If you read my last post you would have already seen these amazing cucumber candlesticks…now you get to learn how to make them yourself!

I found the original recipe in, yep, you guessed it, the delight that is Salads For All Seasons by Rosemary Mayne Wilson, because that book never gets old. Well, technically yes it does but you know what I mean.
I fancy pantsed mine up a bit by adding a little bit of hot sauce into my crab and mayo mix but you could use wasabi or tomato paste or chilli sauce, chopped herbs, chopped up sun-dried tomatoes, or pretty much any flavouring you liked. You could also swap out the crab for canned tuna or salmon if that’s how you roll.
I also added a strip of sun-dried tomato as a flame.
The only bit of making these that was even a little bit difficult was scooping out the flesh of the cucumbers and not having them break. I don’t have a grapefruit knife as suggested by Rosemary Mayne Wilson so I ended up using a 1/4 teaspoon measure and scooping out a little bit at a time.

These were really tasty and pretty easy to make. And a pretty cool retro canapé to kick off the celebrations.

To eat these you can slice them either across into rounds down the middle into half or quarter moons.
But before the recipe, I thought I might do a quick “retro” spective. I spent some time the other day going through some old posts and one thing became clear. If there was going to be a sub-sub title for this blog, it would surely have to be “I like round food. And I really, really like small round food”
May 2012 – Cucumbers Stuffed with Cream Cheese
July 2012 – Moccha Mousse
July 2012 – Tuna Stuffed Tomatoes
February 2013 – Barbra Streisands Coffee Ice Cream
April 2013 – Devilled Chestnuts
April 2013 – Rosé Wine Cup
May 2013 – Television Eggs
September 2013 – Ice Cream Muffins
September 2013 – Vietnamese Inspired Aubergine
Minh Mang-o Daiquiri
November 2013 – Kale and Onion Pies, Smoked Salmon Frittata
December 2013 – Pepperoni Pizza with Boccocini, Olives and Mint
December 2013 – Cabbage Rolls with Meatballs
January 2014 – Saffron Risotto Balls
April 2014 – Ox Eye Eggs
August 2014 – Autumn Rosti With Smoked Salmon
August 2014- Meatball Sandwich

November 2014 – Cheesy Eggplant Sandwiches

November 2014 – Chargrilled Aubergines from Persiana

November 2014 – Paleo Breakfast Muffins

December 2014 – Carrot Paprika Balls
January 2015 – Meringue Topped Nutella Cupcakes

March 2015 – Orange and Watercress Salad

May 2015 – French Apple Tart

And you know what else is round?
Pie..and I like pie.
I’m not the only one.
Stay tuned, Pieathalon two is coming soon…..
And finally, here’s the recipe for the Cucumber Candlesticks:
Remember, third birthday giveaway closes 14 June. Enter now to win an amazing 1970’s cookbook, and have a fabulous week!