Author: Taryn Nicole

Admiral Highball – Appointment with Death

Hello food lovers and crime readers!   Today we have not only an Appointment with Death but also a meeting with an Admiral!  An Admiral Highball that is! As mentioned in my previous post on Manakish, there is no food mentioned in Agatha’s Appointment with Death.  There is however a mention of the cocktail called a Highball. I searched through my cocktail recipes and decided that an Admiral Highball would be my drink of choice for this book.

Why you ask?  Well…Admiral Highball sounds like he might be a character in a Golden Age murder mystery.  Or one of the potential murderers in a game of Cluedo.  “It was Admiral Highball in the boatshed with a fishing rod” sounds almost too good to be made up!  More importantly, though, the Admiral Highball contains bourbon and I thought that was a nice nod to the American Boynton family who feature in this story!

Admiral Highball 1

Also, welcome to the RFFMT family, the gorgeous Carmen Vaseranda!  She’ll be popping in now and again to give her verdict on fruity concoctions. She is an absolute beauty isn’t she?

Appointment with Death – The Plot

You know how sometimes you may feel your mother is a little overbearing and/or demanding?  I hear you.  But believe me.  None of our collective issues prepares us for Mrs. Boynton. She’s Flowers in the Attic level mad in her control over her family! Formerly a prison warden, Mrs. B treats her adult children like her former prisoners!  Their touring party consists of her adopted adult children Raymond, Carol, Lennox, her own daughter Ginevra, and Raymond’s wife Nadine.

They are all somewhat psychologically scarred by their years under their mother’s control – some more than others.  Then Mrs Boyton is found dead.  She was taking medication for a heart condition so was her passing from natural causes?  Or something more sinister?  Admiral Highball 2

We have

  • Poirot overhearing the following words through an open window on his first night in Jerusalem.  “You do see, don’t you, that’s she’s got to be killed?”
  • Raymond Boynton catching feelings for Dr. Sarah King, a member of their travelling party.
  • Nadine on the verge of leaving Lennox due to his mother’s control over them
  • Ginevra Boyton increasingly losing hold of reality
  • A number of missing hypodermic needles
  • Some missing digitoxin
  • A tiny mark on Mrs Boynton’s wrist.  Could it be from the prick of a needle?
  • Pretty much everyone lying because they think someone they love did the evil deed

It’s a tangled tale.  Good thing we have Poirot on hand to bring the wrongdoer to justice!

Appointment With Death – The Covers

This, even if I do say so my self is an amazing collection!  Three Italian and one Vietnamese for a start!  I know I always gush over the colours but each and every one of these is amazing!

Appointment with Death Collage

Just as quck aside, you may be wondering why both my photo above and one of these pics has a Buddha when the story is set entirely in the Middle East?  Well it’s because at least once Mrs B is described as a Buddha:

“here, like an arch priestess of some forgotten cult, like a monstrous swollen female Buddha, sat Mrs Bonyton”

But none of above covers  prepares us for the mec plus ultra of covers for Appointment for Death which is, of course, the Tom Adams cover.  Just imagine you have heard the above plot points and seen the covers that came before you.  And instead of using motifs like an older, fat woman, scenes of Jordan, or a  threatening Arab (not even remotely featured in the story but back in the day apparently no one cared about casual racism) you come up with this!

Appointment with Death


Bravo and a standing ovation for Tom Adams.  I have no idea what your cover means, it bears no relevance to the script.

But I love you for creating it!!!

And hate you for giving me nightmares because of it!  I mean what the hell is that  coming out of that woman’s head?

The Recipe – Admiral Highball

Admiral Highball 3My recipe for the Admiral Highball came from The Mammoth Book of Cocktails by Paul Martin

Admiral Highball Recipe

Mr Jefferson Cope took another sip of highball and went on:

“I’d like to tell you, Dr Gerard, just a little of the Boynton family history”

Appointment with Death – Agatha Christie

Links to The Christieverse

I was able to find three references to other books in Appointment with Death:

  • Colonel Race and the Shaitana murder are mentioned by Colonel Carbury (Cards on The Table)
  • Nadine speaks of Poirot’s accepting the official version of the truth in the case of the Orient Express
  • Miss Pierce says she read all about the ABC CaseAdmiral Highball 4

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Appointment with Death

  • Coffee (twice)
  • Whisky Soda (twice)
  • Tea (Twice)
  • Soda Water

As I said at the top – not a huge amount to choose from!

Last time I posted I was heading to Darwin, later this week I am doing a two-day work trip to Adelaide.  My reading material on the flights will be next month’s selection, Murder is Easy. Adelaide is considered the weird murder capital of Australia so goodness only knows what I’ll find there!  Actually, maybe I won’t take Murder is Easy – I don’t want to give some nutter any ideas!

Have a great week!


Girl’s Night – February 2003

Hello Friends! This week we are stepping back in time to February 2003 via Delicious magazine. It just so happened that the topic that came up in my random generator was Girl’s Night.  So it seemed like a perfect opportunity to tie this into Galantine’s Day.

Before we get into that, let’s set the scene for February 2003.  The month started with “Beautiful” by  Christina Aguilera topping the charts.  This was replaced by Avril Lavigne with “Im with you” for the remainder of the month.  Number one in the box office was “How to Lose A Guy in Ten Days” and the best-selling book this week was The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

Watermelon Vodka

My menu has somewhat of a pink theme which seems fitting for a Girl’s night but the content is definitely adult, starting with a watermelon vodka cocktail!

Watermelon Vodka


Watermelon Vodka Cocktail

This was so simple!  I added a little squeeze of lime into the watermelon and vodka mix as I felt it was a bit too sweet / one note without it.  It was super refreshing and made the most of our lovely summer produce!  Be careful though…too many of these and you’ll be slurring

I am beautiful no matter what they sayWords can’t bring me downI am beautiful in every single wayYes, words can’t bring me down, oh noSo don’t you bring me down today

into a pretend mic and telling all your gal pals how much you love them before dessert!

Watermelon Vodka Recipe:

Watermelon Vodka Recipe

Beetroot Confit and Marinated Goat’s FetaTarts

I didn’t make these because I pretty much hate beetroot.  To me, except for one Beetroot Tzatziki which I love, it tastes like dirt.  The funny thing is though, it is something I really want to like.  So I keep trying to make things with it in the hope that I will find the magic recipe that turns that switch in me from off to on.  In this instance, I love the look of the pastry dotted with poppy seeds, the shape of the tiny little black dots echoed in the round of the goat’s cheese, and the gorgeous crimson of the beetroot in between.

Beetroot Tarts Picture

Confit Beetroot and Goat’s Cheese Tarts Recipe:

Confit Beetroot Tarts (1)


Tuna Carpaccio

Tuna Carpaccio

I loved this!!! It was so good!  (one thing, I completely forgot to add the cucumber to this!). Also, I had no mixed baby cress so I subbed in watercress.  When I was in Darwin recently, we went to a restaurant called Pee Wee’s at the Point for the Fussiest Eater in the World’s birthday.  There, I had a buffalo carpaccio which was one of the best things I have ever eaten in my life!  That dish came with a Hot English Mustard Mayo which inspired me to add my own mayo to this carpaccio.  I made a Wasabi Mayonnaise (you can see a little dab of it front and centre in the above photo).

Here is a pic of that buffalo carpaccio.  Just looking at it makes we want to go all the way back to Darwin so I can eat it again!

Buffalo Carpaccio

Tuna Carpaccio Recipe:

Tuna Carpaccio collage 2

Baby Tiramisu

These look adorable!  And despite not being pink, they are the perfect way to end the evening…or to snack on as you are settling on the couch to watch a dvd or two!  And because they are tiny, you can eat one and still fit into a dress just like Kate Hudson’s in “How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days”! 

Baby Tiramisu Recipe:

Tiramisu Collage 2

My Nigella Moment – Duck with Berries

For first-time readers, this refers to the moment at the end of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows when she sneaks back to the fridge to have another bite of something delicious.  In the context of these Twenty Years Ago posts, it is something contained in the magazine that does not fit with the overall menu theme but I’m sneaking it in either because I made it and it was really good, or I just didn’t have time to make it! 

This month, my Nigella dish is Duck with Berries which came from an article on romantic food to cook for Valentine’s day.  It was so good! Timing is so important when cooking duck and this recipe nailed it!

Duck with Berries

Duck with Berries Recipe:

Duck with Berries recipe (1)

Delicious Magazine certainly delivered on the Girl’s Night Menu!

Please let me know if you make the Beetroot Tarts. I am so intrigued by them! And also, if you are old enough to have had a girl’s night in 2003, would this have been the menu you would have chosen?

If you would like to contribute a theme, please let me know,  I’m up for any challenge you can throw at me!

And happy Valentines, Galentines or however you want to spend the coming Tuesday!



Manakish – ish

Hello Friends!  I was inspired to make Manakish by Appointment with Death, the latest book in the Dining with The Dame series.  The book is largely set in Jordan and although no Jordani food is mentioned (quelle surprise). I thought Manakish would be a good representative dish for that post. I made my version of manakish, took the photos, and then decided to do something else for the Appointment with Death post.  But the manakish was really tasty. Too good not to share!  So here it is…actually before that.  Let’s talk about what it is.  Manakish or Manouche is a traditional Jordani flatbread usually with a topping of zaátar or cheese.  Mine is a  not traditional. It is at best manakish adjacent or as I like to say, manakish-ish.  Now, we’ve got through that…here it is:Manakish1

The Recipe – Manakish

I used this recipe from Hungry Paprikas for the base recipe for my manakish.  Per the recipe, I used feta, mozzarella and nigella seeds.  And then I added a  little sprinkle of Zaátar, some red onion slices and a few chilli flakes.  I really had to restrain myself from adding olives, mushrooms, etc as if this was a regular pizza!  This was very tasty despite so few ingredients!  Sometimes, less really is more!


The salad you can see in the first photo and below is my version of  a tomato, pomegranate and caramelised walnut salad from Gourmet Traveller which felt Middle Eastern enough to work well with the Manakish.  Also, the cherry tomatoes and the parsley are from my garden!  I used olive oil and lemon juice in my dressing to keep it simple.  I had also decided to forgo the candied walnuts in the recipe for plain walnuts.  Do not do this.  They were divine.  I wish I had made far more of them than I needed because they were decidedly more-ish!

Salad for Manakish

I would love to see Petra, it looks stunning and is definitely on my bucket list of places to go!

Via Vogue

In the short term though, I will have to content myself with eating Manakish and reading Appointment with Death.  The post for which will be up in two weeks’ time!

I am literally at this moment watching The Deer Hunter for my film club. I can see why it’s seen as a classic but so far (about 1.5 hours in) it has been unremittingly grim and I am not expecting a change of tone any time soon.  Far less harrowing, this week I am hosting our Tasty Reads Cookbook Club where we are cooking from Recipetin Eats.  If you are not a fan, I can recommend it!

Have a great week!






Croquetas de Carne with Peruvian Salsa

Hola Amigos!  Today we are taking a trip to South America via Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972) for some croquetas de carne from Argentina.  And to accompany them we are staying on the same continent but jumping forward in time to 1990 for some Peruvian Salsa.    OMG, these were good!  I mean not good for you – these are a treat for once-in-a-while.  But…for those times when you get a craving for meaty cheesy fried balls with a spicy salsa…these will become your go-to.  And once you have tried these croquetas de carne, believe me, those cravings will come far more regularly than before!

Meat Croquetas

Croquetas de Carne

I have made croquettes once before with a ham and egg filling and the method was quite different.  In that recipe, you made a fairly thick bechamel and then combined the ham and hard-boiled eggs and some herbs into the bechamel.  With this one, you make your meat filling and then the roux/bechamel-type sauce in the same pan as the meat.  It was kind of nifty as it meant you only used one pan.  And less washing up is something that always makes me happy! 🤗

The croquetas de carne reminded me of our Sri Lankan short eat of Frikkadels which are also crumbed fried meatballs.

Meat Croquetas2

Croquetas de Carne – The Recipe

Croquetas recipe

As good as these croquetas are, they did lack a little something-something.  The croquetas are very rich; there is meat and cheese and a fried crumb!  I felt something was needed to cut through the heaviness of the croquetas.  Now, it just so happened that I made the croquetas on the same day that I wrote the post on my  Moscow Potatoes.  It was incredibly serendipitous that as I was begining to think about what I might serve with the croquetas that I happened to have the magazine page that contained the recipe for the Moscow Potatoes and Peruvian Salsa open right in front of me!  Even better, I had all the ingredients for Peruvian Salsa in the house!

The chilli and lime in the salsa cut through the richness of the croqueta’s perfectly!

A match made in heaven!  Or South America as the case may be.

Peruvian Salsa

Peruvian Salsa – The Recipe

Peruvian Salsa recipe

A Return to The Compton-Batts

It wasn’t until just now that I had probably a tenth look at the  menu put forward by the Compton-Batts that I realised how…well the magazine article calls their menu eclectic.  I would probably go with batshit (erm Battshit anyone???) crazy.  Here it is:

  • Moscow Potatoes
  • Pickled Fish
  • Blackened Tuna Sashimi
  • Chilli Stir Fried Lamb
  • Peruvian Salsa
  • Vegetables Cooked in Virgin Olive Oil
  • Asparagus with Parmesan
  • Berry Pudding with Armagnac Chantilly

First that is a LOT of food.

Second, it is a lot of food that does not really go together.

The Moscow Potatoes are, if not exactly Russian, inspired by Russia.

We then move across to…I don’t know where for the pickled fish. I initially would have thought this might be an escabeche so Spain, but there is ginger in the recipe which I don’t think is traditional in an escabeche.  There is coriander in the garnish and coriander and ginger to me says Asia.  I will say though that the recipe sounds delicious and I may well end up making it!  Also, the recipe says to use white fish but the picture of the pickled fish looks like salmon to me.  So the pickled fish is an enigma all round.  Here’s a picture of it

Pickled Fish
Pickled Fish

The sashimi is obvs Japanese.  But why would you have pickled fish and sashimi?

Then we have Chilli Stir Fried Lamb which uses a Chinese cooking method combined with Indian-style spices such as cumin and cardamom.

And the Chinese / Indian main is accompanied by a salsa from Peru.  Which it doesn’t really need given it already has chlllies and lemon in it.

Also accompanying our stir fry we have some vegetables roasted in olive oil and some asparagus with Parmesan which for simplicity I am going to say is Italian-influenced.  Here’s a pic of the asparagus which is drowning in olive oil.  So again, two sides both drenched in olive oil and neither works particularly cohesive with the main dish!

Asparagus with Parmesan
Asparagus with Parmesan

Then for dessert there is a berry pudding (not a pudding but some berries soaked in port and Cabernet Sauvignon) served with an Armagnac Chantilly.  So French inspired.

Croquetas de Carne with Peruvian Salsa


That is one wild menu I thought as I reached for another croqueta de carne dipped in some Peruvian Salsa.  I’m glad I’m keeping it simple!

Have a great week!



Moscow Potatoes

Hello, friends, we are back from our hols – more to come about that later!  Never have I agonised over a post as much as I have over this one.  Not because these Moscow Potatoes weren’t fabulous.  They were delicious and tasted like something special even though they are made from only four ingredients! My dilemma was about whether this might be seen as me taking a pro-Russian stance on wider world events. So just to be really clear, this is not a political statement, this is a food blog.

Moscow Potatoes6

The recipe for Moscow Potatoes comes from the February / March 1990 edition of Vogue Entertaining which is the same magazine that brought us the flowery delights of a rose petal salad.  For this one, we are turning away from flowers and turning the usually humble spud into a ritzy item.  It’s the culinary version of the plain girl taking off her glasses and becoming a glamour puss.

Moscow Potatoes

I had some of the salmon caviar left over from making the Oysters with Caviar so  it made sense to give the Moscow Potatoes a try.  We had these as a little starter before our New Year’s Day dinner of Tomahawk Steak with a coffee spice rub and a caesar style wedge salad.  This was a delightful way to welcome in 2023!  I served these on a plate meant for deviled eggs and I think they looked adorable! You will see I left some of the potatoes un-caviared in case people did not like it.  In the end, I had to add some of the gorgeous salmon caviar pearls to the plain ones as no one wanted them!

Moscow Potatoes2

Moscow Potatoes – The Article

The recipe for Moscow Potatoes comes from a feature called “Fed in The Clouds” .  It is about Alan and Elizabeth Crompton Batts who are as posh as they sound.  He was a food writer, and chef and owned a PR company that was involved with a LOT of very famous London restaurants including Chez NicoTamarind, and Christopher’s.  He was also at one point the manager of The Psychedelic Furs whose song Pretty in Pink is in my Top Ten of best-ever songs.  Her family used to own The Ivy. In short, these two are food royalty!

Alan and Elizabeth Compton Batts
1990’s Power Couple, Alan and Elizabeth Compton Batts

Although I had never heard of either Alan or Elizabeth Crompton Batts before starting this post, and coming into this wanting to be a bit mocking about the whole 80s excess of it all, I was actually very sad to read that Alan Crompton Batts passed away in 2004 at only 50 years old.  This meant at the time of this article in 1990, he was 36 and had already achieved everything I mentioned before!  This took my breath away.  What an absolute powerhouse!

Their menu is also amazing and I”m sure we will see more from the Crompton Batts’ in future posts.

In the meantime though, let’s find out how to make Moscow Potatoes!

Moscow Potatoes – The Recipe

Moscow Potatoes Recipe

You will see from the pictures that I swapped out the mint for some chives.  I think you can go your own way on this.  Dill would also be amazing.

Moscow Potatoes5

Have a great week! Signature2