So as luck would have it, the week I wanted to write about the Turkish meal of Shish kebabs, there has been a diplomatic incident between Australia and Turkey.  But this blog is not afraid to tackle contentious issues.  Actually, no, scratch that, this blog doesn’t want to have anything to do with this debacle.  To be frank, both sides of this spat are terrifying and we here at RFFMT are cowards peace lovers who just want to eat some meat on a stick.  

Or, to be etymologically exact roasted meat (kebap) on a sword (sis). 

Or to be even more precise, delicious roasted meat on a sword.

The recipe for these Shish Kebabs came to you direct from 1972 via Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  As usual, the introduction to each chapter comes with a gorgeous drawing of representing the food of the region:



Each chapter also has an overview of the food of the region.  Some “facts” I learned about the food of Turkey:

  • The Turks have more than forty ways of cooking eggplant

  • People in Istanbul, choose their drinking water with as much care as people in France choose wine.

  • Peaches and apples are ordered by name for those from different areas have a different flavour and fragrance

  • A formal dinner can start with as many as thirty or forty appetisers

The shish kebabs are simple to make, look really pretty with all the colours of the vegetables and taste delicious!

A little drizzle of pomegranate molasses over the top sets these off to perfection.

These shish kebabs are also a tasty lunch treat!  

Shish Kebab3

Have a great week. And be kind to each other!


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