Category: 1970’s recipes

MFCB 8 – The Neapolitan Omelette

Now, this one really has me bamboozled.

My first reaction was “That’s one of the dumbest things I ever heard of.  Who puts spaghetti into an omelette?”

But then, I started thinking…what if you replaced the tomato puree with bacon?  Would you get something like a reverse carbonara?  What if you added fresh tomato?  And mushrooms?

Might the Neapolitan Omelette not become something utterly delicious?

I’m throwing this one over to you in a couple of ways.

You can cook it and let me know.

Or you can comment and let me know if you want me to cook it when I get home.

Or both…

Comment, send photo’s if you decide to make it and we’ll decide if this is a lost classic or if it should have been left in the 1970’s.


Neapolitan Omelette

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

The Margaret Fulton Cookbook 7 – Omelettes

Many a good cook’s reputation has been built on the ability to make an omelette.

– Margaret Fulton

Many a photographer’s reputation was ruined by putting feathers in an already overcrowded photo of an omelette.

Gross. And unhygenic.

MCFB Omelettes2

In contrast, the modern photo tips a wink to the Elizabeth David classic “An Omelette and a Glass of Wine”.


Here’s the recipe

Herb Omelette Recipe     Enjoy!

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Margaret Fulton Cookbook 6 – Missing from the Modern

This is worse than the trout of nightmares.

I’m voting that this has to rank pretty high in the list of three words that should never be put together. 


W.T. F. People of 1977?

You had a lovely Olive and Onion Tart and some fabulous canapés to eat.  Why on earth would you choose to eat soup made from turtles? First that’s just gross and second, they don’t even look like they’d taste good. 

Image (22)Don’t even try to make it better by adding some totally delicious avocado. I’m calling shenanigans on you on this one!

 Even worse.  I was alive then.  My mother better never have fed me turtle soup jellied or otherwise. Or we’ll be having words when I get back.

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2

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The Margaret Fulton Cookbook 5 – Onion Soup Gratinée

Only the pure in heart can make a good soup”

– Ludwig van Beethoven

But any bozo in 1977 could photo it. The sign, the snails, the baguettes.

It’s French.  We get it.

Nous l’avons.

French Onion Soup Gratinee 1977
French Onion Soup Gratinee 1977

The soup looks like a hot mess too.

Whereas this from 2004?  Gorgeous! So elegant.  I just want to grab that spoon and tuck right in!

French Onion Soup Gratinee 2004
French Onion Soup Gratinee 2004

Which is your favourite?

Also, all going well in scheduled post land…


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The Margaret Fulton Cookbook 4 – Soups

“What wonderful memories I have of soup and my Scottish mother’s kitchen.  We had soup everyday and each one had it’s own character and charm”

– Margaret Fulton

To me, the character and charm of the soups in the 1977 picture are rather overwhelming.  How much nicer are the modern pictures?  I do however like that there is a nod to the past in the dish for the Soup Chiffonade…

Margaret Fulton Cookbook Soup Collage
Margaret Fulton Cookbook Soup Collage

And I just love the orange pumpkin soup in the blue bowl.

In fact, I have used this particular combination more than once on this blog.  Once in one of my posts on Valli Little’s Slow:

Thai Style Tomato Soup
Thai Style Tomato Soup

And it will shortly feature in my post on Cantina…hmm…maybe it already has?

Pumpkin Soup with Chorizos Migas
Pumpkin Soup with Chorizos Migas

Signature 1 Vintage Valentine Quick as Wink2