The original recipe for this used escarole. I’ll admit I wasn’t entirely sure what that is. Cook’s Thesaurus said that spinach or rocket could be substituted, so of course I used something completely different. Cavolo Nero, or Tuscan Black Cabbage is an ingredient I love. It is at the peak of its season at the moment so I substituted it for the green in this. As the leaves are a lot tougher than spinach or rocket (or possibly escarole) I adjusted the cooking times accordingly.
The other change I made to the original recipe, with full apologies to Jules J, was that it originally was a soup. I wanted it as a side dish so I decreased the amount of stock I added back in my version. If you want it as a soup, you will need to add 2-4 cups of stock where I have placed the asterisk in the recipe below.
This was, awesome. I have a very fussy easter for a husband, and it is not often he asks for second helpings of sides, particularly ones that are vegetable heavy. Maybe it was the bacon in this but he not only had seconds, he took the last little bit into work for his lunch the next day!

500 grams eacarole / cavolo nero / greens of your choice
2 cups chicken stock
1 medium onion, sliced
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 spring onions, chopped
1/3 cup lean bacon, diced
1 can chickpeas
1 tbsp parsley, chopped
1/2 tsp basil
2 tbsp grated parmesan
Trim cavolo nero. Discard tough ends. Chop into slices about 1 cm thick.
Put chicken stock in a saucepan. Heat to boiling. Add cavolo nero. If there is not enough stock, top up with water until leaves are just covered.
Cover and cook until crisp/tender.
Drain and reserve cooking liquid.
Saute bacon in a heavy saucepan, add onion, garlic, spring onions, and saute until soft but not browned. Add the chickpeas and cavolo nero and a few spoonfuls* of the cooking liquid.
Warm through.
Sprinkle with grated cheese and serve.