Category: Baking

Pineapple and Spice Financier – Murder is Easy

Murder is Easy Collage

Hello crime readers and food lovers!  This month’s read is Murder Is Easy, and I have a LOT to say about it!  Starting with a rant about how I ended up choosing a Pineapple and Spice Financier (which does not appear in the story at all) to represent the novel.  Murder is Easy contains very few food references.   This really annoyed me!   I kind of get it when AC doesn’t mention food in the novels set in foreign climes.  Back in the day, there would likely have been some good old-fashioned British reserve (ie thinly veiled racism) against foreign food.  But Murder is Easy is set in an English village and features multiple old ladies!  Where are the scones?  Where are the high teas and finger sandwiches?   The village fete with cake stalls galore?

Pineapple and Spice Financier5

Murder Might be Easy but Menu Decisions Aren’t!

So, what do you do when there is no food mentioned in the novel? My first thought always goes to puns.  Murder is greasy?  Murder is cheesy?  Chowder is Easy?  Humlebeetroot Salad?  I dismissed all of these as cornier than the chowder! I was very nearly set on the idea of making Olivia De Havilland’s Salad Niçoise.  (She played Honoria Waynfleet in the 1982 version of Murder is Easy).  However, when I looked more closely at the recipe on Silver Screen Suppers I saw that it contained both red and green capsicums.  Long-time readers will know that these do not agree with me at all.  I thought about inventing a Hit and Rum cocktail, which was going to be my take on a pineapple mojito, and spoke to two of the murders in the novel.  However, I felt there have been a lot of cocktails in my recent Dining with the Dame posts so I wanted to shy away from them.

Finally, I decided I wanted to use pineapple which, features as a murder weapon, in the story combined with the country feel of a freshly baked cake.  I chose the  Pineapple and Spice Financier as I  felt that the spices (cardamom and ginger) were a nod to Luke Fitzwilliam’s time in the Mayang Straits.  Whilst this is an entirely made-up place in my mind it is a reference to Malaysia which was still under British rule in 1939 when this book was written.

Pineapple and Spice Financier 1

Phew…that was a long intro!  So let’s get into Murder is Easy!

Murder is Easy- The Plot

Luke Fitzwilliam is home to England from his work as a policeman in the Mayang Straits.  On his way to London, he meets an elderly lady called Lavinia Pinkerton on the train.  They get to talking and Ms Pinkerton confides to him that she is on her way to Scotland Yard to warn them that there is a serial killer operating in her small country village.  She names several people who have already been a victim of said killer and also names who she thinks will be next.

Now, if you want my honest opinion of Luke Fitzwilliam?  To put it nicely, he’s no Hercule Poirot.  He’s not even a Miss Marple.  In the words of Smashmouth he “ain’t the smartest tool in the shed”.  However, his lack of perspicacity comes later.  Right now, we can’t really fault him for thinking he has sat down next to some batty old lady and so he doesn’t really take her seriously.

Until, the next day, he reads in the paper that she was killed in a hit-and-run accident.

And a week later, he reads that Doctor Humbleby who Miss Pinkerton said was the next victim, has also died.  Luke’s spidey senses start tingling and he heads down to Wychwood under Ashe to do some investigating.

Pineapple and Spice Financier3

We have:

  • Several mysterious deaths in the town Wychwood-Under-Ashe
  • A chauffeur killed by a stone pineapple
  • Dirty deeds going on with the local antique dealer
  • A cat called Wonky Poo who becomes involved in the murders in a totally disgusting way.
  • One of the suspects strangling a canary
  • Inspector Battle who we last saw in Cards on The Table (also in The Secret of Chimneys and The Seven Dials Mystery) making an appearance!

Unfortunately,  we don’t have Poirot around to solve the mystery.  Instead, we have Luke Fitzwilliam (cue Smashmouth quote above in your head) making what seems like interminable lists of suspects and motives and still not honing in on the killer faster than his new girlfriend Bridget.  Oh, and if we’re going to cue Smashmouth whenever Luke is mentioned, then the signature tune for Bridget is The Eagles Witchy Woman!  So many references to Bridget being witch-like.  All of which come to nothing.

Murder is Easy – The Covers

Murder is Easy Collage


The Recipe – Pineapple and Spice Financier

My recipe comes from the November 2022 issue of Delicious Magazine.

Pineapple and Spice recipe


“Luke – Luke – what’s that…?”

The moon had come out from the clouds.  Luke looked down to where Bridget’s shoe trembled by a huddled mass.

With a startled exclamation he dragged his arm free and knelt down.  He looked from the shapeless heap to the gate post above.  The pine-apple was gone. “

Murder is Easy – Agatha Christie

Pineapple and Spice Financier4

Links to The Christieverse

  • As mentioned above Inspector Battle makes an appearance in Murder is Easy.
  • The Bells and Motley. is a pub in Wychwood under Ashe.   A pub by the same name features in the Harley Quin short story called “At The Bells and Motley”.

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Murder is Easy

  • Plum Pudding
  • Tea (multiple times)
  • Coffee (multiple times)
  • Bacon and eggs  (I will make these one day!)
  • Kidneys (I will never make these)
  • Liqueur Brandy
  • Beer
  • Sherry

Pineapple and Spice Financier 2

Other Related News

  • A boomslang features in the  Bullet Train. We, of course, know all about that particular snake from Death in The Clouds.
  • The BBC has announced a new adaptation of l Murder is Easy.   (The Olivia de Haviland / Bill Bixby version is available on You Tube.  The Miss Marple version is not great and I would not recommend it, except Benedict Cumberbatch plays Luke).)
  • This month marks the 100th anniversary of Murder on The Links…why not celebrate by making an Omelette Berrichonne?

April’s read is Sad Cypress.

Have a great week!




Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes – November 2002

Hello Friends!!!  For today’s twenty years ago post, I am cooking from the November 2002 issue  of Super Food Ideas. Let’s see if the mag lives up to it’s name! Today’s theme is picnic food.  These orange and poppyseed cupcakes would be perfect for a spring picnic and were delicious to boot!  Sadly our weather has not been kind.   It has been very cold and rainy so my picnic ended being on my dining room table!

Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes

My Picnic Menu

Picnic Menu


Chicken Club Sandwich

I love a club sandwich but for some reason, I only ever eat them when ordering  from a hotel room service menu.  This one was ok.  No bacon which was disappointing but the addition of avocado was nice.  There was a weird instruction to add tomato sauce (ketchup) into the avocado mix.  I ignored it. because….ewww.  You can do beter November 2002!

Chicken Club Sandwich

Here’s the recipe.

Chicken Club Sandwich recipe 3


I am not going to talk about the Mac and Cheese  bites here because, I ended up changing the recipe so much that I am going to do them as a separate post! But we came here for Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes so here they are!

Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes2jpg

I don’t think I have tasted orange and poppyseed anything before.  There was a time when I was absolutely addicted to the lemon and poppyseed muffins at Muffin Break.   It got so all the people I worked with  knew how much I loved them so even if I had not gone past the Muffin Break that morning, my colleagues would let me know if the lemon and poppysed muffins were on the menu.  These cupcakes were very reminiscent of those muffins.   In fact though, I did not have enough orange zest  to top all the cupcakes (possibly because I spilt so much of it all over the recipe) so there is a mix of lemon and orange zest on all of them making them even more nostalgic for me.

Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes3jpg

Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes – The Recipe

The original recipe was for one large cake.  For  cupcakes, just drop the cooking time,  Mine were ready in 25 minutes.


Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes Recipe2jpg


My Nigella Moment

What is a Nigella moment?  You know how at the end of each episode of a Nigella tv show, you see her popping back to the fridge for just one more bite of something?  My Nigella moment this month is a recipe I cooked from the mag that did not fit with the picnic theme.  It was a salmon fillet with wasabi mayo.  I served mine with some edamame sprinkled with furikake, pickled ginger and some not very Japanese but very delicious oven fries!  In the interest of brevity, I have not included the recipe but, if you like the sound of it and want to do your own trip back in time, hit me up in the comments!

Salmon with Wasabi Mayo

I hope you’ve enjoyed time travelling back to November 2002 with me.

Have a great week!




Rum and Butter Tartlets

This recipe for Rum and Butter Tartlets is inspired by the recipe in the Canada chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972).

Rum and Butter Tartlets 1

To Rum or Not To Rum?

The original recipe calls for Rum essence which I suppose makes these child-friendly.  I remember hating rum balls, or anything else rum flavoured, as a child so I am not sure how friendly the essence version would be.  We did not have any rum essence in the house so I soaked my currants in actual rum. I then added the currant soaking liquid into the pies.  Did I say how delicious these were?

Rum and butter is a classic combination – seen in hot buttered rum and rum and steak!

But please make up your own mind on using real rum or rum essence.  Just not red rum!

We are watching The Shining for my film club.  I think it is a genius movie and one of Kubrick’s best  ( Stephen King hated it with a passion) and I am keen to see what the other club members think of it.

Rum and Butter Tartlets – The Recipes

I changed the original recipe a LOT both because some things such as the amount of sugar were insane.  Also…it’s Canada…why are they even using sugar when they could have had maple syrup which is a far superior sweetener IMHO!

Here is the original recipe from Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery





And here is my version:

Rum and Butter Tartlets 2


Rum and Butter Tartlets

A delicious modern take on a vintage recipe.


  • 70g currants
  • 50g butter
  • 60g cream
  • 100g maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp rum / rum essence
  • 1 egg
  • 12 sweet tart shells


  • Soak the currants in the rum for at least 1 hour.
  • Melt the butter.  Add the cream, maple syrup, rum and currants.
  • Whisk in the egg.
  • Fill the tart shells and bake in a moderate oven (180C) until the filling was set and the pastry is golden.  This was 40 minutes for me.

Rum and Butter Tartlets 3


I have also found a very similar recipe from Adam Liaw 

There may be a short hiatus in my posting schedule, we are about to go on a little holiday to the beautiful beach resort of Noosa on the Sunshine Coast.  I am hoping for six days of sunshine, sand and great food!

Have a great week!


Blueberry Cake

Last Friday was Canada day so it seemed like an appropriate time to leave the United States of America and head north in our journey through Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  It may also be an excellent time to leave the United States of America for Supreme Court related decisions too but that is by the by.  Anyhoo, to celebrate our move to Canada I made a blueberry cake!

Blueberry Cake 1 (2)

Now, blueberry cake is not the first thing I think of when my thoughts turn to Canadian cuisine.  BUT…this chapter was fairly disappointing.  Notably, the first thing I do think of was totally missing.  I mean – WHO ON EARTH HAS A CHAPTER ON CANADIAN COOKING AND DOES NOT INCLUDE A RECIPE FOR POUTINE????

Ok. Let me take a few moments to do some of the deep rhythmic breathing they taught me at the conference I attended recently.  Just.  Breathe. Do not feel disappointed that you will not be making poutine.  When you go to the office on Thursday you can buy some poutine from the very excellently named Lord of The Fries. Which may be even better than making some yourself.  And breathe…

Ok, calming mantra over, let’s get on with the blueberry cake.

Blueberry Cake – The Recipe

The recipe called for lemon flavouring.  We currently have a tree laden with lemons so I used the zest of one lemon and the juice of half a lemon as my “flavouring”.  This added a nice hit of lemon to the cake.  I found this cake to be quite dry – it very much needed a bit of cream or ice cream on the side.  I had some with some homemade Mango Kufli (from Adam Liaw’s recipe) and it was divine.  Mango, lemon and blueberries are a match made in heaven!  I am not sure if this is because I did not have enough blueberries to half fill the loaf pan.  There was a LOT of cake batter to blueberries so for future baking I might halve the batter mixture.  Another variation might be to put a layer of blueberries in the middle or through the cake as well as on the top.

Blueberry Cake recipe

I think the way the blueberries bleed into the cake is so pretty!

Blueberry Cake 2

Have a great week everyone!





Smoked Salmon Tarts

Hello and welcome to my best of January post!  It was not the start to the year I was looking for – the month was fraught with illness (human and canine) and a nasty car accident for the Fussiest Eater in the World from which he is still recovering.  In the midst of all the misery though, there was still time for some good food starting with these smoked salmon tarts from Alimentari by Linda Jones.

Smoked Salmon Tartlets

These are little morsels of deliciousness.  I shared this recipe with a friend of mine and, like me, they have become one of her go to entertaining snacks.  So tasty, so pretty, they transport really well for picnics and other out of home occasions and if you happen to have any left (unlikely) they are delicious the following day – I ate mine at ambient temperature but you could heat them if you wanted or have them cold from the fridge.

I also used whole tom berries and not halved cherry tomatoes.

Smoked Salmon Tarts – The Recipe


Other Favourites of The Month


One More Croissant for the Road by Felicity Cloake

I cannot tell you how much I loved this book!!!  Felicity Cloake is a British food writer who is also a keen cyclist.  In this book, she cycles around France, eating and drinking the signature dishes in each town (Quiche in Lorraine, Provencal Fish Soup in Marseille etc).  I love all things French so reading this was an absolute delight!  I loved her voice and really want Felicity to be my new best friend!   (There are also recipes)  💖


I also read the most recent Lianne Moriarty, Apples Never Fall.  This was an audiobook and, just like last month, the narrator’s voice irritated me.  Apart from that, I enjoyed the story and what an ending!!!!!  😲


Someone’s voice who definitely doesn’t irritate me is Diana Henry, the British cookbook writer.  I bought her cookbook, A Change Of Appetite in January and I am looking forward to cooking from it very soon!

The cover is so pretty too!


We watched the The Puppet Master on Netflix the other night which was excellent.  It is about a conman who has been operating since the 1990’s posing as an MI5 Agent.  It is compelling viewing!


And, if you are intrigued by that story of a conman pretending to be an MI5 agent, you will be as fascinated as I was by Sweet Bobby.  This is a catfishing podcast about another sociopath pretending to be an MI5 agent.

Note to self and to everyone else. Like they say in The Puppet Master… If someone tells you they are an MI5 agent, they are generally NOT an MI5 agent!

The issue of pathological lying also crops up in Apples Never Fall, so on the whole, I have spent a month immersed in liars, cheats, conmen and sociopaths!

I am on the lookout for new things to watch and new listen to, let me know your recommendations!


Like everyone else I am obsessed with WORDLE.

It is the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning.  My favourite opening words have changed from CABIN to TRAIN to IRATE.

What’s your favourite opener?


We have our Foodies meeting this week where the theme is tv shows.  I am cooking from The Cook Up with Adam Liaw.  I haven’t finalised what I am making but these are most likely going to be on the menu!



My Mum and I went antiquing and I bought these gorgeous Scotch Whiskey ceramic decanters which are now taking pride of place on my bar cart.

Decanter 1

Decanter 2

So, you’re all caught up on my life!  Here’s hoping February is a better month!

Have a wonderful week!
