English is meant to be one of the most descriptive and eloquent languages in the world. Why then, do some phrases sound so blah when contrasted to their foreign counterparts? Take Green Sauce, this week’s dish o’ the week. How much better would it sound if it were called Salsa Verde or Sauce Verte or even Pesto?
All of these suggest a zing, a zippiness, a brightness that plain old Green Sauce totally fails to convey. However, out of everything I made from The Meatball cookbook, the green sauce was an absolute standout highlight which I will make over and over.
This stuff is like crack. Seriously, make it once and you will want to smear, drizzle, spread this over EVERYTHING. And here’s the thing – it’s good with everything. Here are some of the stuff I have eaten it with outside of the meatballs:
- Steak
- Roast chicken //Poached Chicken
- Pasta
- Bread
- Fish or any white seafood – lobster, crayfish, prawns, scallops
- Baked and boiled potatoes
And it’s not just me. Everyone in the book club who made this sauce agreed it was the bomb!
It’s also a good way to get rid of some of the herbs you have used in other recipes that might otherwise go to waste. I have added tarragon and mint into the mix and it was delicious both times.
Make it. Make it today. You will not be disappointed. I promise.
Oh yeah, the meatballs were good too! These are the chicken, cheese and corn balls.
No real recipe fails this week – just me failing to make some Banana Buttermilk Pancakes (which have been top of my list for weekend breakfasts) for maybe the tenth week in a row. I’ve given up, I’m making a saffron and pistachio kulfi with the buttermilk as we speak.
This week I am looking forward to cooking:
After the meatfest that was meatball week, I am looking forward to making some salads and this Cucumber, Pistachio, Grape and Feta salad from Australian Gourmet Traveller is hitting every button I have.
So is this Shaved Asparagus, Cured Beef and Manchego Salad but I’m not sure if I can be arsed curing my own beef. Does that make me lazy? Or is that asking too damn much? What is a good substitute? I was thinking I could use pastrami. Suggestions gratefully accepted!
Hmm…there’s buttermilk in that dressing. Maybe the banana pancakes are back on the menu.
In the oven at the moment is Vincent Price’s Champagne chicken for the #treasurycookalong over at Silver Screen Suppers, it is smelling delicious!
In Other News I Am
Listening To
I have downloaded but am yet to listen to The Message Podcast. I’ll let you know how that one works out.
Still on Orphan #8. Had a moment this week sitting in the doctor’s waiting room to get my foot x-rayed whilst reading about a woman who had her whole life destroyed by x-rays and briefly wondered if I should make a run for it. Sadly, the most I could have managed was a slow hobble.
For some reason my computer decided to wipe all the files for Life After Life. Which is a shame because I was really enjoying it. I’m not totally upset though because I think it is something I will like even more by actually reading it.
I have switched to audio reading Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed and I am loving it. I think Jon Ronson is brilliant and have read (nearly) all of his books and never been disappointed. There is something about those smart witty British boys (Ronson, Alain De Botton, Louis Theroux) that does it for me BIG time. I am also totally loving that Jon Ronson is reading the audio himself. I would recommend this to anyone who has any online presence (this means you) in terms of how to behave on the old dub-dub-dub that we all share.
Niki Sengit’s The Flavour Thesaurus is a book I have dipped in and out of for years. I am now reading it cover to cover. And loving it too. I can’t tell you what I enjoy more, her scalding wit or the great recipe suggestions.
I watched Best in Show earlier today and it was as funny as ever. I had totally forgotten some of the mad random bits of hilarity such as Eugene Levy’s two left feet. Utterly watchable!
I have a real hankering to go back and watch some early XFiles. I have yet to scratch that particular itch but it’s there….
Here is the Green Sauce Recipe and if you are only ever going to act on one thing from this blog make this green sauce.
It comes from this book:
Green Sauce – From Meatballs The Ultimate Guide by Matteo Bruno
- 50g (a large bunch) flat leaf (Italian) parsley, leaves picked
- 50g (a large bunch) basil, leaves picked
- 1 clove of garlic
- 35g blanched almonds
- 10g anchovies
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 120ml extra virgin olive oil
- 25 parmesan cheese, finely grated
- Blitz the herbs, garlic, almonds, anchovies, lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper in a food processor for around a minute or until a smooth sauce has formed.
- Add the parmesan and blitz for another minute.
What’s going on in your life / kitchen? What was the best thing you made this week?
What are you looking forward to making next week?
What are you reading, watching, listening to?
Please share!
Have a fabulous week everyone!
Happy Cooking!
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