Recently, while enjoying a delicious bowl of German Lentil and Ham Hock Soup, I remembered a quote from Crooked House

” Josephine and Magda got out of the car. Josephine had a bandage around her head but otherwise looked remarkably well.  She said at once: “I want to see my goldfish,” and started towards us and the pond. “Darling, ” ciried Magda, “You’ better some in first and lie down a little, and perhaps have a little nourishing soup.”  “Don’t fuss mother, ” said Josephine. “I’m quite all right, and I hate nourishing soup”

Crooked House – Agatha Christie

***Please note, this post contains spoilers for Crooked House.  If you have not read it and intend to, you might want to set this post aside until you are done!***

Also, the Dining with The Dame Book for September will now be They Came to Baghdad.  A Murder is Announced will be October’s book.    

Now, back to the soup.

Nourishing Soup

Unlike Josephine, I love nourishing soup.  And I am perfectly happy to be unlike Josephine as she was a murderous little psychopath.  Possibly because she didn’t eat enough nourishing soup which is something I always find soul soothing.  We’re almost done with a long, cold winter. And I was feeling a little poorly. Having a big pot of German Lentil and Ham Hock Soup helped on days when I didn’t have the energy to cook.

The soup was very hearty so was really a meal itself.  It did not really need some grilled cheese on the side.  But, IMHO, grilled cheese makes everything better!

German Ham Hock and Lentil Soup

Kindred:  The Cokbook

The recipe comes from a cookbook called Kindred: Recipes, spices and rituals to nourish your kin by Maria and Eva Konecsny.  These ladies also founded a Melbourne institution called Gewürzhaus. This is a “spice house” that sells a huge range of spices, spice blends, tea, cookware.  It is a little foodie heaven and close enough to my work that I can pop in for a browse on the days when I am in the office!  


I initially worried that the book was a vehicle to sell the spices and blends in the shop. However, these fears were misguided. For example, their recipe for Crunchy Chilli Oil, which is high on my agenda to make, lists all the ingredients if you want to make the oil from scratch.  There is also the option to use the Gewurzhaus Crunchy Chilli Oil Blend if you do not wish to buy the individual ingredients.

Some of the other recipes I am keen to try from within the book are:

Kindred is a lovely book with great photgraphy, thoughtful shortcuts and also a great success story for Maria and Eva Konecsny.  I am looking forward to cooking many more recipes from it!  

Nourishing Soup The Recipe

German Lentil and Ham Hock Soup from Kindred

Have a great week! I hope you are also being nourished body and soul!



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