When i was a child, one of my favourite things to eat was a McDonald’s Cheeseburger. The worst thing – the pickle. I goddamn hated those pickles. Now, I love all sorts of pickles and this recipe for Piccalilli was a beauty! It is super quick and super tasty. And also very pretty with all it’s different colours.

I was inspired to make some pickles after a visit to Meatmaiden. One of their entrees is a “Quick Pickled Heirloom Veg with Chilli and Goat Curd”. These are just clean, fresh, , delicious and a perfect counterpoint to the meat, meat and more meat of the rest of the menu.
I found a recipe for a quick Piccalilli in Slow, one of the Tasty Reads Book Club books.

According to the fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, Piccalilli is
“an English nterpretation of Indian pickles, a relish of chopped pickled vegetables and spices”
dating back to 1758.
But enough education.
You wouldn’t think that pickles were that contentious….but hooley dooley did this cause a commotion in la maison de la retro food.
“That’s not piccalilli,” said the Fussiest Eater in the World.
“Is so” I said.
“Not like any I’ve ever seen” he muttered.
The thing is, he has only ever known piccalilli as this luridly coloured, mushed up kind of chunky paste in a jar. I have never been able to bring myself to taste this because to my eye it looks totally unappealing!
Piccalilli Recipe
I didn’t make the ham hock terrine but if you feel so inclined, this is a two for one!
I”m not sure where you fall on the spectrum of piccalilli, all I can say is this fresh version was delicious and even if you are a diehard lurid yellow stuff in a jar fan, it’s certainly worth a try! And it might just change your mind!