect, one dish stood out as a clear highlight and is easily one of my top ten of the year.  But, before we get there, let’s take a little look at what was making the charts pop culture-wise back in August 2004!

Apple and Blackberry pie (1)


Pop Culture – August 2004

So, for the first week of August 2004 and, also for the first time in what seems like eleventy billion years, The Da Vinci Code was NOT  the number one selling book.  That honour went to R for Ricochet by Sue Grafton.  Now, I have never read any of this series.  Is anyone out there a fan?  I love a good mystery / thriller.  Please let me know if you think this series might be good for me!  However, before we get too excited about the demise of The Da Vinci Code, it went back to number one for the rest of August. 

Collateral was the best-selling film of August 2004 but Garden State, which was a film we covered in my film club was #10.  Leave, (Get Out) by JoJo was the number 1 song.  I do not remember this song or the singer at all!!!  Does anyone? 

In the absence of any memory of JoJo, let’s pop the soundtrack for Garden State onto Spotify and get cooking!


The Spice It Up Menu – August 2004

Menu August 2004

Gado Gado

Spices used – garlic, ginger etc in the Satay sauce, chilli

I adore Gado Gado. It’s the perfect balance of health and indulgence, combining the virtue of steamed vegetables with the decadence of a spicy satay sauce. Unfortunately, despite searching through multiple supermarkets, I couldn’t find the tofu puffs I typically include. To compensate for the protein, I added some eggs.  I ate this as a main dish so wanted to make it a substantial meal.  

I also took some liberties with the vegetables, using ingredients I preferred or had readily available instead of strictly adhering to the recipe.”

Gado Gado

Gado-Gado Recipe


AA August - Easy Gado Gado (1)


Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas

Spice used: Paprika

The Jamie Oliver recipe was…alright. While it wasn’t a favorite, it was certainly edible. I’m not likely to make it again, but it was passable.

The biggest issue was the excessive amount of chili. As someone who enjoys spicy food, that’s a rare complaint for me. The chili completely overwhelmed the other flavors.

Another minor annoyance was the recipe’s use of the term “chops” while actually calling for “cutlets.” For those unfamiliar with lamb, cutlets are significantly more expensive than traditional chops. I used loin chops for my version because I had some in my freezer.

Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas

Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas Recipe

August  2004- Lamb Chops

Apple and Blackberry Pie

Spices used: Cinnamon and Cloves

This. Was .Divine.

Unfortunately, my photos were not.  Please don’t judge this on the photo or my really bad lattice work because the pie really truly was AMAZING!!!!  This is a top ten dish if ever there was one! There is a version with Rhubarb mentioned which I will also be trying ASAP!

Apple and Blackberry pie 3

Apple and Blackberry Pie 2


Apple and Blackberry Pie Recipe

AA August - Apple and Blackberry Pie2 (2)

Cinnamon Tea and Recipe

Spice Used:  Cinnamon

Delicious Magazine also contained a recipe for Cinnamon Tea.  I only ever really drink herbal tea, so this was not for me.  Howeever, as the name suggests, it does contain a spice so if you are a tea drinker and maybe wanted something to sip on  while eating your pie, here is the recipe. 

AA August - Cinnamon Tea


My Nigella Moment  – Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that does not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

I love leek and gorgonzola anything as it reminds me of a pizzeria I used to go to with my work mates a few years ago that did an amazing leek and gorgonzola pizza! I didn’t think these were as good as the pizza but that could also be nostalgia talking.  They were quite nice in their own right! 

Leek and Gorgonzola Tart

Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts Recipe

Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts

I hope you have enjoyed this trip back to August 2004.   Have a great week! 


September 2003 – Birthday Party, Cheesecake, Jelly Bean, Boom!

“That’s great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane”…so begins the fabulous REM song, “It’s The End of The World As We Know It”.  And for me, this year actually began with a 7.6 magnitude earthquake when we were holidaying in Darwin.  Last month we celebrated my birthday in absolute chaos (more on that later) whilst on holiday in Port Douglas. And when I say chaos, I mean a total f*cking nightmare.  So when the random number generator chose “Birthday Party, Cheesecake, Jelly Bean, Boom!  I thought it might be a good chance to reset and have a little party to make up for the day that was ruined!  The vehicle of choice for this month is Super Food Ideas, from September 2003 and I went in search of party food.  

Butterfly Cakes

But first, let’s take a little wander down the memory lane to the heady days of September 2003.  R Kelly’s Ignition (Remix) was #1.  Less said about that the better I think.  Finding Nemo was top of the box office and The Da Vinci Code was still the most popular book!  

The Menu – September 2003

Birthday Party Menu


Now, I can’t think of a much better way to kick of any birthday celebration than with a classic Margarita!  And this one was perfection!!!!!  I 



The cocktail napkin you see in the above photo was one of a set of napkins I bought in Port Douglas.  They are all super cute and also an inspiration to make the rest of the cocktails featured on them! 

And as with the margarita, the first four days of our holiday were wonderful.  Port Douglas is such an amazing place.  Rainforest, reef and beach – great restaurants, perfect weather….the only downside is the crocodiles…and the murder birds!  

Margarita Recipe

Margarita recipe

Seafood Pizza

As you may have noticed, I love my seafood!  This nicely leads me to where our holiday turned paradise into a nightmare.  Day 5 of our holiday, which was my actual birthday we had planned to move from our PD central apartment to a house around 10km out of Port Douglas.  It was also the night of The Matildas v England final of the Women’s World Cup.  We had been out for a lovely dinner the night before so the plan for my birthday was to grab a seafood platter from Port Douglas when we left and then enjoy the evening in our house.  Dip in our private pool, , bit of football on the telly, champagne on ice, and our gourmet seafood platter…could life get any better?

Seafood Pizza 1

Better?  No.  What we hadn’t figured was that it was about to get a whole lot worse!  

We turned up at the house, for which we had a confirmed booking from one of the largest, if not the largest booking agencies in the world.  The Fussiest Eater sends a text to the owner asking for the keypad number as the gate is locked. We are there for about 5 minutes when a woman comes out of the house.  “Can I help you?” she asks.  “Oh, yes, you probably just got our text.  We’re here for our holiday”  

Apparently we weren’t. 

In the time that we had made our booking and our actual holiday, the house had been sold.  It was no longer holiday accommodation.  

It was now 3:00pm on a Saturday, we had no place to stay for the next four nights and we had a rapidly warming seafood platter on the back seat of the hire car. 

Seafood Pizza Recipe

Seafood Pizza

Party Pies

Party Pie1

You know this is an Aussie Meat Pie because the secret ingredient is a spoonful of Vegemite!  I made mini versions of this pie – in Australian we call these Party Pies so they were perfect for my Birthday Party Menu!

Now back to Port Douglas.  The Fussiest Eater began calling the owner of the house. He confirmed that he had sold the house and had told the booking agency to cancel all future bookings.  I started trying to find us accommodation.  The first place I found wanted $15,000 for the four nights.  The second $6000.  Finally, we were able to find a studio room back in Port Douglas for the four nights for a price that we could actually afford.  And that had a fridge in which we could put the seafood platter!  From there we called the booking agency who offered to not only refund the cost of the house but also to pay for the emergency accommodation.  

The following day we were also able to move into a one-bedroom apartment in the same complex which was a lot better than the studio but still how we had wanted to spend the last few days of our holiday. 

As of today though, the booking company have yet to refund us the money for the second Port Douglas Apartment.  We are idiots who did not get their OG offer in writing and they are now saying that as the second apartment was cheaper than the house technically we are not out of pocket.

Technically they ruined my birthday and did not deliver on the holiday we paid for and expected. 

Technically I could have chosen the house that cost $15000 instead of that studio apartment as our alternative accommodation and technically they would have had to refund us the difference. 

I didn’t want to be an arsehole. 

I’ll leave that up to them.  

Meat Pie Recipe

Aussie Meat Pie


Chewy Almond Crescents

We now turn to the sweet part of our birthday party menu.  These were great!  Really tasty and not overly sweet.  You couldn’t really taste the apricot jam which was a shame.  When I make these again, I will maybe add some chopped-up dried apricots into the mix.  Or maybe add a glaze with the jam.  They were delicious regardless.  These would be great with a cup of tea or coffee or equally with a little glass of Baileys! This was probably my favourite thing on the menu.  I also loved the butterfly cakes but they were similar to cakes I had made before.  These were all new and I was so happy to discover them!

Chewy Almond Crescents

Accomodation saga continued….As of today though, the booking company have yet to refund us the money for the second Port Douglas Apartment.  We are idiots who did not get their OG offer in writing and they are now saying that as the second apartment was cheaper than the house technically we are not out of pocket.

Technically they ruined my birthday and did not deliver on the holiday we paid for and expected. 

Technically I could have chosen the house that cost $15000 instead of that studio apartment as our alternative accommodation and technically they would have had to refund us the difference. 

I didn’t want to be an arsehole. 

I’ll leave that up to them.  

Chewy Almond Crescents Recipe

Chewy Almond Crescents2

Lemon Curd Butterfly Cakes

These were so pretty and also delish.  I loved the tanginess of the lemon curd with the sweetness of the cupcake!

Lemon Curd Butterfly Cakes

The one-bedroom apartment was great.  However, on the first night, I was woken at around 2 a.m. by the sound of what sounded like a woman screaming. Channelling my inner Nancy Drew,  I got out of bed and looked out the window but the side street the room looked out on was deserted.  I was just getting back into bed when I heard it again.  This time I went to the main room to look out of the front windows but the main street which we overlooked was also quiet.  I went back to bed.  I heard the same noise once again at around 5 a.m. This time I wondered if maybe someone in the neighbouring rooms was having an argument as again there was no movement on either street.  

There was no mention of any attack on the news the following day so I went about my business.  As we were walking back to the apartment from dinner I heard the same noise.  This time though I was able to see that it was coming from a bird that we had just walked past.  A quick Google Search identified these murder birds as Bush Stone Curlews.  Thankfully no Nancy Drewing needed for me on the second night.  Or thereafter.  

Lemon Curd Butterfly Cakes Recipe

Lemon Curd Butterfly Cakes


My Nigella Moment  – Passionfruit Glazed Shortbread

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that does not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in either because I made it and it was really good, or I just didn’t have time to make it but it was one of the most appetising things in the mag!

I love shortbread and passionfruit so these were high on my list of things to make.  They would have also fit in nicely with my birthday party theme but I ran out of time and had to choose between the Almond Crescents and these.  In the end, I have eaten Passionfruit Shortbreads before whilst the Almond Crescents were something new to me so I chose them.  These though?  High on my list of things to make!  And believe me, when I do…I will definitely be popping back to the biscuit tin, Nigella Style, for just one more!

Passionfruit Glazed Shortbread Recipe 4 (1)


Super Food Ideas really came through for my birthday-themed menu!  As did Port Douglas for my birthday holiday.  Despite the…ahem…hiccup with the accomodation, PD remains one of my favourite holiday destinations!!!! 



Savoury Upside Down Pie

Hello friends! On the menu today is a savoury upside down pie (say what?) which comes from a new book to the blog, 250 Quick and Easy Recipes by Woman’s Day from 1986.  It’s actually from Let me tell you , if the savoury upside pie was anything to go by, I am looking forward seeing what the rest of this book has to offer.  This was delicious! I made this back in February and looking back at the photos now is really making me want to make it again!

Savoury Upside Down Pie 2
I chose this recipe because of its unusual cooking method.  You line your pie dish with bacon (yum) then spoon a mix of minced chicken, creamed corn, and some herbs on top of the bacon.  Finally, almost like a tarte tatin, you top the lot with pastry.  The end result is great, the bacon and the pastry turn crispy and the chicken mix stays succulent!  You will see below that the recipe below calls for green capsicum. I can’t bear them.  They also tend to repeat on me for hours afterward so instead of the capsicum, I added some additional herbs from the garden being sage and oregano along with the parsley and mint the recipe called for. 


I have been featuring a lot of “posh” food recently.  This is definitely not that.  This is mid-week budget-style cooking.  I think it would be a great family meal.  I served my pie with shop-bought sweet chilli sauce, some zucchini pickles made from homegrown zucchini and a watercress and orange salad which will feature in an upcoming post. 

Savoury Upside Down Pie 1


Savoury Upside Down Pie – The Recipe

Savoury Upside Down Pie recipe

The sweet chilli was the perfect accompaniment to the pie – they really worked well together.  The pickles also bought a nice tang.  And it all looked lovely and colourful.  

The pie was also good cold the following day when I had some for my lunch!  I was going to reheat it but couldn’t wait!

Savoury Upside Down Pie 5

250 Quick and Easy recipes really delivered on its title with the Savoury Upside Down Pie!  Add in that it was also really tasty and you have a winner, winner chicken dinner!  There are a few more recipes which sound like they might be worth a try so I’m sure this will not be the last time we see this book!

Have a great week!
