Category: 1970’s food

Cheddar Scotch Eggs

Hey friends! Today, I’m diving into a classic recipe: Cheddar Scotch Eggs. This little gem hails from 500 Recipes for Quick and Easy Meals by Marguerite Patten (1972).

I’ve got a confession: Scotch Eggs are one of those foods I adore eating but dread making. Remember the Pakistani version, the Nargisi Kofta,  I made back in 2019? It was a culinary delight, but let’s face it, Scotch Eggs are a lot of work!  Who wants to deal with the mess of a deep fryer just for one meal? It’s like running a marathon for a single slice of pizza! 

Scotch eggs are however, quite lovely eaten cold, which makes making a big batch worthwhile as you can enjoy meals for a few days!  They are also amazing picnic food so if you are contemplating an al fresco meal in the near future, these could be your go-to dish! 

Cheddar Scotch Eggs1

Ahem, I hear you say.  That looks exactly like a regular Scotch Egg. Where’s the extra cheese you promised? Scotch Eggs are already laborious enough to make, but this version takes things to a new level. You cut the eggs in half, remove the yolks, and mix them with cheese. Then, you reassemble the eggs and proceed with the normal Scotch Egg process..   You can see the split in the eggs where they where cut through in the close up photo below. 

What Are Scotch Eggs?

But maybe I should pause here in case some of my readers are unfamiliar with the concept of a Scotch Egg.

First thing.  They are not from Scotland.  They were invented by Fortnum and Mason the very posh department store in Picadilly in London in 1738.  The term scotch comes from adding anchovies to the meat to cut through the fattiness of the meat and to give it a stronger flavour.  

Second, they are an egg, wrapped in a meat casing and then crumbed and fried. 

Cheddar Scotch Egg

Cheddar Scotch Eggs – The Recipe

Cheddar Scotch Eggs recipe4 (1)


Cheddar Scotch Eggs 4

Have a great week!


New Zealand Oyster Cocktail

Hello friends, I’m back. The old adage that time heals all wounds has lasted so long because it is true. I have had my period of grief.  And whilst it is still not entirely gone, facing each day without tears is getting easier.   And what better way to celebrate my return than with a spicy starter from the land of the long white cloud!  Today’s New Zealand Oyster Cocktail recipe comes from Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972).  The book says that New Zealand men like food with no frills or foreign touches.    Based on the two recipes I’ve made, my summary of New Zealand food is not “no frills” but “Ugly Delicious”. 

New Zealand Oyster Cocktail 2

This recipe was somewhat nostalgic for me as back in the day, our local pub used to do a “Bloody Mary Oyster Shot”  as an starter.  The New Zealand Oyster Cocktail had a very similar vibe.   These aren’t pretty!  But the best part about ugly delicious is the delicious.  And these met that brief in spades, even without the added sprinkle of nostalgia!  

New Zealand Oyster Cocktail – The Recipe

If you are entertaining and want a  starter that takes less than a minute to make but has a wow factor and as mentioned tastes great, then the New Zealand Oyster Cocktail is for you!  

New Zealand Oyster Cocktail Recipe

My Variations

  • The recipe calls for Tomato Sauce which to me means ketchup.  We’re classy people here at Retro Food for Modern Homes and ketchup is reserved for chips and pies.  I used tomato juice which also added to the Bloody Mary feel.
  • For my piquant Table Sauce I used a mix of Tabasco and Worchestershire.  
  • I made a little jug of the tomato juice, Tabasco, Worchestershire, Lemon juice and seasonings and added that to the oysters instead of adding each of these individually as the recipe suggests
  • Finally my serviing glasses were only large enough for one oyster but I prefer the idea of an indidivual serve rather than muliple oysters in the one cup!
  • You can also ditch the glasses all togther and pour your combined sauce and seasonings into the shell itself!  This, to my eye looks a bit prettier but is harder to eat without spilling tomato juice all over yourself! 
  • If you wanted to ramp up the Bloody Maryness of these, add a little splash of Vodka into your tomato juice mix!


New Zealand Oyster Cocktail 3

Have a great week!


Croquetas de Carne with Peruvian Salsa

Hola Amigos!  Today we are taking a trip to South America via Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery (1972) for some croquetas de carne from Argentina.  And to accompany them we are staying on the same continent but jumping forward in time to 1990 for some Peruvian Salsa.    OMG, these were good!  I mean not good for you – these are a treat for once-in-a-while.  But…for those times when you get a craving for meaty cheesy fried balls with a spicy salsa…these will become your go-to.  And once you have tried these croquetas de carne, believe me, those cravings will come far more regularly than before!

Meat Croquetas

Croquetas de Carne

I have made croquettes once before with a ham and egg filling and the method was quite different.  In that recipe, you made a fairly thick bechamel and then combined the ham and hard-boiled eggs and some herbs into the bechamel.  With this one, you make your meat filling and then the roux/bechamel-type sauce in the same pan as the meat.  It was kind of nifty as it meant you only used one pan.  And less washing up is something that always makes me happy! 🤗

The croquetas de carne reminded me of our Sri Lankan short eat of Frikkadels which are also crumbed fried meatballs.

Meat Croquetas2

Croquetas de Carne – The Recipe

Croquetas recipe

As good as these croquetas are, they did lack a little something-something.  The croquetas are very rich; there is meat and cheese and a fried crumb!  I felt something was needed to cut through the heaviness of the croquetas.  Now, it just so happened that I made the croquetas on the same day that I wrote the post on my  Moscow Potatoes.  It was incredibly serendipitous that as I was begining to think about what I might serve with the croquetas that I happened to have the magazine page that contained the recipe for the Moscow Potatoes and Peruvian Salsa open right in front of me!  Even better, I had all the ingredients for Peruvian Salsa in the house!

The chilli and lime in the salsa cut through the richness of the croqueta’s perfectly!

A match made in heaven!  Or South America as the case may be.

Peruvian Salsa

Peruvian Salsa – The Recipe

Peruvian Salsa recipe

A Return to The Compton-Batts

It wasn’t until just now that I had probably a tenth look at the  menu put forward by the Compton-Batts that I realised how…well the magazine article calls their menu eclectic.  I would probably go with batshit (erm Battshit anyone???) crazy.  Here it is:

  • Moscow Potatoes
  • Pickled Fish
  • Blackened Tuna Sashimi
  • Chilli Stir Fried Lamb
  • Peruvian Salsa
  • Vegetables Cooked in Virgin Olive Oil
  • Asparagus with Parmesan
  • Berry Pudding with Armagnac Chantilly

First that is a LOT of food.

Second, it is a lot of food that does not really go together.

The Moscow Potatoes are, if not exactly Russian, inspired by Russia.

We then move across to…I don’t know where for the pickled fish. I initially would have thought this might be an escabeche so Spain, but there is ginger in the recipe which I don’t think is traditional in an escabeche.  There is coriander in the garnish and coriander and ginger to me says Asia.  I will say though that the recipe sounds delicious and I may well end up making it!  Also, the recipe says to use white fish but the picture of the pickled fish looks like salmon to me.  So the pickled fish is an enigma all round.  Here’s a picture of it

Pickled Fish
Pickled Fish

The sashimi is obvs Japanese.  But why would you have pickled fish and sashimi?

Then we have Chilli Stir Fried Lamb which uses a Chinese cooking method combined with Indian-style spices such as cumin and cardamom.

And the Chinese / Indian main is accompanied by a salsa from Peru.  Which it doesn’t really need given it already has chlllies and lemon in it.

Also accompanying our stir fry we have some vegetables roasted in olive oil and some asparagus with Parmesan which for simplicity I am going to say is Italian-influenced.  Here’s a pic of the asparagus which is drowning in olive oil.  So again, two sides both drenched in olive oil and neither works particularly cohesive with the main dish!

Asparagus with Parmesan
Asparagus with Parmesan

Then for dessert there is a berry pudding (not a pudding but some berries soaked in port and Cabernet Sauvignon) served with an Armagnac Chantilly.  So French inspired.

Croquetas de Carne with Peruvian Salsa


That is one wild menu I thought as I reached for another croqueta de carne dipped in some Peruvian Salsa.  I’m glad I’m keeping it simple!

Have a great week!



The One with The Flan

For most people of my age the word flan conjures up the episode of Friends where Monica makes a birthday flan.

Monica Geller : We’re not having cake. We’re having flan.

Chandler Bing : Excuse me?

Monica Geller : It’s a festive custard Mexican dessert.

Well, today we having Flan de Café which is a coffee flavoured Mexican custard dessert direct from the South American chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  Now, I know Mexico is not in South America, and I know you know that Mexico is not in South America.  Good Housekeeping?  Maybe not so much!  Flan De Cafe

To amp up the coffee-ness of my flan, I baked them some vintage tea cups.

Flan De Cafe 2

What did not need to amped up was the coffee flavour. I used the lower level of coffee suggested by the recipe which was 6 tablespoons and thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest for about an hour after eating it!  I was WIRED!  Talk about a major flan high!

I would probably halve the amount of coffee for future makes.  Outside of a power punch of caffeine, the flavour was lovely, the light touch of orange added a refreshing note and the custard was silky and smooth.  The Brazil nuts added a nice crunch as well as some garnish.  I   added some extra orange zest to the top of the flans to brighten them up.  I chose not to use the recipe’s serving suggestion because I have a bit of a yecchh factor with raw eggs and I could not find guava jelly anywhere.

Flan De Café – The Recipe

Flan De Cafe


Festive Flan Fun

As I was making the flans, I remembered something I heard wayback one of those science shows for kids.  They said that there was enough oil in a brazil nut to act as a candle.  For some weird reason, that  piece of trivia has stuck in my head!  Well, I had Brazil nuts and I had a flan which, after all is a festive dessert!

I really didn’t expect this to work particularly as the nuts kept breaking when I tried to chop them into anything resembling a taper.  However….

Flan de Cafe3

Success!!!!  Now that’s a really festive custard dessert!

Have a great week!




Lime Pie with Creme De Menthe – Pieathalon 9!

Greetings Pie lovers!  Welcome to a special midweek edition of Retro Food For Modern Foods.  Today we are celebrating that best of best days of the year – Pieathalon Day. This is the day, where lead by the lovely Yinzerella, bloggers worldwide swap and cook vintage pie recipes.

pieathalon 9

This year I got a recipe for Lime Pie with Creme de Menthe sent to me by Dr Bobb.  Now, call me biased but how pretty are these?  I made lots of little pies because I could not find a large already baked pie crust and at the time I made these I was suffering from double ear infections and a bad back so I was not really up for shopping about.  The one shop I went to had no large pie crusts so I bought two packs of medium. I’m kind of glad.  I think the little pies look adorable.


Lime Pie with Creme De Menthe

Lime Pie with Creme de Menthe?

To be honest, though, I was not initially enamoured with the recipe.  Lime yes!  It was the Creme de Menthe I was struggling with.  I have never really tasted Creme de Menthe, all I knew about it was that it was a mint-flavoured liqueur that Poirot sometimes sips.  Hmm…I wonder if that is why Yinzerella sent it to me!  I have a love/hate relationship with mint-flavoured things.  I hate mint tea and mint choc chip ice cream but I love a mint slice biscuit and I love the combo of mint and lime in a mojito.

Looking at the bottle of Creme de Menthe though I couldn’t help feeling I was going to be flavouring my pies with something that looked suspiciously like the mouthwash I use!

I had to keep reminding myself Mojito, not Listerine!

Mojito!  Mojito…And given that I always like to have a song to celebrate Pieathalon, I was singing that “Mojito, mojito” to the tune of the bit in Despacito that goes “Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito”.

(How many of you are not humming despacito now?

Lime Pie with Creme de Menthe2


However the real sticking point was not the Creme de Menthe but came when I was half way through making the recipe.  At the exact point when I realised that the original recipe contained egg yolks that were not going to be cooked.

Hard no for me on the raw yolks.

Not the least of which was that I now had 12 little pies. These were going to last us for days. And if the idea of fresh raw yolks was bad, the idea of 4 day old raw yolks was putrid. Plus the mixture was quite runny. I was sure if I left it uncooked, we would have soggy bottoms in no time. And as anyone who watches the Great British Bake Off will know, no one likes a soggy bottom!

So, I popped my little pies into the oven for about 15 minutes.


Lime Pie with Creme de Menthe3

Despite my misgivings, these pies were delicious!

Lime Pie with Creme De Menthe – The Recipe

Lime Pie recipe


Doctor Bobb, I raise my glass to you and your recipe!

Why not check out what Dr Bobb and all the other pieathletes made per the links below:

(please note some of the links may not be live at the time of posting.  I will update as they become live).

Yinzerella Candy Apple Cheese Pie
Dr. Bobb praline pumpkin pie
Battenburgbelle Zucchini Pie
S S Yul Brenner’s Pie
Jenny Sagittarius Hamburger Pie
Surly poohs summer pie
Kari Ham Tongue Pie
Poppy Crocker apricot mallow pie
Camilla Chocolate Angel Pie

If you are wondering who got the pie I submitted, it was Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers!  Good luck Jenny, I hope you enjoyed your hamburger pie!

Thanks as always to Yinzerella for organising this brilliant event!
