It seems fitting that for the 13th (and last) part of this series that we hit what has to be the weirdest photo in The Margaret Fulton Cookbook. I’m not even sure where to start with this one….
- This lady’s incredibly hairy arms?
- The weird tan line across the back of her wrist?
- Why would you put your thermometer in the meat and then rub the salt over it. Surely it’s just going to get in the way?
- What is that even doing there? Don’t you take the temperature during cooking not before?
- Why would you even want a photo of someone rubbing raw meat?
So many questions. So few answers…it boggles my mind!
It seems so right…and yet so wrong to leave you with this image but I’m back from holidays and normal (or what passes for it ’round here) transmission will resume shortly!

Have a great week!
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4 Comments on MFCB 13 – Missing from the Modern Part 3
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I know. It’s hard to fathom so many levels of weird in just one photo. xx
I think that’s a man hand with press on nails…..creepy!!! 🙂
Haha…you might just be right! xx