Category: Baking

Movie Night – November 2004

Hello friends! Welcome to November 2004! This month, we’re going to the movies via the pages of Delicious magazine. Caution – there are puns galore in this post, so if you are not a fan, feel free to skip this one! But before you do, why not hang around and take a trip down memory lane as we look back at what was popular in November 2004!

Phantomato Tarts 2

Given this is movie night, let’s first take a look at what was at the top of the box office in November 2004. The Incredibles was the number 1 movie, with National Treasure and The Polar Express rounding out the top 3. I’ve not seen The Polar Express but I like The Incredibles and I also enjoyed National Treasure. Jumping back to 2024 for a moment, I recently watched Longlegs with Nick Cage and it was so creepy! I really enjoyed it, but it is definitely not for everyone!

Twenty Years of Nick Cage
Twenty Years of Nick Cage

Bookwise, I was quite surprised to see that I only recognised one of the books that topped the charts during the month: Northern Lights by Nora Roberts, Hour Game By David Baldacchi (this was the one I had heard of), Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich and London Bridges by James Patterson. I was a huge fan of the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich but Metro Girl completely passed me by!

The top three songs also got a “meh” response from me: My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys, Dropp It Like It’s Hot by Snoop Dog, and Lose My Breath by Destiny’s Child  Iam very glad to tell you that this month’s menu did not get that reaction.  So, let’s take a look!

November 2004 Menu

Sunset Boulevard Collage

“Sunset” Boulevard

Let’s kick off our movie night with a Boulevard, which is a take on the Boulevadier, a Parisian Cocktail from the 1920s.  The Boulevard packs a punch as it contains Bourbon, Grand Marnier and Vermouth!  It actually reminds me of the famous quote from Sunset Boulevard.  In the scene, Joe Gillis, a young and poor screenwriter, meets Norma Desmond, a former silent movie star dreaming of making her comeback. 

“You used to be big,” he says.

She responds “I am big.  It’s the pictures that got small”. 

Well, like the film I’ve matched it with, the Boulevard is big!  Sip slowly while enjoying the brilliance that is the film Sunset Boulevard!

aa November Boulevard

Phantomato of The Opera Tarts

I loved these!  They were so delicious!  The combination of sweet caramlised onions, the tanginess of the goat’s curd and sweet bite of the cherry tomatoes was Chef’s kiss perfect.  I could not find mustard cress so garnished my little tartlets with basil leaves.  The phantomato tarts are sure to have you singing an aria of joy when you taste them! 

Phantomato Tarts2


aa November Phantomato Tarts Recipe

Chinatown Chicken Salad

This was the first recipe I chose for this film night post because it seemed too good to be true that here was a direct reference to a film.  (For new readers,  I chose the topics for these 20 years ago posts via a random number generator).  And yes, the name was incredibly fortuitous, but….I just didn’t love the salad.  It wasn’t terrible.  It was just a bit bland. 

The second day I ate this, I added some baby corn and some crispy chilli oil to liven things up a bit, and that did make it better. I also didn’t have any coriander (cilantro) so I added some Thai Basil which to me is a far superior herb.  Not everything is for everyone, though, and I’m sure many other people would find this delicious!  Personally, I might have liked it better with the duck, which is given as an option instead of chicken.  However, for me, this quote is my view on the Chinatown Chicken Salad!

Chinatown Quote


Chinatown Chicken SaladChinatown Movie Poster

Chinatown Chicken Salad recipe

Passionfruit Roulade of The Christ

Interestingly, both The Phantom of the Opera and The Passion of The Christ were released in 2004!  So, technically, a movie buff in November 2004 could have themed a dinner party exactly like this.  I added some whipped cream into the roulade along with the passionfruit curd.  

And what a way to finish!  The passionfruit roulade is as light as air with a little zing coming from the passionfruit so it is also not overly sweet!  One might say it is divine!

Passionfruit Roulade

aa november passiofruit roulade

My Nigella Moment – Polka Dot Popcorn

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that may not fit with the overall menu theme, but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

This month, my Nigella moment is definitely in theme!  Because what’s a movie night without some popcorn? When I was growing up, we had a snack food called Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs, which were a combination of caramel popcorn and peanuts.  This gave me the same vibes, plus a wave of nostalgia!  It’s really yummy, and if you wanted to throw in some peanuts for a really Lolly Goggle Bliss Bomb effect, who could blame you? 

Polka Dot Popcorn


Polka Dot Popcorn recipe (2) (1)

I hope you have enjoyed Movie Night from November 2004. For me, the month was a little hit-and-miss.  

I am taking a weekend break next week to travel to Queensland to catch up with some family.  I will do my best to set up the next post to send out on Sunday morning at the regular time.   However, if things go awry and that doesn’t happen, I will be back Sunday evening and will do my best to send it out manually then.  Apologies in advance if it is late.  

Have a great week!  


Bold: Nisha Katona

Hello friends and cookbook lovers! I’ve been exploring Nisha Katona’s latest work, Bold. As the visionary behind the Mowlgi chain of restaurants and the Mowgli Charity, Katona truly embodies the spirit of courage and innovation. The book begins with a poignant Shakespearean quote:

There is a tide in the affairs of men

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat;

And we must take the current when it serves,

Or lose our ventures

The quote simply means that that fortune favours the brave, the bold and those wise enough to seize life’s opportunities as they occur.  Now, I was interested in this quote because part of it forms the title for Agatha Christie’s Taken At The Flood.  which, coincidentally, I was reading around the same time as I picked up Bold.  I love that Katona has used it as a metaphor for her work and for this book!  


Bold – The Look

Bold is a beautifully styled book.  The cover is bright red with gold lettering and a pink plate.  It is both gorgeous and bold!  Certainly eye-catching!  The cover is also slightly padded which gives it a luxuriant feel when you hold it.  It’s so inviting, you can’t help wanting to open it and flick through the pages.  

And that flick will not disappoint, either.  The photography is beautiful!  Just look at these and tell me you don’t want to start cooking now!

Bold FLavours1
From Top Left: Crunchy Nut Chicken Burger, Liquorice and Almond Chicken Satay, Speckled Spiced Scotch Eggs, Beetroot Pannacotta

Bold – The Book

You will notice that some of the combinations within the book are, well…bold!  This is not a book for the unadventurous cook, and for that, I am grateful!  I feel that recently, there have been a plethora of books where the contents have been pretty much the same-same.  This is so creative, and for that, I 100% applaud Katona! But there is also enough that feels familiar – burgers, fish cakes, pasta, spanakopita, Welsh Rarebit, that it is not so different as to feel alienating.  These are meals for the home cook but have a little twist to keep things interesting. 

Would I have ever thought of a Cod and Popcorn Gratin? No.  Do I want to try it?  Hell yes!  As soon as I get my hands on some venison I will be making her Landed Gentry Potickers.  The recipes in Bold for  Simla Salmon Fishcakes, Cashew and Mushroom Stroganoff and Chilli Crab Mac and Cheese are right in my wheelhouse.  I also really want to try the Roasted Corn and Elderflower Iced Tea!  I have mentioned my dislike for beetroot many times on this blog, but the look of that beetroot panna cotta in the photo above has made me want to give it another try!  And how much fun does that Full English Cassoulet look in the photo below? 

Bold Flavours 2
Pink Peppercorn Pavlova, Cassoulet de Full English, Kashmiri Crusted Cote De Boeuf, Caper Puttanesca

Bold  – The Cook

I’ve made two things from Bold, the first was Thai Tequila Trout

Thai Tequila Trout 1

This was delicious, bright, and zingy with citrus, and some really nice punchy flavours coming through from the herbs!  

The second was the Singapore Sling Pineapple Upside Down Cake.  I adore Pineapple Upside Down Cake, it is probably my favourite tasting cake and it also has a kitschy retro appeal that delights my soul!  This one was exceptional.  So delicious!!!  

Singapore Sling Pineapple Upside Down Cake

To be honest, the recipes I made did not take me too much out of my comfort zone.  However, trying them, seeing and tasting the results has given me the confidence to try some of the more out there recipes – Miso Parmesan Doughnuts and Butterscotch Brussels Sprouts, i’m coming for you!  I think this is a book that will delight anyone who wants to try something a little bit different but does not want to be overwhelmed or daunted by recipes that are too “cheffy” or have a load of ingredients that you have to source from specialty shops!  

You can find more of Nisha’s recipes from Bold here

Have a wonderful week!



A Murder is Announced – Delicious Death

Hello, crime readers and food lovers! Today’s Dining with The Dame takes us on a culinary journey from the bustling streets of Iraq to the quaint English country village of Chipping Cleghorn. And, as we all know, the English country village is the natural home of one Miss Jane Marple!  Our delectable companion for today’s reading is Delicious Death – a delightful and delovely chocolate cake that is sure to satisfy both your taste buds and your thirst for a good mystery.  However, it’s important to note that this Delicious Death is not the same one created by Jane Asher in 2010 to celebrate Agatha Christie’s 120th anniversary. I had some difficulty in finding all the necessary ingredients for that particular recipe so as Fleetwood Mac famously suggested, I went my own way on this one!

  Delicious Death


A Murder is Announced – The Plot

When the inhabitants of Chipping Cleghorn read the following in the local paper, they mostly think it is a joke.  

A murder is announced and will take place on Friday, October 29th at Little Paddocks at 6:30pm.  Friends please accept this, the only intimation.”

Despite this, most of them turn up to Little Paddocks, the home of Letitia Blacklock and Dora “Bunny” Bunner on the 29th at the designated time to find out what is going on.  

At exactly 6:30, the lights go out.  In the darkness, a gun fires twice.  And dead body is found on the ground.

Delicious Death2


The body turns out to be that of a young man who worked in a hotel in the local town.  But why was he there?  Who put the weird notice in the paper?  And why? Is someone really trying to kill Leticia Blacklock?

We have:

  • Forged cheques
  • An unused door being oiled
  • A missing revolver
  • A missing lamp
  • Missing photos
  • A host of people who might not be who they say they are 
  • More murders 
  • And EVERYBODY being utterly horrible to Mitzi the maid

Thank goodness for Miss Marple! Sir Henry Clithering might bizarrely call her the ‘Super Pussy of all old Pussies,’ but she’s the one who’ll solve this mystery and bring peace back to Chipping Cleghorn!  Here is a somewhat less unhinged quote from Sir Henry on Miss Marple:

“She’s just the finest Detective God ever made.  Natural genius cultivated in a suitable soil…remember that an elderly unmarried woman who knits and gardens is streets ahead of any detective sergeant.  She can tell you what might have happened and what ought to have happened and even what actually did happen. And she can tell you why it happened”

A Murder is Announced – Agatha Christie

A Murder is Announced – The Covers

Murder is Announced Collage1 (2) (1)

There are some absolutely cracking covers here.  I couldn’t find as many foreign covers as usual which was disappointing.  However, I feel the calibre of the ones I did find make up for it.  Even the weird French one at the bottom which looks like people in a doctor’s waiting room has its own charm! 

The Recipe: Delicious Death

“Death!” said Patrick in sepulchral tones.  “Delicious death.”. 

“Be quiet, Patrick, ” said Miss Blacklock as Miss Bunner gave a little yelp.

“I only meant the special cake that Mitzi makes,” said Patrick apologetically.  “You know we always call it Delicious Death”

Delicious Death Recipe and Pic (1)

Delicious Death 3

“Ha, ” Patrick cried dramatically as the party took their places around the dining room table.  “What do I see before me?  Delicious Death.”  

“Hush” said Miss Blacklock.  “Don’t let Mitzi hear you. She objects to your name for her cake very much.”

“Nevertheless, Delicious Death it is!  Is it Bunny’s birthday cake?”

“Yes, it is, ” said Miss Brunner.  “I really am having the most wonderful birthday”.

A Murder is Announced – Agatha Christie

Links to the Christieverse

Edward Swettenham wrote a play called “Elephants Do Forget”.  Christie later wrote a novel called “Elephants Can Remember”. 

Dermott Cradock, the investigating officer in “A Murder is Announced”, is Sir Henry Clithering’s godson.  We previously met Sir Henry, the former head of Scotland Yard, in Murder at the Vicarage and The Body In the Library.

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in “A Murder is Announced”

  • Coffee x3
  • Kippers x2
  • Toast
  • Sherry / Bad Sherry (so many times!)
  • Eggs x2
  • Stewed Beef
  • Goulash
  • Cheese Straws x2
  • Olives
  • (Fancy) Pastries (multiple mentions)
  • Cabbages
  • Brandy
  • Asparagus
  • Apples
  • Chocolates x3
  • Herrings
  • Lettuces
  • Skim Milk / Milk
  • Honey x2
  • Vegetable Marrows
  • Quinces / Quince Jelly
  • Tea x2
  • Cakes x2
  • Bread
  • Margarine and Butter
  • Meat Paste
  • Meat and two veg
  • Eggs
  • Cream x2
  • Horsemeat
  • Sardine Sandwiches
  • Tomato Sandwiches
  • Wine
  • Corn (for hens)
  • Side of bacon
  • Omelettes
  • Fried onions
  • Jam

November’s read will be Mrs McGinty’s Dead

Have a great week!


Spice It Up – August 2004

Hello friends! Welcome to Twenty Years Ago Today! For a spicy twist this month, I turned to the August 2004 issue of Delicious magazine for recipe ideas.  While the month wasn’t perfect, one dish stood out as a clear highlight and is easily one of my top ten of the year.  But, before we get there, let’s take a little look at what was making the charts pop culture-wise back in August 2004!

Apple and Blackberry pie (1)


Pop Culture – August 2004

So, for the first week of August 2004 and, also for the first time in what seems like eleventy billion years, The Da Vinci Code was NOT  the number one selling book.  That honour went to R for Ricochet by Sue Grafton.  Now, I have never read any of this series.  Is anyone out there a fan?  I love a good mystery / thriller.  Please let me know if you think this series might be good for me!  However, before we get too excited about the demise of The Da Vinci Code, it went back to number one for the rest of August. 

Collateral was the best-selling film of August 2004 but Garden State, which was a film we covered in my film club was #10.  Leave, (Get Out) by JoJo was the number 1 song.  I do not remember this song or the singer at all!!!  Does anyone? 

In the absence of any memory of JoJo, let’s pop the soundtrack for Garden State onto Spotify and get cooking!


The Spice It Up Menu – August 2004

Menu August 2004

Gado Gado

Spices used – garlic, ginger etc in the Satay sauce, chilli

I adore Gado Gado. It’s the perfect balance of health and indulgence, combining the virtue of steamed vegetables with the decadence of a spicy satay sauce. Unfortunately, despite searching through multiple supermarkets, I couldn’t find the tofu puffs I typically include. To compensate for the protein, I added some eggs.  I ate this as a main dish so wanted to make it a substantial meal.  

I also took some liberties with the vegetables, using ingredients I preferred or had readily available instead of strictly adhering to the recipe.”

Gado Gado

Gado-Gado Recipe


AA August - Easy Gado Gado (1)


Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas

Spice used: Paprika

The Jamie Oliver recipe was…alright. While it wasn’t a favorite, it was certainly edible. I’m not likely to make it again, but it was passable.

The biggest issue was the excessive amount of chili. As someone who enjoys spicy food, that’s a rare complaint for me. The chili completely overwhelmed the other flavors.

Another minor annoyance was the recipe’s use of the term “chops” while actually calling for “cutlets.” For those unfamiliar with lamb, cutlets are significantly more expensive than traditional chops. I used loin chops for my version because I had some in my freezer.

Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas

Lamb Chops with Bay, Paprika and Chickpeas Recipe

August  2004- Lamb Chops

Apple and Blackberry Pie

Spices used: Cinnamon and Cloves

This. Was .Divine.

Unfortunately, my photos were not.  Please don’t judge this on the photo or my really bad lattice work because the pie really truly was AMAZING!!!!  This is a top ten dish if ever there was one! There is a version with Rhubarb mentioned which I will also be trying ASAP!

Apple and Blackberry pie 3

Apple and Blackberry Pie 2


Apple and Blackberry Pie Recipe

AA August - Apple and Blackberry Pie2 (2)

Cinnamon Tea and Recipe

Spice Used:  Cinnamon

Delicious Magazine also contained a recipe for Cinnamon Tea.  I only ever really drink herbal tea, so this was not for me.  Howeever, as the name suggests, it does contain a spice so if you are a tea drinker and maybe wanted something to sip on  while eating your pie, here is the recipe. 

AA August - Cinnamon Tea


My Nigella Moment  – Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that does not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in because it is too good not to share. 

I love leek and gorgonzola anything as it reminds me of a pizzeria I used to go to with my work mates a few years ago that did an amazing leek and gorgonzola pizza! I didn’t think these were as good as the pizza but that could also be nostalgia talking.  They were quite nice in their own right! 

Leek and Gorgonzola Tart

Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts Recipe

Leek and Gorgonzola Tarts

I hope you have enjoyed this trip back to August 2004.   Have a great week! 


Crooked House – Tarte Tatin

Hello, crime readers and food lovers! Today’s Dining With The Dame delves into “Crooked House,” which is an absolute belter of a read! Typically, I prefer the Poirot or Marple novels, and standalone novels often fall short for me. However, this one is a delightful exception! The storyline is captivating, and Christie truly outdoes herself in crafting the villain.

Speaking of captivating, let’s transition to our culinary companion for this episode: Tarte Tatin. I selected this classic French dessert for a few reasons. Firstly, apples, a prominent motif in “Crooked House,” provided a thematic link. And, dare I say, there is a bad apple in the crooked house!  Also, with the Paris Olympics in full swing, a touch of French flair seemed fitting. And finally, a well-executed Tarte Tatin is magnifique!

Tarte Tatin

Crooked House  – The Plot

“I think people more often kill those they love than those they hate . Possibly because only the people you love can really make life unendurable to you”

Agatha Christie – Crooked House

The plot of Crooked House is somewhat similar to Taken At The Flood which I covered last month.  This time, we meet the Leonides family, the patriarch of which, Aristide Leonides has just been murdered.  Someone, swapped his insulin for Eserine, a deadly poison contained in his eye medicine.   Aristide had built up considerable wealth and members of his family stand to  inherit a lot of money. 

The family, and list of suspects include:

  • Brenda, Aristides young second wife, who may or may not be romatically involved with the tutor of his grandchildren, Laurence Brown
  • Roger and Clementine Leonides, one of Aristides brothers and his wife
  • Phillip Leonides and his wife, Magda West a (tryhard but largely unsuccessful actress played by Gillian Anderson in the 2017 adaptation)
  • Edith de Haviland, the sister of Aristides first wife who has lived with them since her sister’s death in order to take care of the children (played to perfection by Glenn Close in the 2017 adaptation)  
  • Sophia Leonides, Aristides eldest grandchild and daughter of Phillip and Magda
  • Eustace Leonides the teenage son of Phillip and Magda
  • Josephine Leonides, the 12 year old daughter of Phillip and Magda
  • Laurence Brown, Eustace and Jospehine’s tutor

Charles Hayward, Sophia’s fiance is our amateur detective, working closely with Chief Inspecor Taverner and Detective Sergeant Lamb to find the killer.

Tarte Tatin2

Before we get there though, many things happen including

  • A missing will
  • Embezzlement
  • Josephine being attacked
  • Hidden love letters coming to light
  • The children’s nanny being poisoned by some deadly hot chocolate
  • The wrong people being arrested
  • A missing notebook that may hold the key to everything

It might not be a good thing that we have Charles trying to discover (as one of the covers below asks) who put the poison in the hypo.  He is not, as they say, the sharpest tool in the shed. Despite the abundance of clues scattered throughout the text, he repeatedly overlooks them.

In fact, I found myself uncovering an unusual number of clues while reading “Crooked House,” far exceeding the usual number in Christie’s works. This abundance of hints led me to speculate on whether it was a deliberate strategy on Christie’s part. Given that “Crooked House” was published in 1949, I imagine the revelation of the villain must have been a truly shocking experience for readers of the time. It’s possible that Christie meticulously planted these clues to soften the impact of the eventual reveal for contemporary audiences.    If you have read this, please let me know your thoughts on this!!!!

Crooked House – The Covers

Crooked House Collage1 (1)

I was very happy to be able to include a Greek cover here as the Leonides family are Greek in origin.  I was also very glad to see that one of the covers featured an apple.  This, vindicated my somewhat unusual choice of dish!  There are lots of crooked houses which are to be expected, including one growing out of a ladies head, which is not.  I don’t understand the rather scruffy looking chicken.  And as for the creepy hell clown? No.  Just no.  

The Recipe: Tarte Tatin

There was no one in sight as we drove up to the front door.  I paid the taxi and it drove away.  I felt uncertain whether to ring the bell or to walk in.  The front door was open.  As I stood there hesitatiing I heard a sound behind me.  I turned my head sharply.  Josephine, her face partially obscured by a very large apple was standing in the opening of the yew hedge looking at me” 

Agatha Christie – Crooked House

Tarte tatin recipe


I broke off.  Josephine had emerged from the door leading to the drawing room.  She was eating the inevitable apple, and over its round rosiness her eyes sparkled with a kind of ghoulish enjoyment.  

“Nannie’s been poisoned,” she said.  “Just like grandfather.  It’s awfully exciting, isn’t it?”

Agatha Christie – Crooked House

Tarte Tatin 3

Links To The Christieverse

None that I picked up on – but please let me know if you found something!

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in  Taken At The Flood

In September, we’re going Marple-ing.  A Murder is Announced will be our next read.  

Have a great week!
