Month: July 2022

Taste Testing Reuben Sandwiches

A little while ago, we were talking about sandwiches and one of my readers said that her favourite sandwich was a Reuben.  I had to confess that I had never eaten one.  I was not even 100% sure what the ingredients for a Reuben were!  However, for it to be someone’s favourite, and a discerning person (after all, they are a reader of this fine blog) at that, I was sure that it would be a pretty good sandwich.  So, I decided to make one!  Reuben - FBTW

The History of The Reuben

First things first though.  Why is a Reuben called a Reuben? There are a few versions of this story but the one we are going with is that the Reuben was invented in the Blackstone Hotel in Omaha Nebraska when a gentleman called Reuben Kulakofsky asked for a sandwich with corned beef and sauerkraut during one of his weekly poker games.  The cook added some Swiss cheese and Thousand Island dressing and encased the lot in between some slices of rye bread.  The sandwich became popular locally when it was added to the lunch menu at the Blackstone.  It became popular nationally after winning the National Sandwich Idea Contest in 1956.

The Rick Reuben – 8/10

Rick Reuben2

My first attempt at this classic American sandwich was a recipe from the classic but not at all American Rick Stein.  Why?  I was reading his wonderful book Rick Stein at Home when I got the idea for this challenge.  Rick suggests using salt beef in his recipe.  I used pastrami in mine.   I’m not sure I have ever seen salt beef in my local deli.
Rick Reuben 1
This was delicious.  I LOVED this sandwich!  BUT it was lacking something.  Every picture I had seen of a Reuben had a bright orange dressing and the Rick version of the dressing consisted mostly of white ingredients  It did have some tabasco but I would have had to put in a whole bottle of tabasco to achieve the vivid orange I have seen in pictures.  And that is a step too far even for a chilli lover like me!  As a result, I felt I was missing the true Reuben experience on this one.

Rick Stein Reuben

Rick Reuben3

The Toasted Reuben – 8.5/10

Grilled Reuben1

My second attempt at a Reuben was a toasted version which came from the May 2022 issue of the Australian Women’s Weekly Cooking Magazine which I bought around the same time as I was reading the Rick Stein book.  Coincidence that both contained a recipe for a Reuben?  I think not.

This one used pastrami and the addition of Sriracha into the sauce gave me the orange colour I was craving.  I also liked the splash of Worcestershire sauce in the dressing on this one.  And it was toasted. so the cheese got all melty and delicious.

Now, the recipe below was intended to be made in a pie-maker.  I do not have one of these so I made it as an ordinary sandwich.

Grilled Reuben 2

AWW Reuben RecipeThe Bought Reuben – 9.5/10

So far, I was pretty happy with both Rebens that I had made.  However, never having eaten one I had no point of comparison.  How would my homemade version stack up against a Reuben made by a professional?  So, one lunchtime  I popped into a cafe in the CBD that specialises in American-style sandwiches and bought one of their Reubens.   The Bowery to Williamsburg Reuben won on the slow-cooked brisket pastrami.  That was sensational.  Also even though I bought posh sauerkraut instead of the reg supermarket stuff, the B2W sauerkraut had a funk that was both delicious and disturbing.  The cafe is a good 20 minutes walk from my office and as I was short on time I ordered my Reuben to go.  As I was walking back  I began to smell something not entirely pleasant wafting about me.  I soon realised the odour was from the very funky sauerkraut and, thankfully not from me!   This was delicious!!!!  Bright orange dressing, swiss cheese and a pickle on top completed the deal but that brisket pastrami?  Heavenly!  BTW, The first photo in this post is the B2W Reuben.

My Reubens tasted pretty similar to the one from Bowery to Williamsburg.  The difference really was in the quality of their meat.  It was warm, it was smoky and tender in the middle and a little bit crunchy on the ends.  It was sooo good.

You may be wondering why I only rated it a 9.5 when it was so good?  Well, it cost a very hefty $17 dollars which is a LOT, even if t was huge! I had half of it for lunch that day and took the rest home for dinner!  I’m both glad and somewhat relieved that Bowery to Willamsburg is quite the trek for me.  I could easily become addicted to their Reuben which would not be great for my bank balance. Having said that, I might pop in there this week because writing about their Reuben is making me really want one!

Have a wonderful week everyone!



Dumb Witness – Good Boy Biscuits

Hello Crime Writers and dog lovers!  Today, in celebration of Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie, we are preparing some treats for our canine friends in the form of some Good Dog Biscuits.  For those of you wondering why we are departing from human food, Bob the Dog is an important character in Dumb Witness and, to double down on the dogginess, Agatha Christie dedicated Dumb Witness to her dog Peter whom she calls the

Most fruitful of friends and dearest of companions, a dog in a thousand

Good Boy Biscuits 1

This is Bob the Dog as depicted in the Dumb Witness episode of Poirot.  What a cutie!

Bob The Dog

Dumb Witness – The Plot

Miss Emily Arundell is dead. Had it not been for a letter she wrote to Hercule Poirot indicating she was concerned about her safety, her death would have passed for natural causes. Sadly, the letter is not posted until after her death. Poirot accepts the case and begins investigating who might have wanted her dead! Without giving anything away, it wasn’t Bob the Dog, despite the fact that someone set up an “accident” that could have been attributed to him.

So, who is in this motley band of possible assassins?  We have:

  • Theresa Arundell, Emily’s niece.  She is described as “belonging to a young, bright, go ahead set in London – a set that has freak parties and occasionally ends up in the police courts”.  I would LOVE to know what Agatha Christie’s idea of a “freak” party was.  I would also like an invitation to one.
  • Charles Arundell, Emily’s nephew.  Charles is the kind of person who, 65 years after the publication of Dumb Witness, would be described by The Libertines as a waster.  Terminally broke due to his spendthrift ways, he hits up his aunt Emily for some money and then threatens her when she refuses to give him any.
  • Bella Tanios, another niece, Charles and Theresa’s cousin.  Bella is married to a Greek doctor.  Despite his profession, the Tanios’ are not well off.
  • Jacob Tanios, Bella’s husband.  This poor man is constantly racially slurred throughout the novel.
  • Wilhemina Lawson, Emily Arundell’s companion who Christie describes as Emily Arundell’s slave.  Miss Lawson is obsessed with the seances held by The Tripp sisters and is always trying to get Emily to attend

Good Boy Biscuits 2

Dumb Witness – The Covers

There are so many covers I want to share today!  We have a few featuring Bob, a few depicting Emily Arundell’s fall down the stairs, and a few that are downright bizarre.  For its American release, Dumb Witness was renamed Poirot Loses A Client.  Let’s have our usual collage of the more normal covers.  There is a particularly delightful Magritte spin on Poirot in these:

Dumb Witness Collage 1

And now let’s take a look at some that need some special call-outs:

Dumb Witness Collage 2

Let’s take these from left to right.

Emily Arundell is an older, if not elderly, woman.  She is not a glamourous brunette with a dress cut down to her navel.  She is also not stabbed?…in the street and left to die while the killer leaves a trail of bloody footprints in his wake.  I love this style of artwork but this really is taking artistic licence to the limit.

Let’s call this next one, “What is the number for the RSCPA?”.  I shouldn’t really have to say this but dogs can’t talk.  So you don’t have to wrap a piece of rope around their mouths to stop them from talking.  I also think it is possibly perilous to wrap a dog’s mouth in rope because dogs pant to regulate their temperature.  I’m guessing on the danger factor on that one because I think googling “what happens if you tie a rope around a dog’s mouth?” will land me on some sort of psychopath register.

As for the third?  I understand the ball, the hammer and the string.  The rest?  Absolutely baffling.

The Recipe – Good Boy Biscuits

This recipe comes to us from a very special source  –  my mum who got it off the lady who ran the training school she took one of her dogs to.  I can’t attest to all dogs but my dogs and her dogs love them!

Holly Good Boy Biscuits

Good Boy Biscuits recipe

Links to The Christieverse

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Dumb Witness

Our next book is a biggie – get ready for Death on The Nile!!!!  Hopefully, it will have you jumping for joy!

Have a great week!  Happy reading!



Blueberry Cake

Last Friday was Canada day so it seemed like an appropriate time to leave the United States of America and head north in our journey through Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  It may also be an excellent time to leave the United States of America for Supreme Court related decisions too but that is by the by.  Anyhoo, to celebrate our move to Canada I made a blueberry cake!

Blueberry Cake 1 (2)

Now, blueberry cake is not the first thing I think of when my thoughts turn to Canadian cuisine.  BUT…this chapter was fairly disappointing.  Notably, the first thing I do think of was totally missing.  I mean – WHO ON EARTH HAS A CHAPTER ON CANADIAN COOKING AND DOES NOT INCLUDE A RECIPE FOR POUTINE????

Ok. Let me take a few moments to do some of the deep rhythmic breathing they taught me at the conference I attended recently.  Just.  Breathe. Do not feel disappointed that you will not be making poutine.  When you go to the office on Thursday you can buy some poutine from the very excellently named Lord of The Fries. Which may be even better than making some yourself.  And breathe…

Ok, calming mantra over, let’s get on with the blueberry cake.

Blueberry Cake – The Recipe

The recipe called for lemon flavouring.  We currently have a tree laden with lemons so I used the zest of one lemon and the juice of half a lemon as my “flavouring”.  This added a nice hit of lemon to the cake.  I found this cake to be quite dry – it very much needed a bit of cream or ice cream on the side.  I had some with some homemade Mango Kufli (from Adam Liaw’s recipe) and it was divine.  Mango, lemon and blueberries are a match made in heaven!  I am not sure if this is because I did not have enough blueberries to half fill the loaf pan.  There was a LOT of cake batter to blueberries so for future baking I might halve the batter mixture.  Another variation might be to put a layer of blueberries in the middle or through the cake as well as on the top.

Blueberry Cake recipe

I think the way the blueberries bleed into the cake is so pretty!

Blueberry Cake 2

Have a great week everyone!
