Author: Taryn Nicole

Arrivederci Made In Italy

It seems like only the other day that I was writing that I had finished cooking through Cantina and now here I am also having finished Made in Italy by Silvia Colloca!  Admittedly I only had eleven recipes left to cook when I started but I am still pretty proud of myself!  The cover claims “more than 80 authentic recipes from the heart of Italy”.  Of the…I’m not going to count them, so let’s just call it 80 recipes, I made 34 so I’ve cooked 42.5% of the recipes contained therein.

Made in Italy – The Summary

Made in Italy contains fairly standard Italian fare, which is probably the reason why a) I cooked so many recipes from it and b) why I was able to do the last few quite quickly – the ingredients and the techniques are familiar to most home cooks.  The dishes include pastas, pizza, breads, cakes, salads, and seafood.  Not to mention delicious little snacks/appetisers like these Olives All ‘Ascolana!

Made in Italy - Stuffed Olives

It also contains gorgeous photos of the areas in Italy that the book covers (Marche, Abruzzo and Molise so would also make a lovely gift for armchair travellers!

I also liked that many of the recipes were really quick and easy to prepare.  This was particularly refreshing coming on the tails of Cantina where pretty much every recipe was either incredibly elaborate to cook or had had to come by ingredients.

Made in Italy - Bear's Cake

My Favourite Recipes

These were the recipes that got over 4.7 (out of 5) in my personal rating scale.  The ones marked with an asterisk are my absolute favourites.

Sides, Salads and Appetisers

  • Broccolini cooked with chilli and garlic
  • Crostini with lemon, ricotta and spinach
  • Grilled primo sale and vegetable salad (The primo sale is homemade cheese and was delicious)*
  • Olives All’ascolana*

Main Meals



Made in Italy - Apricot and Olive Cake

Made in Italy  – My least Favourite things

The St Martin Rolls were not good at all – I suspect this was due to the use of self-raising flour rather than plain flour.  I didn’t rate any of Silvia’s slices of bread but these were by far the worst.

And, whilst the landscape and food photography was beautiful there were a few too many pictures of Silvia looking impossibly thin.  Then again, if I looked that good, I would want to be showing my perfect figure off in many photos too!

Overall, I would rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5.  It is a very nice addition to the genre of Italian cookbooks and one that I know I will cook from over and over!

If you are looking for a last-minute gift idea for a friend who has been to Italy I can recommend Made in Italy as both a lovely souvenir of a trip and a great cookbook.  Be prepared to pay though.  Even used copies on Amazon are selling for upwards of $50!  Let me know if you want any of the recipes listed above, I can scan them through for you.

Next Tasty Reads book I will be cooking through is Hugh Fearnley Whitingstall’s River Cottage Light and Easy – this will be a welcome counterbalance to the rich food after Christmas so I am looking forward to it!  I have 33 recipes left to cook so it is likely to be a full year effort!

And tell me…what is your favourite Italian cookbook?

Have a wonderful week!





Castilian Leg of Lamb- Dining with The Dame 7

Hello crime readers and food lovers!  Today we are dining on a Castilian leg of lamb as we uncover the evil machinations of a shady group of evildoers known as The Big Four.  This is certainly not my favourite of the books I have read so far as the plot seemed a little silly in parts.  However one of the early stories significantly involves a leg of lamb This  seemed like a great excuse for a roast dinner and the meal did not disappoint!

Castilian Leg of Lamb1

The Big Four- The Plot

This novel pits Hercule Poirot against four evil genius’ bent on world domination – they are an American – the richest man in the world, a female French scientist, the Chinese leader of the group – a criminal genius and “the Destroyer”  the group’s assassin who is also a master of disguise and (wait for it) a British actor.

We have:

  •  Sinister cabals
  • Poisoned curries
  • Poisoned grandmasters
  • Hijinks on trains
  • Stolen radium
  • Secret lairs under mountains
  • Twin brothers
  • Telltale tics
  • And, course Hercule Poirot (or is it twin brother Achilles?) using his little grey cells to thwart the villains and their evil plans.


Castilian Leg of Lamb2

The Covers

Given that we are talking about the Big Four – I’m showing four covers today.  The third from the left is the one I read but I am rather taken by all the others.

The Recipe – Castilian Leg of Lamb

The recipe comes from the wonderful Keith Floyd and his journey through Spain – not in the search of arch criminals but in search of some damn fine nosh!

You can find the recipe here.  You can also watch the entire series of Keith Floyd’s adventures in Spain on YouTube.  Floyd is so engaging it is well worth investing the time.


Castilian Lamb 4

In his hand he was brandishing a leg of mutton!  “My dear Poirot!” I cried “What is the matter?  Have you suddenly gone mad?”

“Regard, I pray you , this mutton.  But regard it closely!”

I regarded it as closely as I could but could see nothing unusual about it.  It seemed to me to be a very ordinary leg of mutton.”

Agatha Christie, The Big Four

Other Food Mentioned in The Big Four

Have a wonderful week! Next book in the list is The Mystery of the Blue Train from 1928.


Homemade Ricotta – Finding my Whey!

As regular readers will know I am cooking my way through Sylvia Colloca’s Made in Italy which was a Tasty Read’s book whey back in 2015. To date, I have two recipes left to cook and I am going to try to get them both done this weekend.  However, one recipe which bamboozled me was Silvia’s recipe for homemade ricotta.

Ricotta 1

I really wanted to make my own ricotta but there was something in Silvia’s recipe that was a stumbling block.  It called for a whole litre of whey.  I had no idea where I could get that from.  I mean I eat a lot of yoghurt but even for me, collecting a whole litre of whey would take about a year!  The internet abounds with recipes and ideas to use your leftover whey but falls strangely silent on how to get it in the first place.  There’s whey protein powder but that seems to be more for bodybuilding than cheesemaking.

I asked a friend who regularly makes her own ricotta. “Where do you get your whey from?”   The answer was a largely unhelpful “From the previous lot of cheese”.

Hmmm….so, with no seeming way to get whey, I turned to the internet.  Which did not disappoint.  I found an Epicurious recipe that used water and lemon juice instead of whey!

Well whey, hey we are good to go for the making of ricotta!  It’s so easy!!!!  It’s not a pretty process as it involves curdling the milk and cream with lemon juice.


And then straining the curds out of the whey.

ricotta 4

So simple!  And the end result is proper ricotta!

ricotta 2

Making anything from scratch is great.  Making cheese…amazing!!!  I was so proud of myself!    And this is a great way to use up cream that you may have leftover from making other things.   I guess that technically I should have saved the whey from this batch so I could make Silvia’s recipe but I totally forgot. I am thinking about what a goat’s milk ricotta might be like so maybe I will save that batch. Ricotta6

Silvia says you can use your homemade ricotta for breakfast with honey and fruit.  I used mine, with some homegrown oregano to make Ottolenghi’s Ricotta and Oregano Meatballs .  They were delicious and I thought I would have some over to take some photos of the following day but we ate them all!

Homemade ricotta and homegrown oregano!!! Look at me being all homestead!  I felt like I was from the little house on the prairie!

Now excuse me, I’m off to turn a hollow log into a meat smoker!

Have a great week whatever you get up to!


Devilled Biscuits – Be Tempted!

I made this recipe for Devilled Biscuits almost as a dare.  I did not see how they could work…but I had just made a big old batch of mango chutney and was looking for something to do with it apart from using it as an accompaniment to a curry.  This recipe fitted the bill perfectly. I had all of the ingredients in the house so it was also a no brainer.

Deviled Biscuits 2

The recipe for deviled biscuits is so simple.  Mix chutney, Worchestershire sauce and butter.  Spread on thin water crackers and grill.  Serve with cold cream cheese and radishes.

The bit that perplexed me was the grilling of the biscuit.  I thought the chutney butter would slide right off.  Instead, it sort of sunk into the biscuit leaving a slight spiciness from the chutney.  Just as a test, I spread the chutney butter on a bagel on the third day I made this recipe and it didn’t work.  The thinness and crispiness of the water cracker worked much better with the chutney butter!

Deviled Biscuits 1

And yes, I said the third day I made this.  I made the deviled biscuits for lunch two days running.  They were really (and surprisingly) good.  And definitely moorish!  The cream cheese and radish topping was also great!  When I made the bagel version I added a little sprinkle of chopped chives and some freshly ground black pepper which also worked really nicely with the other flavours.

Deviled Biscuits 4

The recipe for the deviled biscuits came from a book called Recipes From An Edwardian Country  House by Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall so comes from the early years of the last century.

And here it is!

The Recipe – Devilled Biscuits

Also, you can scale up the butter mixture and freeze it for next time!

I did have a little laugh at this review of the book on Amazon:


Well, I beg to differ Bank of America, I thought this was a great little tasty snack or work from home lunch.  Also, don’t you have better things to do, Bank of America, than leave 2-star reviews on Amazon?  Shouldn’t you be saving the economy or something?  Why are you searching for good old recipes!  Who are you?  Me?

Deviled Biscuits 3



And have a great week!



Lord Mayor’s Mango Chutney

Over the next week or so election fever will hit many of us like a less lethal but possibly more pervasive version of the ‘rona.  After all, the fate of many will ride on the outcome of this highly important and contentious race.  I am, of course talking about our local Moonee Valley council elections!  And yes, of course, there is another far more important election happening shortly.  But today, we are keeping it local and going exotic with a recipe for the Lord Mayor’s Mango Chutney!

Lord Mayor's Mango Chutney3

The recipe comes from the June 1991 issue of Vogue Entertaining Australia.  It  features in an article called “Banquet by The Billabong”  which is all about posh dining outside


What that glamourous description doesn’t tell you is that the calls of the river life probably include crocodiles that will kill you quicker than you can blink and mosquitos carrying dengue fever, Ross River virus and Murray Valley Encephalitis .  Then there’s the venomous snakes and the poisonous spiders and the drop bears.  And the occasional serial killer to boot.  That rustle of linen could well be the noose around your neck and the chink of silver the knife about to slit your throat!.

Come on, it’s Hallowe’en!  if we’re not going to get dark at this time of year when are we????

Lord Mayor's Mango Chutney4


Something a lot less Wolf Creeky is this recipe for Mango Chutney which comes from  Alex Fong Lim who was Lord Mayor of Darwin from 1984-1990. This is a fabulous recipe too.  I don’t like a lot of commercial mango chutneys because I find them too sweet.  This however, has the perfect blend of sweet and spice and heat.  And it is so pretty as well!  The chunks of mango become almost translucent as they cook so they look like gorgeous bright jewels.  This is the perfect accompaniment to a curry – the picture directly below had it paired beautifully with Nick Sharma’s Chicken Biryani Tagine and the one below that has it matched up with a Sri Lankan chicken curry badun.

Lord Mayor's Mango Chutney2

Lord Mayor’s Chutney – The Recipe

Lord Mayor's Mango Chutney Recipe


You can, of course, adjust the amount of chilli to suit your taste.   I only used 500g of mango and 2 birdseye chillies in my chutney. I also used fresh grated ginger and sultanas because I can’t abide raisins.  Most importantly for those of you who cannot get ripe or under-ripe mangoes, or it is not mango season even if you can, I used a packet of chopped frozen mango for my chutney and I was very happy with the results!

Lord Mayor's Mango Chutney


I’m not entirely sure about what the other duties of a Lord Mayor are.  I guess they are boss of the council?  But if the quality of this recipe is anything to go by, then maybe part of their job description needs to be that they all have to share a recipe with their constituents!

I’d vote for that!

Have a great week!
